Till Death do us Part (Viego Ball RP) (Vampire Azula x Noble Sol) - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)

Soleil & Lila's Group!

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

A ball like this was always a lively event. Thresh was used to living in isolation, and he genuinely did not mind it - nay, he preferred it - but it was nice, he supposed, to attend such an event every now and again. The Duke (1) was hosting it this year, and he'd invited the most important vampires from this country and the neighboring ones. And, of course, a handful of human guests, most of whom were women. They were certainly part of the attraction, but they were not the main event. A masquerade ball in and of itself was entertaining, and the opportunity to mingle with vampires he hadn't seen in years was quite welcome, too.

In any case, Thresh had never cared to find himself a human companion in an event like this - he simply had no use for one; never had anyone caught his eye. He doubted this year's ball would be any different, though even he couldn't help but size the women up. Maybe, just maybe... In truth, he had been feeling rather lonely as of late, but would anything actually change, if he had someone? It all rather felt like too much work... The woman would have to be well and truly extraordinary to be worth the effort. Thresh's standards were high, and a part of him doubted anyone would ever be good enough for him. So then, how useless was it of him, that his gaze kept wandering-?


Viego had arrived early, to soak in the party as it began. He liked to stand by the banister on the second floor and watch as men and women - sometimes as couples, sometimes alone - came in together. The men all dapper, and the women absolutely stunning, with their skirts billowing around their legs as they walked. The masquerade ball was a wonderful affair, and Viego had been looking forward to it for weeks. His life had recently felt so drab and colorless, monotony taking over after years and years of sameness. It was events like these that brought feeling back into his world. The other vampires were all great, of course, but it was the humans who really brought him joy. They saw the world through fresh eyes, and marveled at each and every beautiful thing. The vampires had seen this all before, a hundred times over. But the joy on the humans' faces was unparalleled, and somehow, Viego always found himself drawn to them; he couldn't wait for the dances to begin.

It was as he was watching the guests enter, one by one, that he saw her. It felt as though his heart - dead for many, many years - had skipped a beat. There was something familiar about that beautiful woman, though he knew they couldn't have possibly met before, and Viego knew immediately that he wanted her, no matter what. He kept his gaze on her as he walked towards the stairs, and down to the ground level of the ballroom, to meet her. She'd come alone, hadn't she? He approached her, and shot her his most charismatic smile.

"May I have your first dance, my Lady?"

Soleil could hardly believe it - she was going to a masquerade ball! She'd gotten an invitation letter two weeks ago, inviting her to the Duke's ball from the next town over. She lived in a comparatively small town, and though she'd attended many prestigious events here, they were nothing compared to a ball-! She'd never even met this Duke, but apparently he'd sent out invitations to a number of eligible young women, so she really didn't count herself as anyone special - just the daughter of a nobleman, invited by pure chance.

"Do you think he's looking for a new wife?" Her little sister had asked, hanging off of her shoulder. "Maybe you'll fall in love!"

"Don't be ridiculous." Soleil chided her, albeit with a smile. The Duke was a widower, so it was possible, but even if she somehow managed to catch his eye... "You know I've no interest in a husband. I'm just going to enjoy a magical night at the ball, that's it."

And finally, the day had arrived. Soleil had gotten a new dress - and mask, of course! - tailored for the occasion. The maid had carefully pinned her hair into a beautiful updo. She was used to wearing lovely things, certainly, but tonight - she felt more beautiful than ever. She'd taken a carriage all the way over to the larger town, some three or four hours away, alone only with the footman. He would wait for her through the night, and take her back home come morning. Soleil was a little nervous to travel without anyone else, but her parents and brothers were quite busy. Besides - she'd been the only one from their family to receive an invitation, and it would not do to impose an unplanned guest on the hosts. And the footman, Thomas, was a good man, and she trusted him to keep her safe.

He helped her out of the carriage, and Soleil looked upon the mansion with awe. Really, it was nearly a castle-! It was already bustling with life, beautiful men and women all dressed to the nines getting out of carriages, and every window in the manor lit up. Thomas bid her farewell for now, and took the horse around back to the stables with the other coaches and footmen. In truth, Soleil was quite nervous, but her excitement overpowered all of that. She smiled to herself, and walked up the stairs and into the grand hall...

(1) so I'm going with the assumption that the Duke is Ozai, like in the previous vamp rp, but it can be someone else! it can even be Thresh! This character is really only needed to host the ball I think, so let me know if you want it to be one of your boys!

2021/06/24 7:23:52 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[we can totally use Ozai! I think it fits perfectly mhm]]

Lilium had a very fortunate life. Really, she was well off and should be grateful! But the days slowly became dull, and she found herself wanting to do so much more. She was rather sheltered, really, so it was no wonder she hadn't experienced much in the world. A shame, too... but she could not change her lifestyle for too many reasons.
When a letter arrived for her in the mail one afternoon, she assumed there had been some kind of mistake. An invitation to a grand masquerade ball! The woman was absolutely thrilled, but assumed she would not be allowed to go, and so set the invitation aside, feeling disheartened.
A maid found the invitation, and showed her parents, who then decided this was the perfect opportunity to mingle with potential suitors. She was not yet married, and certainly needed to marry before it was 'too late'. So, by some miracle, Lilium was given a new gown and mask, and whisked away to the ball.
When she arrived at the large manor, the woman looked up in absolute awe -- but attempted to hide it, as to seem elegant and refined like the other guests. She didn't want to seem like a tourist, or something of the sort.
Entering the manor and arriving in the huge hall was like something straight out of a fairy tale. It was absolutely gorgeous, in every way. The chandeliers and music, so elegant and lovely.. the guests too, all looked beautiful. In all honesty, Lilium could enjoy the rest of the evening like this, simply watching everything take place. This was certainly a memory that she'd never forget.
Not too long after she arrived, a man with the brightest blue eyes she'd ever seen approached her. He asked her to dance, and she couldn't help but to wonder where this man was from. His accent sounded exotic, and he looked.. otherworldly, to be honest.
Lilium had to remind herself that staring was rude, and she returned his smile with a polite one of her own. "Gladly." She finally said, in an attempt to distract him from her obvious impoliteness. Ah.. she couldn't remember the last time she'd been to a ball. And, although she certainly took private lessons at home in many things, she was not used to interacting with people. She hoped she wasn't making a terrible first impression...

Golden eyes narrowed slightly as a young woman sipped at the thick red liquid in her elegant wine glass. Although Azula knew her father set this ball up for appearances, the woman still needed to interact and mingle with the others. Not that the vampire was particularly interested in any of that. She did not care for others, and thought herself far superior to anyone else here. Why should she of all people, be forced to interact with people beneath her? Still, she obeyed her father, and attended the masquerade ball as expected of her.
The woman busied herself by simply watching the guests arrive by one of the tables set up near the side of the hall. She sipped at her drink and swirled the thick liquid in her glass, watching it for a moment before she suddenly noticed something from the corner of her eye.
Immediately, her eyes snapped up and she caught sight of a stunning young woman in a pale yellow dress. Her mask and gown reminded her of the sun; something she usually disliked, of course, being a Vampire. Though she found herself thinking this look matching the woman perfectly. The woman resembled light personified.. stunning, really.
Azula felt the corner of her lips turn up into a slight smirk. Suddenly, she became a whole lot more interested in this ball. There was no doubt about it.. she'd turn her. Of course, no one would question her choice either, being who she was. The woman simply had to be hers, at all costs. And no one would ever stand in Azula's way, not when there was something she wanted.
Still, she'd wait for the perfect opportunity. For now, she'd blend in with the crowds, and watch this light woman as a bystander. Even the way she moved through the crowds was mesmerizing..
She noted, for a moment, how several vampires turned to look in this woman's direction. Perhaps they found it amusing how a human seemed so confident in a place filled with vampires. Azula wasn't sure, but most of them didn't particularly bother with humans in the first place.
"My Lady, may I have this dance?" A man had approached her -- one of her kind -- while she'd been focusing on that woman in gold.
Slowly, Azula set her glass down, and forced a very convincing smile, "Of course. How could I possibly refuse?" Perhaps if this man had known her better, he'd be able to catch the slight sarcasm, but he seemed happy for this chance anyway.
The Vampire was Leonel, someone she'd seen here and there. He surely recognized her, of course, and was trying to get on her good side. Not that she cared, really. She was only doing this for appearances, and to keep her father's reputation.
Leonel held his hand out to her, which she took, and then led her out into the middle of the hall. All the while, Azula kept her eye on that woman from earlier, never letting her leave her sight.

2021/06/24 8:42:39 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego smiled at her when she spoke, and accepted his dance offer. Yes- he was quite certain of it. Her voice was just as he remembered it to be, and it set a long ache into where his heart once was. How he'd dreamed of seeing her again-! Of hearing her again-! She looked as beautiful as on the day she'd left him, though her pretty was face was obscured by the mask. He couldn't be certain it was her until he got a proper look, but- he was almost certain, at least. How he longed to reach up and remove the mask with his own hands, to gaze upon her visage after so many years-! But that would be impolite, both to her and to the hosts of this ball. So- he would wait. He had to.

But she didn't seem to recognise him, not at all. She smiled at him politely, and placed her hand on his, but her reaction was what was expected of any well-bred young woman attending a ball. Polite and kind, but ignorant of who Viego really was. Then- she did not remember him? He supposed that made sense, considering she'd been dead for so long, but it pained his heart nevertheless. He'd retained all the love he'd had for her all these years; never had he taken another lover, even when his heart ached with loneliness, he'd only ever yearned for her. But she- did not remember him. She did not love him, not yet.

But she would. Viego would make sure of it. Now that he'd found her, he would never let her go again. They would be together forever, as they'd always intended. All he had to do was remind her of this bond they shared... or have her fall in love with him all over again.

Viego placed his hand on her waist - and how wonderful it was to touch her once again! - and she placed hers on his shoulder. The music picked up, and he swept her into waltz. And for the first time in more years than he could remember - he felt alive again.

"If I may be so bold," He murmured as they danced, "You look absolutely beautiful tonight, Lilium."

He saw her surprise when he spoke her name. So- it really was her, after all! He couldn't believe his joy, to know with certainty that his Lilium was here now, dancing with him-! He smiled - how did he know? "I have heard of you." He said, with a twinkle in his eye.

It saddened him, though, that she could did not recognise him, that she could not recall his name, but no matter: he would teach her all over again... "I am the Count Viego. Have you not heard of me?" He asked her, feigning a joke, but in reality he was looking for her reaction - did hearing his name not ring any bells-?

Oh my! Soleil had thought the outside was beautiful, but it was incomparable to the scene inside the manor. Although the ball was just beginning, there were already so many guests, mingling and dancing and laughing. The orchestra was playing a lively waltz, and servants kept bringing more food and drinks to the buffet, so that it never dwindled. For a moment, all Soleil could do was take in her surroundings with awe. She'd never seen so many beautiful people in one room, and a ball with such extravagance-!

She blushed as she realised that a good handful of people were looking her way. Did she really look like such a country fool, impressed by this ball? Surely all these people were used to such extravagance! Perhaps she stuck out like a sore thumb, staring at all these things they paid no mind to? It could not be that anyone recognised her - she was not from this town, and doubted she'd meet a single familiar face. Really, she felt quite silly wearing her mask when no one would recognise her in the first place, but this was a masquerade ball after all. And at least the mask hid her blush somewhat.

"My Lady," a handsome man approached her, and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Soleil blushed, and smiled. "Yes, of course." She placed her hand on his, and he raised it up to his lips, to press a kiss against her white gloved knuckles. He lingered, for a moment, and breathed in deeply, before finally lowering their joined hands. He placed his other hand on her waist, and she on his shoulder, and she followed as he began to lead the dance.

He wore a gentle smile as they danced. "I haven't seen you before, Lady-?"


"Lady Soleil. I am Lord Mattias." The man said. They talked a little bit as they danced, of where they were from and so on, until the song finally came to a dance. He smiled at her, and again pressed a lingering kiss to her hand. "Enjoy the rest of the night, my Lady."

The next song had scarcely begun when another man was at her side, and asked her for a dance. Soleil smiled, and did not refuse. He gave her the same lingering hand kiss as Lord Mattias, and she deduced that it must be a regional custom. The music picked up, and he swept her into the dance...

2021/06/25 6:18:17 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Already, Lilium was having a wonderful time. This man that had approached her was very polite, and seemed genuine as well. It was almost a little strange, how comfortable she felt dancing with him. Almost as if she had done this before, in the past.. but no, she had never been to a ball before, she was absolutely certain of that. Maybe her lessons from back home really were paying off.
They swayed perfectly together, and the woman gave a sheepish smile at the man's compliment-- but, oh. He knew her name? That took her by surprise, and she raised her brows a bit in shock. Though.. why did it sound so familiar when he spoke her name? That was incredibly strange. In fact, the woman had nearly not caught onto the fact that she had just met this man, so natural did her name sound on his tongue. Oh well... perhaps she had met him before, in passing? Or maybe someone with a similar accent had spoken her name? She did have many guests over at her manor, because of her parents.
"You know my name-- how?" Lilium asked, not unkindly. The man responded that he had heard of her, which wasn't terribly uncommon she supposed. In a town such as this one, many people knew each other, even if they haven't quite met. Maybe he had seen her around somewhere, and someone offered him her name. It wasn't so strange.
The woman was quite embarrassed to admit that she didn't know of a Count Viego.. "I'm afraid I have not heard of you, Count Viego..." She mused sheepishly, but then paused, eyebrows furrowing just somewhat. No.. now that she spoke his name aloud, she was almost certain she'd heard of him before. That was so odd..
"A-Actually," She said quickly, "I think perhaps I might have heard of you. Although I can't recall from where." Maybe he'd think her to be lying, in an attempt to be polite, but it was the truth. Oh well.. surely she must have heard talk of this Count from somewhere. It wasn't strange at all, and she would not be able to remember each and every single name she overheard, right?
In any case, Lilium found herself incredibly interested in learning more about this mysterious man. "Are you from around here?" She asked him as they slowly continued to dance as the music played. "My parents often do not let me out of the manor, but they decided to change their mind for tonight's big event. I suppose this masquerade is too incredible to pass up."

Azula kept her distance from the woman in gold, though made sure to watch her from the corner of her eyes. "My Lady, you seem distracted tonight." Leonel pointed out, to which the woman gave a slightly irritated look. "Perhaps I am. As the Duke's daughter, I have a lot on my mind." Even if she didn't, who was he to even question her? "Are you interested in that human?" He pressed further, leaning in slightly as they danced, so that his voice would not be overheard.
It wasn't surprising that he noticed her looking towards that woman. He was a vampire after all, and all vampires had incredibly heightened senses. "I haven't seen her before. I noticed many others glancing her way as well. She is not from this town." Azula stated. That meant that the woman would also not recognize her as the Duke's daughter. It would be strange, to interact with someone who did not immediately call her by her title.
"Indeed. Fresh blood for some, I suppose. Not many newcomers come by here." Leonel responded, slightly amused. "Someone is approaching her- Ah, Lord Mattias. Of course he'd be looking for a new human." He glanced in the woman's direction, causing Azula to look over as well. She noted, with mild annoyance, that the man pulling her into a dance was leaning in to catch scent of her blood. It was not strange in their community to do such a thing, but for some reason it annoyed Azula nevertheless.
"Surely he isn't interested." The vampire finally stated, glancing away in irritation. "Perhaps," Leonel began, "Although one could never tell with him. If you were to approach them, my Lady, no one would question or stand in your way." That was true. If Azula went over there right now and took this mysterious sun woman away, no one would question her. Not when she was of the highest ranking in this town, besides her father.
They continued to dance, until the music came to a stop. Leonel gave a slight bow. "It was a pleasure to dance with you, Lady Azula." He left afterwards, possibly to dance with someone else.
Now that she was alone again, she indicated for a servant to come over to her, and then took a glass from his tray.
She watched with narrowed eyes as Lord Mattias left, and then another man came to the woman's side. He, too, leaned down to catch scent of her blood. This was probably why so many people were looking towards her.
It would be alright. They would not try to feed off of her now, in the midst of the ball. Should anyone try to whisk this woman away, however, Azula would certainly intervene.

2021/06/25 9:12:39 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

And so she did not recognise him. It didn't surprise Viego, not in the slightest, but still he found himself disappointed. What sort of cruelty was this, that he could finally be reunited with his lover, but that she did not know him-? It was easy to fall into those thoughts and be upset, but no, he would not curse the gods for giving him less than what he wished for. Already they have given him the greatest gift, in letting them be reunited at all. He would bow his head and not dare ask for more.

And then she added something that stole the breath out of Viego's lungs. Lilium... did recall him? At least somewhat? Then- surely there was a part of her that knew! Memories that were dormant in her, waiting only for someone to awaken them. Viego visibly brightened, smiling even more, and he felt an almost irresistible urge to pull Lilium in close against him and kiss her and tell her everything.

It would not do to tell her everything right now, though. For one, this was a public event, even if populated mostly by other vampires who knew of Lilium. And this was- probably upsetting information, for anyone, to hear. It could cause a scene. It could make Lilium uncomfortable, learning about her past life - with a rather traumatic end to it, no less - from someone who was practically a stranger. And would she even believe him? If her memories did not come back with his words, then surely she would not trust him, for who would believe a story like that? No, perhaps it was best to let this come naturally. To spend this evening together, and court her as any human pair would do, and answer all her questions - but not to reveal any information himself. It would be painful, having to wait, but he'd waited this long - he could manage a little while longer, for her sake. For her comfort.

"No." Viego admitted. His kingdom did not exist anymore - it had not for many, many years. In earnest, it had crumbled along with Viego's heart. But it had been centuries since its downfall; Lilium, as she was now, would not remember it. He could not tell her from where he was really from. Perhaps she had some guesses, based on his accent, but she would never guess correctly. "But I've been living here for a long time now. It's a beautiful country, is it not? I have acclimated quite well, I would say. But my home lies far away, on the outskirts of this town, so I am not surprised that we have not met each other before."

He smiled at Lilium, "Well, I am very glad that your parents let you attend this ball. It quite feels like an act of fate, that we met. Wouldn't you say?" He hummed. His words could very well be taken as simple flirting - not at all uncommon at balls - but certainly they had a deeper meaning to them.

Now, Soleil considered herself a pretty girl, though by no means anything extraordinary. She'd been expecting a dance or two or three, but this was a surprise! The moment the dance was over, another suitor was immediately by her side, asking for a dance and pressing that same lingering kiss to her hand. She'd quite honestly lost count of how many people she danced with-! But that wasn't too strange, was it? After all, she didn't know anyone here, and with all the masks, their faces (or rather, what little she'd seen of them) quickly began to blur together.

But she'd grown rather tired - breathless and thirsty. She tried to power through it, to be the perfect lady and never turn down a dance, but eventually she really did need to rest. So when the dance finished, and another man approached her and held out his hand, Soleil gave him only a smile, "Forgive me, my Lord, but I am quite tired. I am not opposed to dance at a later time. After all, the night is still ahead of us." He looked a little disappointed, but gave her a small smile anyway and nodded his head, and left her to her own devices.

Soleil weaved through the crowd - somehow, she'd ended up dancing almost exactly in the center of the ballroom with each of her partners - and finally made it to the side, where the buffet was set out. It was absolutely beautiful, with carefully prepared finger foods and glasses upon glasses of wine. She did notice that most of the food was untouched, but whether that was because the servants replenished it quickly, or that the guests were all too preoccupied with dancing that they didn't care for food, she wasn't sure. Besides, as a well bred young lady, she knew not to eat too much in public. So she could do without the food, if need be. But she really was parched. She reached out for a glass of red wine, but a servant stopped her almost instantly.

"My Lady, if I may suggest the champagne instead. You'll find it much more to your tastes, I'm certain. Much sweeter." He said with a small smile, and took the glass out of her hands before she could even respond. It swirled a little, as he placed it back, and Soleil couldn't help but notice how thick it was. Strange. But it didn't look very appetising, nor quenching, if it was that thick, and so she didn't complain at the servant's suggestion. Perhaps this was a special wine, reserved for the most important guests. After all, Soleil was probably one of the guests with the lowest standing...

2021/06/28 7:09:25 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Count Viego seemed genuinely pleased when Lilium said that she'd heard of him. She really didn't understand why.. perhaps he just liked being well-known? But, ah, there was something about him that seemed.. terribly lonely. Or.. something far worse. The woman could not tell, but she felt a strange sort of comfort being around him. She wasn't sure if that was just normal, after being asked to dance with a handsome man. She had never been to a ball before, after all... Or had she? It almost felt as if she had danced before in very similar circ*mstances, in a faraway dream. Perhaps that really was all it was: a vivid dream she had long ago.
Oh... Count Viego wasn't from around here. Somewhere far away-? That really made the woman wonder where he knew about her from, then. And.. where had she heard about him? Well, she supposed her memory wasn't the greatest, so.. perhaps she didn't need to question it too much.
In any case, for whatever reason, Lilium trusted this man that she had only just met.
"It's very beautiful, you're right." She was about to say that she'd love to see his home town too, but perhaps that was too bold of her. The man spoke up again before she could say anything silly anyway, "O-Oh. I do feel the same." She agreed. It did seem like fate, didn't it? She blushed very slightly, but also.. this man seemed so familiar. Where had she met him before-?
"My father runs an art gallery. It's not too far from here. Perhaps you'd like to visit it some time." Lilium suggested. She liked to paint too.. maybe he could visit her again, through that. How silly, she thought, that she was already hoping to see Viego again before this night even came to an end.
Together, they danced, and spoke of this and that. The music came to a stop though, and it seemed like neither of them wished to part. Perhaps they could dance again as well?

Another vampire attempted to dance with Azula, but she simply declined. He looked a little disheartened after - being rejected by someone of such high standing was surely degrading - but didn't make a fuss about it. Instead, she leaned back and kept her focus on that woman that reminded her so much of the sun.
Dozens upon dozens of vampires approached her in order to dance with her. No wonder, of course. Fresh blood. They were usually polite to her at least, but each and every one made sure to test the scent of her blood. The woman was suddenly curious as well. Did she smell that tantalizing, that so many wished to dance with her? She had not gone close enough to her yet, in order to smell her blood.
The woman grew tired in time. Cute, Azula thought to herself. Humans were so very delicate, and tired easily.. No matter. She would probably sit down for a while, and drink something.
Azula watched from the corner of her eye, sipping at her drink gently as she did so. The human woman reached out for a glass of blood-- but a servant stopped her at once. It would have been a shame if the woman accidentally drank blood. Surely she'd rush out of the manor and never look back.
She picked up a glass of champagne instead, and started to drink it. It was only now that Azula realized how tantalizing her lips looked..~
Now was her chance. The perfect opportunity, when no one would interrupt them for a dance. The vampire strode over to the human, handing her half-finished glass of blood to the nearest servant. "Good evening." Azula smirked when she finally reached the woman. Now she could take in her sweet scent. It was true then; she smelled absolutely delectable. No wonder why so many of the vampires were staring at her. There was no doubt that, by the end of the night, someone would try to drain her.
Not that Azula would let that happen. No.. no, she had other plans for this woman.
"Are you enjoying the ball? My Father throws an event like this every once in a while." She stated. Though it would now be clear that she was a very important person, this woman would not recognize her anyway, considering she was not even from around here.
"I'm Lady Azula, daughter of Duke Ozai. Have you heard of me?" She questioned, and then added, "It's polite to introduce yourself too, isn't it?" Maybe she was a little impatient, since she wanted to get to know this woman, but.. that was alright, wasn't it?
In any case, the woman, up close, was absolutely stunning. Even from afar, the vampire had noticed it.. as had nearly everyone else in the ballroom, perhaps. Oh, how Azula wished to taste her. But no matter, she could wait, at least for the end of the night. No doubt she'd be able to wrap this woman around her little finger.. and then, she'd be hers, for all of eternity.

2021/06/28 8:11:46 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"An art gallery! My, I'd be delighted. And do you paint? You look like the type." Viego hummed pleasantly. She'd always been an amazing artist, but the thought came over him - was she one in this life, too? It pained him that he did not know her, as she was right now, but found it, somehow, delightful to learn all about her once again. What had stayed the same? And what was different now? He couldn't wait to find out... And, her invitation really had pleased him. It was expected, of course, for relationships to form at balls, even if not romantic ones. But to catch someone's eye, and start courting them... it was not at all unheard of. And with Lilium's permission and invitation - he would be more than happy to seek her out at her father's art gallery, to properly court her. He'd play along as the perfect suitor, asking for his permission and all - he wouldn't let absolutely anything go wrong. He wouldn't let Lilium slip through his fingers once again - never again.

The song came to an end, and they slowed to a stop, but Viego did not release his hold on her, and it seemed that Lilium didn't mind one bit, either. He could sense a number of other vampires look their way, expecting him to step aside and let someone else dance with her, as was customary at these events. But Viego did not care for customs, not when his precious Lilium was involved. The vampires looked at her with hungry eyes, and Viego desperately wanted to shield her from their sight. She was his and he would never allow any of them to touch her. He would have to tell them all about who she was, but- that would only be once Lilium and the other humans were away and could not hear. The other vampires would know to leave Lilium alone once they realised who she really was, but this was too great a secret to tell everyone at the ball.

"The music is already starting." Viego murmured with a smile, looking almost apologetic - as if the start of a new song dictated that they dance to it, as well, as though it would be impolite to change partners right now. But really, he was looking only for an excuse to keep dancing with her, to keep her by his side. And so they started dancing again, and when this song finished, they danced again, and again, and again, until Lilium was quite breathless. Viego smiled; she was lovely, but she was still so human, and tired easily. It would not do to exhaust her, no matter how many years of dancing were waiting to be made up for.

"Perhaps we should take a break, and having something to drink." Suggested Viego.

Soleil turned around when she heard a voice speak to her, and she came face-to-face with a gorgeous woman. Her face was half obscured by a mask, of course, but even so, Soleil could tell she was of otherwordly beauty, with pale skin and golden eyes... Oh- so she was the Duke's daughter? The one who had organised this ball in the first place. She wouldn't have recognised her at all, but this introduction was sufficient for her to catch up with what she was supposed to know.

She curtsied. "Verily. It is the most wonderful ball I've ever been to. Please, you must convey my admiration to your father." She hadn't seen the Duke, but then again, she'd been rather preoccupied with the dancing thus far. And given their difference in social status, Soleil could not approach him - he would have to approach her in order for them to speak at all.

She had not, in fact, heard of Lady Azula, though she had heard of his father. Not much, but most everyone from her town new his name, anyway. She was wondering whether she should admit that out loud, when Azula implied that she should introduce herself as well. Soleil blushed brightly - of course she was going to-! But Azula brought it up so quickly, before she'd had the chance, and she worried that it made her look unladylike, to force the Duke's own daughter to ask her for her name.

"I am Soleil Rien, from Tochter. My father is the Lord Rien." She introduced herself. She doubted anyone here would have heard of her, but perhaps of her father? Or their household name, at least. Some of them men she'd danced with tonight had recognised her by her family name, if only from hearing.

2021/06/29 7:15:03 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium smiled, "Yes! I do, in fact." She was quite proud of her paintings, and happy that this man seemed interested in them too.. Did she really look the type to be a good painter? Maybe he'd be impressed to see her work, whenever he decided to come over to the art gallery...
This was what her parents wanted from her anyway, right? She was supposed to find 'potential suitors' or something of the sort... So it would be alright, to spend more time with this lovely man. There was something so comforting about him as well, something that she simply couldn't put her finger on, but she enjoyed it nevertheless.
The music slowly came to a stop, but the Count Viego did not let her go. She didn't mind, in all honesty, simply dancing with him all through the night. It was almost strange, how well they got along with one another, but she would not question it.
Together, they danced again, and then again, until the woman felt tired and was in need of a break. She felt a little impolite speaking of her desire for a break, but it seemed like Viego already noticed it, and suggested it himself. Lilium blushed a little in embarrassment -- was it really that obvious? -- but agreed anyway.
Lilium and Viego carefully made their way past the groups of people in the ballroom. For some reason, quite a few people were glancing in her direction, and she wondered why that was. It unnerved her a little..
The silver haired woman could see the Duke's daughter from here, along with another woman that reminded her of the sun! How beautiful she was, and perhaps maybe she could talk to her later, and they could be friends? It probably wouldn't be the best to interrupt Lady Azula, however.
Lilium picked up a glass of champagne for herself, and noted how Viego's glass seemed to be full of a different - thicker - liquid. Again, for some weird reason, the sight didn't really bother her too much. In fact, she could've sworn she had seen this type of drink before, a long time ago. Perhaps a very expensive drink that her father had gotten, once ?
"It's quite stuffy in here. Would you like to join me on the balcony, for some air?" Lilium suggested.

Azula smirked slightly. How polite this woman was.. it was almost too cute. "Of course." She stated, with a glint in her eye. There was no doubt that her father did not care for such comments, but she would not bring that up now.
"Soleil. How.. fitting." The vampire mused, only a little surprised. So even her parents must have thought it, that she was like the sun. Bright, and warm. Azula had heard of a Lord Rien, but only in passing. That was alright, she supposed; it wasn't necessary to know him.
"How interesting that you came all this way.. Or perhaps, a stroke of luck." That she was invited, that is. But it was also lucky for the vampire herself, as she probably would not have met this woman otherwise. She simply had to have her for herself.. and no one would be able to stop her, not even all those vampires who were gazing at her so hungrily. No.. she would have her. She had to.
"You're quite the popular guest here today. I've seen many men dancing with you. Though I wonder why you haven't been approached by any women. I'm far more interesting than any of those dull men, anyway. Come. We will dance." She wasn't asking a question, and she certainly wouldn't take 'no' for an answer anyway.
When Lady Soleil put her glass down, the woman pulled her back into the middle of the ballroom, where another song was just starting.
"Follow my lead." Azula said with another smirk, and took the woman into dance. A couple of people paused in their dances to watch them, probably shocked that the Duke's daughter had taken such interest in a human. Not that she cared, of course; let them look. Now they certainly wouldn't try to take her away, not when Azula herself had clear interest in her. The other vampires would realize this now, perhaps, and would stay away.
Soleil's heartbeat quickened from their dance. Like this, Azula could smell her blood so much better. It was stronger like this, when her blood was pumping more quickly.. How delicious she smelled~. How sweet, how utterly delightful... While they danced, her blood's scent was practically overwhelming. No wonder why so many vampires desired to dance with her. The woman leaned in a bit, and dipped Soleil down as they danced, smirking a little when she brought her face closer to hers for a split moment.
She could not see her face fully, not with her mask on, but she could see her cheeks redden slightly. From their dance, perhaps? Or.. something more?~
The music slowed a little, and so did their dance.
"Tell me, Soleil," Azula began as they continued, "Am I not the most interesting person you've danced with tonight?" Perhaps she'd lie, because of her status, but Azula had always been amazing at reading people, especially humans and their obvious expressions.... Not that it'd matter, what she really felt. Either way, by the end of this night Soleil would be hers and no one else would be able to have her.

2021/06/29 8:55:37 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"A wonderful idea." Viego smiled when Lilium suggested that they go onto the balcony. He didn't need to rest, of course, but it was important to him that Lilium did. And he would not leave her side, not after they had finally found each other again... Not to mention, the balcony would give them a semblance of privacy. Anyone was allowed there, of course, but most of the guests kept to the ballroom. The balcony would surely be less crowded - and if they were lucky, completely empty - and they could enjoy each other's company one on one.

Viego gave Lilium his arm, and led her out to the balcony. It was just as he'd hoped - there was no one else out there at the moment. They could still hear the lively music coming from indoors, but it was muted, and made it so much easier to talk to one another. To hear her lovely voice, which he'd missed so much.

"Tell me more about yourself, my Lady. What do you paint?" Viego murmured. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, to ask her about, he hardly knew where to begin. All he knew was that he wanted to spend every waking moment with her - it didn't matter much what they talked about, as long as they were together. He smiled, a little coquettish, "Do you paint portraits? Would you, perhaps one day, consider painting me-?"

Though it was not prohibited, to take off one's mask at a masquerade ball, it certainly wasn't commonplace, and perhaps it was a little rude. But here, out on the balcony and away from prying eyes, they could be more casual. They could reveal themselves of their false visages and look upon one another without inhibition. And Viego so desperately wanted to see her, truly and fully. He knew it would be rude to ask Lilium to take off her mask first - so he did not mind being the one to initiate. And, under the pretext of a portrait, he raised his hands to his face, and slowly removed his mask.

​​​​Did she recognise him? He couldn't quite tell. She didn't exclaim with recognition, but - perhaps there was something familiar, in how she looked at him? Slowly, Viego leaned in, and raised his hand to gently reach out towards her face - towards her mask. He was not yet touching her when he paused, and murmured, "May I?"

He would not remove it without her permission, but in truth, he expected her consent. Even now, surely she felt that the thread of fate connected them someone, even if she did not know how. Didn't she? He could see it in how gently she looked at him, and Viego would stop at nothing to make her his once again.

Soleil blushed when Azula pointed out that she was quite popular. Was she, really? She had lots of dances, of course, but she'd thought that perhaps it was normal, in this community, that everyone danced with everyone. After all, she has yet to dance with the same person twice. But if Azula noticed it as well... Then surely there was truth in it. A part of her worried that the Duke's daughter was jealous of her, and was unhappy Soleil garnered so much attention on herself, but when she suggested they dance as well - her heart quickened. Could she- also be interested in her? Soleil knew she wouldn't fall in love with any suitors at the ball, for she had no interest in men, but she'd never expected a Lady to ask her to dance, and it made her heart beat faster than with anyone else.

"Of course," Soleil smiled, and followed the woman to the dance floor, and settled into her hold. She followed her lead as she danced, and found herself absolutely entranced. They fit so perfectly together, and Azula had such an otherworldly beauty to her, and moved with such grace... She imagined everyone who laid eyes upon her fell in love with her. Soleil gasped a little at the sudden dip, and felt her cheeks heat up even more at the close proximity of their faces...

The music slowed, and as did their dance. Soleil had to steady her breathing, but it seemed as though the lively dance hadn't tired Azula out in the slightest.

"Certainly." Soleil agreed. She hoped it didn't sound as though she was just saying so for the sake of pleasing her - Azula really was the most interesting person here, and clearly, she knew it, too. All the men had been charming and graceful, but they paled in comparison to the woman before her.

2021/06/30 12:12:32 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium gently took hold of the Count's arm, and followed him out onto the balcony. There was no one else outside at the moment, which would have perhaps made the woman a little nervous.. but she found that she felt comfortable with this man, for whatever reason. Maybe it was just her intuition telling her that he was kind, and had no ill intentions.
"I am best at painting scenery. I enjoy creating nighttime pieces." She answered Viego, giving a sheepish smile. She had always loved creating beautiful scenes with a little magical twist of her own.. scenes that did not exist here in this world, but in her mind, anything was possible.
"I've done portraits before. ..If you wish it, I'd certainly paint you." Lilium replied with a shy smile. She turned to him now, watching as he slowly removed his mask to reveal.. such a familiar face. For some reason, the sight sent a pang to her heart, and she felt incredibly nostalgic.. How strange. Lilium was certain they hadn't met before.. But perhaps a long time ago, in a dream?
"I feel we've met before.." She laughed, knowing how silly it sounded. Though these words were mostly to herself, and she did not expect an answer to them anyway. In any case, his features were incredibly handsome.. ethereal, even. His eyes were so bright, like the stars. She could easily paint him, she realized. Although this was the first time they had met, she was sure she could paint him perfectly. She would work on that at home, then.
And then, Viego reached down as if to remover her mask, although he paused to ask for permission. She blushed a little - why did this feel so intimate? - and smiled, "Of course." With that, he removed her mask.
"And what about you, Count Viego? What do you do with your free time?" She questioned curiously, a gentle smile spread across her features. "Mm, let me take a guess!" She added suddenly, a little playfully, "You enjoy.. walks in your garden, that is carefully tended to, but usually at night. You dislike the sunlight." He was rather pale, but something else also made her say this as well... She just couldn't put her finger on it. "And you enjoy balls, for the distraction." She felt a terribly lonely and sad vibe coming from him.. or well, at least before. She tilted her head to the side, "You like to see beautifully made things, like paintings and pastries carefully designed. But you do not eat them. Maybe they're too beautiful to eat?" She laughed. Or he didn't like sweets? Either way, she felt like she knew all of these things..
"Well? Did I guess well?"

Azula smirked slightly, golden eyes twinkling slightly under the lighting. "I see." Soleil wasn't lying about this, either. So really did think she was the most interesting of them all... Which of course, was quite obvious to her. She was just pleased that the one she had taken interest in agreed as well. It would do no good if she had lied, or if she held no interest in women at all. Well, either way, Azula would always get what she wanted. Even if Soleil had not answered properly, she would still have her. It was just nicer this way, she supposed. It was nicer because she agreed herself, and so she genuinely was enjoying her time with her.
Perfect. By the end of the night, Soleil would be completely enamored by her.. And then, she'd turn her before anyone else could get their filthy hands on her. She'd need some time to adjust, and to fully change, but that would be alright. Azula would visit her, and take care of her, until she was ready.
"You're quite breathless." She pointed out. It was adorable, and oh, how delicate this human was! She didn't even realize how much potential danger lurked around her.. how many times she could have been hurt by those who had danced with her. All those hungry looks.. all those vampires who desperately wanted her blood.. This poor, innocent girl. But that was alright. Azula would protect her, and take care of her. She was stronger than anyone else here, and no one would dare make a move against her in the first place, unless they had a death wish.
"I wonder if you can keep up with me." She spoke, voice involuntarily dropping into a more seductive tone. And then the music started up again, and Azula pulled Soleil into yet another dance without giving her time for a break.
This dance, at least, was not as quick paced. It would do no good to tire Soleil out to exhaustion. She was still human, for now, and she didn't want her to collapse. "Tell me about yourself. What is it that you do, Lady Soleil?" She questioned, a glint in her eyes. She wanted to learn all about her.. would she miss her human life? Did she have a large family back home? If she were to turn her, she needed to know these things. Not that she wouldn't turn her, but it would be better to be prepared anyway.
It was actually surprising that a young and gorgeous woman was not yet married. (Surely she wouldn't have come here alone, if she were?) Perhaps she had come looking for a suitor.
Not that she'd choose anyone other than her , right?~

2021/06/30 3:10:30 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Is that so-?" Viego smiled gently. His features softened - he was incredibly happy that Lilium felt this way, that she had even an inkling that they'd known one another, but at the same time, it pained him that he had to keep this farce up. How he longed to pull her in his arms-! To tell her everything, and to resume their love where it had tragically ended. To feel that flame of passion once again, but- no. He would have to be patient. He did not want to go too fast and frighten her. And there was, of course, the issue of her parents, of society. He would have to play along to their tune, and start this courtship as was expected of any gentle- man and woman.

His heart ached even more when he lifted the mask off of her face, and looked upon her once again. She was even more beautiful than he remembered... How strange would it be, if he were to reach out and gently cradle her face? Cup her cheek? Lean in and drown in those gorgeous eyes of hers-? Far too strange, he knew...

"Oh?" He smirked at her sudden game, and leaned back, amused. And just what would she guess about him? He listened to her words with a constant smile, though he was incredibly nervous on the inside - not that he'd let it show. Everything she'd guessed was true- so then, perhaps, it was not so much a guess after all? Lilium did not even realise just how well she knew him... but those ideas had to have come from somewhere, even if it was from a place she did not understand. Perhaps her love for him was also hidden only on the surface, and she would realise it soon enough as well...?

"How did you know?" Viego hummed, with a bit of a teasing smile. If only she could answer the question... but he did not expect it of her. He knew the answer well enough, after all. "That's exactly right. Though, I must admit, tonight's ball is not merely a distraction. I have not been this happy in- years." Decades, really. Or was it already more than that? It felt like an eternity, that he'd been apart from his beloved...

Soleil gasped as the next dance began, and Azula pulled her into it. Whereas all the previous men had left her after one dance, as if to allow the next suitor to try a dance with her, Azula showed no intention of doing such a thing. She didn't even ask her for a second dance - but stole it! Not that Soleil had any issue with that, but it surprised her, how self-assured Azula was! And- it was nice, too. She realised she didn't want to dance with anyone else tonight - she'd be happy if she could spend the rest of it with this astonishing woman.

Her question took her a bit by surprise, if only because Azula didn't sound breathless in the slightest. Soleil was doing quite well, "keeping up with her", if she could say, but she certainly had to make a conscious effort to steady her voice as she replied. And, well, as a Lady, she didn't really do anything. Her parents were looking for prospective matches for her already, and soon enough she would certainly take upon the role of wife and mother... not that it interested her in the slightest. But until then? Not much. And surely Azula knew that well enough. "I like to play the piano, and read. Sometimes I help my older brothers with their affairs, or look after my little sister and baby niece. But mostly I help Mother entertain guests- you know how it is. There's always someone coming over for tea." Soleil smiled. "And you, Lady Azula?"

2021/07/05 4:23:37 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium laughed gently; she was not surprised by Count Viego's reply, not at all. She really had been confident in her guesses, for whatever reason. Then again.. he could simply be playing along with her, to make her feel proud of herself for guessing correctly. "I'm not sure.. Perhaps I'm good at reading people." That wasn't the case, Lilium knew; she could never guess such small things with other people. This just felt right, for whatever reason.
"Oh?" The woman gazed up at the man, studying him for a small moment. So .. he really had been sad, or lonely, for these past years. Was he simply flirting with her-? For some reason, she felt an ache in her heart which she could not control. Did this mean.. Count Viego was feeling happy, simply because of her? "You can visit me any time." She spoke, albeit shyly. Her parents would be ever so pleased to meet him, too-! Then they'd certainly allow them to spend more time together, right? There was something that made the woman want to stay with this man..
"It's quite strange, though. I feel I've been looking for you for a long time." She gave a sheepish smile. Sure, she was flirting , but these words came from somewhere else as well. She couldn't understand these feelings..
Perhaps this really was fate. Was this what love felt like-? It was strange, since she never really thought 'love at first sight' was a real phenomenon. But why did her heart ache so-? And why did she feel like she knew so much about Count Viego, one she could never recall meeting?
In any case, Lilium did hope that the Count would visit her. She'd tell her parents all about him-! And oh, how upset she'd be, if he decided she wasn't worth his time. She desperately wanted to learn more about him, to figure out why he felt so special...

Azula was rather expecting this answer from Soleil. As a young woman of her standing, it was normal to learn an instrument and help with family affairs. Though surely she did not need to work, or anything of the sort. Good. Perhaps she wouldn't miss much, should the vampire steal her away. She'd have the same comforts and joys in her own manor.. and if she ever wanted anything more, well, Azula was more than capable of providing it.
"I see." Her golden eyes glimmered under the dim lights, and she continued, "I help my father with whatever it is that he needs. I am attending this ball for him as well, although I must admit that I am enjoying myself so much more than I expected I would. How lucky of me to have met someone as.. interesting as you." Someone who would soon be hers, but she would not say anything like that, not now anyway. Azula had all the time in the world, and she'd surely be patient. It wouldn't be too much longer now...
Together, they continued to dance. When the song came to an end, the vampire only swept Soleil into another dance; she would not be having any other dance partners tonight. None of the other vampires would dare question her anyway, so she didn't have to worry about anything. They shot them a couple of looks, but none of them would ever make a move to try to stop Azula.
..And if they DID try anything, well, it wasn't like anyone was a match for her.
Again and again they danced, until the woman could clearly see how fatigued her partner was. "What a shame." Azula murmured gently, a seductive smirk slowly pulling at her lips, "But no matter. I suppose we can take a break." For now, that is. "Do you need something to drink?" She waved over to a server and he rushed over quickly, offering her and her partner drinks. Of course, normal champagne for Soleil.
Once they had their drinks, Azula spoke up, "Come." She stated, leading her through the crowds of people.
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she noticed several glances in their direction. She could nearly hear what they were thinking.. The way they were eyeing Soleil made it obvious that they could smell her tantalizing blood even from far away. It was because of her heart racing from their dances, of course, but Azula would make sure no one would dare hurt her, or try to steal her away.
"Don't worry about them." The woman stated as they walked. She wasn't even sure if Soleil had noticed, in all honesty. She had absolutely no idea how much danger she was in, how she was surrounded by dozens upon dozens of vampires that could drain her in an instant..
How adorable.
At last, they arrived on the balcony. "Fresh air. You need it, don't you? You seem so tired." Azula smirked once they were finally more alone.

2021/07/05 5:23:41 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego did not know whether he wanted the ball to be over, so that he could speak to Lilium and her family in private, or whether he never wanted it to end, for he could not possibly bear to be apart from her again. But, as all things do, even this magical evening came to an end, and he'd had to bid her adieu, with a lingering kiss to her hand, and a promise that they would meet again.

He'd told some of the others, once all of the humans were gone, about who he'd met. About Lilium - about how she was his Lilium, from all those long long years ago. They didn't believe him, not at first, and perhaps brushed it off as desperation and an intense want to see her again. But his old friends could see how his eyes lit up when he spoke about her, and how he absolutely radiated happiness after tonight. They hadn't seen him in such a good mood in heavens know how long. And though no one else had seen her face, they could confirm that the woman he'd been with nearly all night did, in fact, resemble Lilium. At least, what they remembered of her. Not everyone was so invested in the lives of humans long gone, after all.

Perhaps it was customary to wait a few days after the ball, before going to seek out someone one had met there in the hopes of courtship. But Viego couldn't possibly wait any longer than a day - he'd given her one, so that she could rest, for the ball had ended just before sunrise. Even waiting that long had seemed impossible. So, the day after that, he braved the sun, and sought out her father's gallery in the morning. Would Lilium even be there? He wasn't sure. She helped her father out, certainly, but she didn't work there exactly, did she-? But perhaps he could find her father, and speak with him, and make his intentions known, and find Lilium through him... The bell alerted the gallery of his entrance when he opened the door. He looked around, taking in the sights and paintings, and, of course, looking for Lilium.

It rather felt as though they'd danced the entire night away - like in a fairy tale! - until finally Soleil could not keep up any longer. Her partner showed no signs of fatigue even now, and Soleil couldn't help but wonder at it - and admire her for it too, of course. But she really did need a break, and so they wove out of the crowd. A waiter brought them drinks, and the champagne felt absolutely wonderful against her parched throat. It was already the second - or was it third? - glass she'd had this evening, and she had to admit, it was starting to go to her head. Just a little - just enough to make her pleasantly woozy. It would be improper to drink any more, for she could absolutely not be visibly tipsy, but a little bit was surely fine.

Azula led her out to the balcony. It was nice here. Peaceful. Quiet. The night air felt wonderfully cool against her heated skin, and Soleil walked out to lean against the balcony railing, to admire the view. A perfect cloudless summer night: the sky was filled with stars. She turned to look at Azula with a smile, joking. "And you don't seem tired at all! How is that?" Perhaps it was a bit rude to say such a thing to the host's daughter, but - Soleil felt a certain kinship with her. A connection. They'd spoken a lot as they danced, and Soleil had to admit she was enjoying her company very much. That, and the alcohol probably made her braver, too.

2021/07/06 5:32:43 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium had not wanted the ball to end, but alas, they could not stay there dancing forever. The woman was disappointed, but she told her parents all about the wonderful Count Viego she had met right after, and the next day as well. They were surprised at first - and honestly, Lilium didn't think they even believed her - but they were happy nevertheless. After that wonderful evening, in hopes of seeing that man again, the woman went with her father to help at the gallery.
She would not miss her chance to meet the Count again, should he come visit.
It was only a day or so after the ball that the bell of the gallery rang, and a familiar figure walked in. "O-Oh." Lilium stammered as she quickly dusted herself off a little, just in case. He came to meet her after all...
"You came to visit." Lilium greeted, a smile spread across her features. "Father.. This is the Count Viego I mentioned." She added, calling out to her father who was doing something in the back.
Her father came over, looking absolutely surprised -- but thrilled. "Count Viego, it is an honor to see you here at our humble gallery. My daughter told me all about you." This made Lilium blush a little in embarrassment. "He didn't believe that you'd visit me." She piped up, causing her father to laugh slightly. "Lilium is quite... shy. Of course it was a shock to me."
Lilium did not say anything in response, and instead turned to Viego, joyful to see him again. "Would you like to see the art? I have some paintings here, as well." Her father didn't seem to mind when she led Viego away.
"This is one of the works I'm most proud of. It's called Camavor..." Actually, for some reason, this painting reminded her so much of the Count. Now that she with the painting and Viego, she could imagine him in the setting perfectly. What a strange feeling...

"Perhaps our difference in lifestyles." Azula responded easily, a smirk spread across her features. She could smell the alcohol in Soleil's blood, though it certainly wasn't enough to make her drunk. So, this playful banter was coming from her, truly, was it not? It made the vampire feel quite smug, for this meant that she was doing a good job. Soleil would be hers by the end of the ball... Or, well, sort of. It would take some time for her to turn, of course. As a vampire, she had all the time in the world to wait, so that didn't matter.
In any case, she wasn't lying. Soleil probably did not have much physical labor to do at home. Azula didn't either, she supposed, but if she did, she was so much stronger that it wouldn't make a difference anyway. Still, as the Duke's daughter, she really did have to take care of quite a bit.
"My father often sends me on errands. I'm quite used to moving around a lot." And she was a hundred times stronger than her, a small human, naturally. Though she would find that out for herself soon enough.
Soleil would become a vampire soon enough, and she'd then realize that she, too, would be able to dance and dance and dance for as long as she wished, without getting tired..
"Aren't you quite bored of your dull life at home, Soleil? Going to stiff balls and obeying your parents.. don't you wish for a little.. excitement?" Azula purred a little bit, coming in closer, letting her voice drop to a sweeter tone.
"I can give you that. Do you trust me?" She murmured gently, with half lidded eyes.
Under the moonlight, in the gentle night breeze, Soleil looked and smelled absolutely ravishing. Now would be as good a time as any, to turn her. She could already tell that she liked her enough to wish to spend more time with her... And, with that alcohol flowing through her veins, Azula could go through with her plan without worrying anybody too much. "Here. Let me give you a taste."
With those words, Azula grabbed Soleil by the waist and pulled her in. She only paused for a very slight moment - surely enough time for the woman to pull away if she truly wished to - and then kissed her, deeply. The woman that so very much reminded Azula of the sun did not pull away. How wonderfully sweet...~
She tasted lovely.
But oh, Azula wanted more.
She had to remind herself to be patient, as she gently bit her lower lip, not enough to draw blood. With the kiss deepened even more, Azula allowed herself to secrete that special venom into Soleil's mouth. It would take just a little bit of time for it to work, but the vampire would be patient, for her~.

2021/07/06 7:23:52 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Of course I did." Viego smiled. Lilium didn't even know how much he wanted to visit her - how long he'd been waiting for this very opportunity. Of course he'd come to see her, as soon as only acceptable. It made him smile when she called her father over. So she'd told him about him already? He wasn't surprised, per se, considering the fate that bound them, but he was pleased nonetheless, that she'd opened up about him so early on. It would certainly make it easier to charm the father over to his side. Not that there should be an issue - surely the man would be glad he was interested in his daughter? Lilium came from a noble family, of course, but it would be a step up for even them to have connections to the Count, much less in the form of marriage.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Viego reached out to shake the man's hand - a firm, confident handshake. A charming smile, too. He wasn't particularly fond of people, in general, but he certainly knew how to play them. And Viego would do anything to be with Lilium again. He'd get her father on his side - and quickly, too. They spoke a bit, about general affairs and polite small-talk, until finally he managed to wrap it up, and Lilium offered to show him around. He was glad that the conversation finished; her father was a fine man, but Viego had little real interest in speaking with him.

He followed Lilium through the gallery, looking at the paintings she pointed out. They were all nice enough, but it was only when he saw her paintings that he was truly interested. It was incredible, really, how even her paintings resembled the ones from her life before. The brush strokes were the same, performed with a soft delicacy, and gave each painting an ethereal, dreamy aura.

Viego admired the painting with awe. "It's beautiful." But more than that - it was familiar. He hadn't seen that place in so, so many years, and to look upon it now brought a pang to his chest. And the title of the piece only confirmed it. It was clear as day to him, what she was painting, but Lilium probably only saw the truth through a fog. But- this was proof: her memories were there, buried inside of her.

"An interesting title. What does it mean?" Viego feigned ignorance. He wondered whether Lilium would know - whether she'd given it her "own" meaning. After all, the people of this time did not even know of Camavor; it had disappeared from history even more neatly than from the map. But Lilium remembered. At least- the word itself.

Soleil raised an eyebrow at Azula's sudden - and rather strange - question. Well, it was true that life at home was rather boring, but then again, she'd much rather stay there, than get married off and have to start a new life as a wife. So really, she wasn't about to complain about her family. Her parents were kind, and it was always fun around her siblings. But Azula stepped closer, and spoke in such a seductive tone, that Soleil couldn't help but swallow, and look up at her, wide-eyed. Why... was her heart hammering so-?

And did she trust her? She barely knew her! She couldn't say yes, but then again, she realised, neither could she say no. She wanted to trust her, was perhaps the better answer. And Azula was already so close, that Soleil couldn't even find her voice; she simply nodded. She reached out a hand to gently cup her cheek - and how cold it was! All that dancing and Azula hadn't warmed up at all! And she leaned in closer and closer, until their lips met, and Soleil thought her heart would burst. The kiss was the most wonderful thing she'd ever experienced- even when she tasted metal on her tongue (1). That was strange, to say the least, but Soleil found that she didn't care - Azula was simply too wonderful.

They pulled away, then, though they remained touching. Azula's hand on her waist, and another at her jaw. She looked so tenderly at her, though there was a glint of something more in her eyes. A sort of danger, perhaps, that excited Soleil. She kept her gaze on the golden eyed woman, panting slightly. This- was certainly excitement. To kiss at a ball-! And with a woman, no less! If her parents found out she was doing something this inappropriate in public, regardless of whom it was with, they would raise all hell-! But there was no one else out on the balcony, and wandering eyes to see their secret kiss.

Azula leaned in once again, and Soleil closed her eyes, in preparation for the wonderful feeling of her lips against hers once again. The ball would soon be over, but Soleil wanted to keep kissing her for hours and hours-! But Azula dove down instead, and kissed her neck. The disappointment lasted only a moment; any kiss, after all, was sweet from her. Almost instinctively, Soleil arched her neck, to give her more space---

"A-ah-!" Soleil gasped out at the sudden pain that erupted at her neck, first like needles, and then like a fire. Did- had she- had she bitten her? Soleil had heard about that, from whispered gossip from the maids her age, who had so much more experience in romance than she, so- perhaps this was normal? But it hurt a lot-! And it didn't stop. And Soleil put her hands on Azula's shoulders, as if to weakly push her away, but before she could even try, she felt her head spin, and her vision fade, and then- she passed out.

(1) i didn't specify in hangouts, but for my side i want it to be an exchange of blood that makes someone a vampire -u- so azula bit her own lip to make sol ingest her blood. we can do the venom thing for your side tho! plus azula's been drinking blood this entire evening lol

2021/07/07 4:59:39 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium peered up at Viego carefully, watching for his expression. He genuinely seemed quite awed by her work, which made her feel giddy and proud. But.. there was something more. Something sad. Loneliness-?
"Camavor is a place of happiness and love." She explained. Or, well.. that's what she had imagined, anyway. "..As well as broken dreams." She wasn't even sure why, but those were the vibes she was getting as she had painted this piece. It was quite the bittersweet painting, she supposed. Or, well.. Lilium was sure that others simply enjoyed the beautiful landscape and castle. The painting itself didn't look sad, but in her heart.. this is how it felt to her.
"Doesn't it seem like the perfect setting for a story like that? I'm sure a beautiful king and his queen would live in that castle. They'd be happy, and enjoy each other's company each day. Perhaps one day the queen would pass, and then the king would be very lonely, and fall into despair." She paused, looking back towards the painting for a while.
"...But I'm sure the queen missed him so much, that she would one day return to him. Every story needs a happy ending." The woman laughed sheepishly, realizing he probably thought her strange.
But why did this story make her heart ache? It was a little sad, sure, but it was nothing more than fiction. Something she created in her mind, as she was painting. And now, she realized.. how much more her heart was aching. Because Viego was with her-? But why? Maybe.. maybe, long ago, she had met him, but in a strange dream...
"I have some other paintings based on Camavor at home." Lilium spoke up finally. "I can show you them. Maybe you'd like to visit? My father seems to like you, he'd be glad to have you over." She felt a little shy, sure, but.. she felt like this was right. She wasn't sure why-- maybe it was just love , making her a little braver. And yet, it seemed like there was something more..
Of course, she had other paintings as well. She wouldn't mind showing the Count the others, too. Oh-! And perhaps she'd paint him a portrait of himself, as he had suggested at the ball. Would he like it? Although they have only met twice now, Lilium was certain she'd be able to capture him perfectly on her canvas.

Humans were so delicate.
Azula had to remind herself of that when she was with Soleil, repeatedly. Even when they had been dancing, she hadn't realized how tired she had been. It would be alright.. in time, she would be stronger, and then she'd surely be able to keep up with the vampire~.
Her little human enjoyed the kiss, perhaps more than she thought she would. Wonderful. Everything was going so perfectly, just as Azula had planned it. And now, no other vampire would be able to have her, or try to take her away. They knew to stay away from someone Azula was interested in. It was an unspoken rule around here, and she expected everyone to obey it.
The vampire leaned in after their first sweet kiss, but this time, went down to her exposed neck. How sweet-! She could smell her so much better from here, and it sent Azula into a frenzy. Her eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, perhaps from hunger, or excitement. For a moment, she lingered there at her neck, simply enjoying the anticipation and her tantalizing scent...
The moment before the bite was always the sweetest.
And then, unable to handle the wait any longer, Azula sunk her fangs into her sweet flesh.
Soleil's blood was just about the sweetest thing she had tasted. Oh, she had chosen very well~. The poor woman cried out, and part of Azula relished in her cries-- but the other felt just a little bad.
Oh well.
She wouldn't remember any of this anyway.
Soleil placed her arms on her shoulders, as if she would try to push her away, but to no avail. She wouldn't have succeeded even if she had all of her strength anyway. And then, the poor human passed out. How delicate-! Azula quickly caught her in her arms before she could fall, and held her up against her. Of course, she had pulled away from the bite before doing so. She leaned down to lick the remaining dots of blood away, and to heal her. (1)
And then Azula stood up straight, with this beautiful woman in her arms. She would soon belong to her~.
Without hesitation, she went back into the manor. A couple of people glanced in her direction, but most didn't even turn around. The vampires had already known, when they saw Azula leading Soleil onto the balcony before..
Weaving through the waves of people, the Vampire finally arrived at the large wooden front doors. They were opened for her, and Azula walked down the large stone steps, shoes clicking as she did so. The night breeze was still cool against her skin.
It wasn't difficult to find Soleil's footman. He recognized her of course, and had stepped forward in concern. "You're this young woman's footman, are you not? She had a little too much to drink tonight." Azula hummed, which made the man sigh out inaudibly in relief. He had been worried for a second-! But, no, it wasn't so unusual for people to get drunk during these huge events. Perhaps Lady Soleil had not known her limit-?
"Of course. I'll take her directly home, my Lady." The footman responded.
Azula left after Soleil was safely in the carriage, and didn't spare a second glance as she smirked to herself..

(1) i remember you mentioned healing properties in their saliva, we can change this though!

2021/07/07 5:59:27 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Is that so...?" Viego murmured softly, as he listened to Lilium's explanation. There was no way that all of this was a coincidence. She was so close to remembering, and she'd known all of this for a while. It was only a matter of time before she realised, and put all the pieces together. Viego's heart ached. He could hardly wait. But this was something she had to realise on her own. All he could do was try and help it along, gently. To leave little crumbs of truth that she could follow. No matter how long it took... she would come to it in time, and Viego would be there for her throughout it all.

"You know, there was a time I believed tragedies were the natural state of the world. Inevitable." Viego said softly, and shot her a gentle smile. "But I've come to realise it's not so. They're merely an obstacle. I'm sure they'll get their happy ending."

Lilium's invitation to her home, to see more paintings of Camavor, made him happy. "I can't wait to see them. I'm sure they're beautiful. I'll come call on you soon, then." Viego promised. Perhaps he should wait another day or so, for the sake of propriety, but honestly, he wasn't sure whether he could wait that long... But he didn't need to think of it now; after all, he was still here with her, in the gallery, and surely they could spend the better part of the day together. "Might I trouble you for a tour of the rest of the gallery?" He asked her with a smile. Really - it didn't matter what they did. As long as they were together, Viego would be happy. He would admire all of Lilium's paintings, but even all others would be splendid with her around, painting them in the radiance of her very presence.

"Soleil! It's past noon! Lord Braunhaus and his wife will be here in two hours, and you haven't stirred!" Her mother chided her as she stormed into her room. The maid had been unable to wake her, and, finally, had gone to the Lady for help. The curtains had long since been drawn, and still, Soleil had slept deeply. It was only now, that her mother's familiar and shrill voice resounded through the room, that Soleil blearily woke. Was it really so late-? That was forgivable though, wasn't it? The ball had lasted well into the night, and the carriage ride took another three hours or so, so sleeping until noon wasn't that long at all- Not that she remembered getting home, or leaving the ball.

"There you go. I know balls are tiring, but really! What were you thinking, drinking so much? You knew Lord Braunhaus is to visit us, I told you to be careful so that you don't sleep the whole day away. I have no sympathy for you, dear, you have to get up to entertain our guests." Her mother continued, not even letting Soleil get in a single word. Still, she sat up, and rubbed her eyes. Ugh, she felt so light-headed...

"I just hope you didn't make a fool of yourself. That is, more than you obviously did, passing out like that. Do you know how mortified I was, when Thomas told me the Duke's own daughter carried you out in her arms? I guarantee you won't ever be getting another invitation from them!"

"Mother, please-" Soleil groaned. "I need to get dressed. Would it kill you to scold me in a few hours instead?"

She gave her a long, hard look. "Fine. But don't think you're getting out of this." And finally, she left Soleil with the maid, to help her dress.

2021/07/08 4:39:16 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium's days were filled with excitement and joy, ever since meeting Count Viego. There was something about him that simply made it impossible to stop thinking about him.. Her dreams, too, were filled with him. It was strange, and she couldn't understand how or why she was so infatuated with this man so quickly. Was it fate-? True love at first sight? No, no.. it felt like something stronger than that, too. But.. how could she ever admit this to him? Would he find her strange, or odd? In all honesty, for whatever reason, Lilium felt as if Viego saw her in the same light. Perhaps she was simply delusional...
But she was happy, nevertheless.
A few days after Viego had visited her at the gallery, he was invited to her home. Her parents already loved him - or at least, loved his status.. Lilium couldn't quite tell - and seemed to trust him quickly enough. They had a grand feast to celebrate him coming over, and though it was wonderful, Lilium simply wished to spend more time with him alone.
"Mother, Father. I wish to show Count Viego my paintings." The woman excused herself. Her parents did not seem to mind-- if anything, they desperately wanted this to work out for their daughter. So, she gave Viego a sheepish smile, and led him out of the large dining room and up a set of winding stairs.
"My room is up here. I keep most of my paintings there. I hope you have time to stay.. I can share the story of each one with you." Lilium wondered if it would be too intimate to lead him into her bedroom, but... she trusted him, with all her heart.
Viego entered her room after she did, and she took a step back, as if to show it off a little. "It's not much, I suppose." She laughed, and then turned to pull out one of her paintings. "This one is--" She paused, noticing that the man took a strange interest in the little music box by her bedside. "Do you like it? I've had it for as long as I can remember. I.. I'm not sure from where, however. And I could never get it to open.."

It was only when her mother finally left the room, did Soleil's younger sister feel it was the perfect opportunity to ask the questions that were practically bursting out of her. "Did you find true love?" She asked quickly, in a curious but excited whisper. "You were so sleepy yesterday, I couldn't even ask you about it.. I heard the Duke's daughter carried you! Was it cool? Is she cool?" She could not find it in herself to wait patiently for answers. She wanted to know everything -! It was true that she had been worried about her elder sister when she was returned home the night before, but now that she was awake and well... it would be okay to talk about it, right?
"Now, now. Let the young Lady dress. She needs to be ready to greet Lord Braunhaus." Their maid responded as she gently helped Soleil undress. Her younger sister pouted at this, but she tried to act mature, and didn't even whine that much. "She can speak while she's undressing-!" She insisted, to which the maid sighed, "She is very tired now, dear. Give her a little time."
Again, Soleil's younger sister pouted, but this time she did not argue. "Alright.. Soleil, please tell me later then! I want to hear everything, okay? Promise? It's a promise!" The young girl giggled and skipped out of the room before she could be given a 'no' as an answer.
Soleil's maid sighed. "So much energy at her age. Here.." She murmured, helping the young woman dress into fresh clothes. "You really did give us quite the scare yesterday. Thomas was quite upset as well." She explained, "Not at you, of course. He was worried, and mentioned earlier that your mother would scold you because of him." The maid was simply making some small talk, but she was also quite worried about the young Lady. Of course, as curious as she was.. she could not press her for answers, as she was a maid and nothing more.
It did not take long to dress Lady Soleil. "Beautiful, as always, my Lady." She said gently.
A knock on the door caused the maid to stand up straight and quickly go to answer it. She thought it might have been her mother again, to fetch Lady Soleil, but-- no, it was only Thomas, her footman. "I was just telling Lady Soleil how worried you were about her." She laughed slightly, to which the man gave a sheepish - albeit worried - smile.
"My Lady.. I apologize sincerely. I should have found another way to bring you home. Your mother was quite angry... I tried to explain that such things were not strange , especially at such a large ball. The Lady Azula seemed to enjoy your company as well. She made sure you arrived home safely. I'm sure there will be no problem." Thomas explained. That didn't stop him from feeling bad, however. He had always admired Lady Soleil, from a distance at least. He knew courting her was simply not possible, but he was simply happy to be around her, and see her well.

2021/07/08 5:51:15 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

The evening was off to a wonderful start, Viego couldn't help but admit to himself. He'd come to call on Lilium and her family not long after their first meeting in the gallery, and they shared a wonderful dinner together. It did seem a little bit like a waste, for they'd clearly gone all out with the food - expensive and complicated dishes that must have taken the servants the entire day to cook - when Viego had no appreciation for food. Well - it was pretty enough, he had to admit, and he admired the obvious skill it took to put the meals together. But the food seemed to turn to ash in his mouth, and it felt like a shame for him to eat it, when everyone else would take so much more pleasure from it. But Viego had had a lifetime of pretending behind him, and he ate it all, politely, and complimented each dish with gusto. It was a small price to pay for the pleasure of Lilium's company.

He spoke politely with her parents as well, about seemingly everything and anything. They liked him, clearly, and Viego couldn't help but feel pleased at it, though in reality it was little more than a checkmark - her parents' approval of him was welcome, but the lack of it would hardly stop him. Finally, once the food was taken away, and her parents suggested moving to the dining room, Lilium offered that she'd like to show him her paintings instead. "I'd like that very much." He admitted, and shot her parents a charming smile, "If it's not an inconvenience?" He wasn't really looking for their approval, though again, it would be nice, but rather he was playing them; they were enamoured enough with him (or the idea of him) that he knew they would not refuse. And so- he followed Lilium up to her room, more pleased than ever.

"Please do." Viego encouraged Lilium, when she offered to tell him the story behind every painting of hers. He followed her into her room, and - he couldn't help it - he looked around with a sense of awe. It was, surprisingly (though perhaps it shouldn't have been) similar to her old room. The way her bed was made, the decorations, the way her perfume bottles were arranged by her mirror... She was his Lilium, through and through, even after all these years. Her paintings were all beautiful, too, although he'd only given them a brief glance at the moment, for his attention caught quickly on the music box on her bedside table. He recognised it - for how could he not, when he was the one who'd given it to her in the first place, all those years ago?

"You don't recall how you got it?" He murmured. "How strange..." And what a funny twist of fate it was, that the music box had ended back in her hands after all this time! It must have travelled through person to person, handed down through generations, or perhaps it had ended up in an antique store, and caught someone's eye who thought to gift it to her? However it had happened - this was clearly more than a coincidence; this was destiny.

Viego smiled, and walked over to the bedside table. "May I?" He asked, and picked the little thing up. Yes, it was definitely the same one... "It's beautiful. Pure silver, and delicately crafted... I could open it for you, if you'd like. I think there should be a way, with the right tools... Why don't you bring it over to my place one day?" He offered. Of course, the tool he had in mind was the very key that fit into the music box; Lilium would see it with her own eyes soon enough.

"Don't be silly." Soleil frowned (albeit with a blush) at her sister's question. True love... bah! Well, she'd certainly felt something for Lady Azula, and, if what she remembered was true, then it seemed as though the feeling had been mutual. They'd danced together for what felt like hours, and then gone out onto the balcony together, and they'd kissed-! That memory was already quite foggy, and Soleil had to admit her mother was right - it had been stupid to drink so much. (Though- she didn't think she drank that much, did she? Perhaps she'd had something more after she'd been tipsy, and couldn't remember...) Even Soleil was mortified that she'd lost control of herself like this, to the point of losing her memory and passing out like that. So, even though she'd love to see Azula again... she rather doubted she would ever want to see her again, after her behaviour last night. Stupid!

Thankfully, the maid shooed Emily away (Soleil really didn't have the energy to deal with her right now) and helped her get ready for the day. She spoke a bit with the maid, but in all honesty, Soleil wasn't feeling the conversation much. She was still tired, and perhaps a little hungover, so surely it was no wonder that she didn't want to speak much. She'd have to save her energy for Lord Braunhaus, anyway.

She received the door when a knock resounded, and was surprised when she saw it was Thomas. It was quite daring of the footman to approach her in her private quarters - her mother would surely scold him for being outside of the servant's quarters at all - but Soleil and Thomas had always been friendly, so it was alright. She smiled softly at his words, "Please, don't fret about that. We both know how Mother is; it was inevitable, given the circ*mstance, that she'd be upset. I'm sorry for any trouble I caused you; I can't imagine Mother spared you any grief." Soleil gave him a crooked smile. She could imagine the scene clearly - poor, flustered Thomas trying to carry her in discreetly, and Mother inevitably finding out and unleashing her anger on him in her stead.

In any case, there wasn't enough time to stand around and chat with the help. They all had work to do - the maid to prepare the drawing room and tea set, and Thomas to receive the guests' horses. And Soleil had to go and warm up on the piano; Mother would surely ask her to play something for the guests in between stilted conversation...

2021/07/09 7:01:49 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Count Viego seemed very interested in her music box. No one really ever paid any mind to it, but to her, it was special. Lilium wasn't even sure why, but... it really felt as if it belonged to her. Like she was meant to have it.
"I've had it for a very long time." The woman repeated, trying to think back to where she had gotten it from. Perhaps she should ask her parents about it, but she never really thought to do so.. until now.
Lilium quickly nodded when the Count asked for permission to take a closer look at the music box. "It really is beautiful, isn't it? It feels very special." Again, she couldn't explain this feeling, but.. it was true that this music box was one of her most precious treasures.
"O-Oh, can you?" The woman asked, eyes slightly wide. Lilium couldn't remember ever having this music box of hers open.. She would love to hear the tune that played! "I would love to.. thank you." She blushed. So, he was inviting her over to his home now-? How wonderful... She'd bring the music box along with her then, too.
Lilium dressed in some of her finest clothes the day she visited Count Viego. She had to admit, a part of her was a little nervous.. but she certainly wasn't afraid.
His manor was large, and beautiful, but for some reason, it felt lonely and sad.. No matter! Lilium would try to bring a smile to his face. "I have brought something for you." Lilium spoke sheepishly, once she met the man once again, at his manor.
She held out a painting - nothing too huge, of course - and allowed him to take it. "You mentioned a portrait. I do hope it came out well. Actually... when I was painting it, I thought you'd fit perfectly in this setting." In Camavor. As it's king. But she was too embarrassed to say that part aloud.
The painting really did look just like Count Viego. She was surprised by it, considering how they had just met not too long ago... But when painting it, she .. realized how easily she could recall his every feature.
"I also brought the music box along." Lilium added suddenly, remembering herself.

The young woman seemed so tired. It was no surprise, Soleil's maid thought, considering the long night she had. She did wish her mother would allow her to rest more, but.. they had guests, and it would be impolite and improper, should the Lady's daughter not show up to entertain the guests.
Lady Soleil did not reply to her very much. Again, it was to be expected, and the maid did not mind. She simply hoped she would be alright with going downstairs..
"My Lady, please do not apologize." Thomas gave a slight smile. He really did her best for her, and if he would get into trouble for it.. so be it. He should not even be up here, in all honesty, but he had been absolutely worried sick after last night's happenings.. And, he had truly wished to apologize for not doing a better job.
There was not much time to speak afterwards. Thomas excused himself so that he could head downstairs and receive the guests' horses, and the maid did the same so that she could prepare tea.
"Lady Soleil is not doing well." Thomas spoke, worry clear in his voice as he walked. "She is only tired from last night. Any young woman would be tired after attending such a marvelous event." The maid responded.
But Thomas was sure there was more to this than simply being tired. He really cared for Lady Soleil, perhaps too much for someone of his standing. But he knew her well enough, after being part of the help of this manor for so long. Sure, she was tired, but.. he simply could not believe that she had gotten overly drunk. That was so unlike the young Lady-! He.. he just couldn't believe it. Though, why would the Duke's daughter lie to him-? Thomas really did have a bad feeling about all of this, but.. he knew there was nothing he could do about it anyway.
He kept his thoughts to himself as he and the maid parted ways.
"You're in a good mood today." Ty Lee said with a grin. "Did something happen at the ball your Father threw yesterday?" Azula waved her friend off, but smirked nevertheless. "I met an innocent little human girl yesterday."
Her friend seemed incredibly surprised by this. "R-Really? A human girl? Did you.. did you drink from her?" She questioned. "Mm. Of course I did. I turned her as well. I'll visit her again soon, when she's bedridden."
Ty Lee stopped in her tracks to gaze in awe at Azula. "W-Wow, Azula... that's.. that's amazing." What else could she say? Azula was her great friend, and she was always in awe at everything she could accomplish, but.. turning a human ? What would her father think? She supposed it wasn't her place, but..
Hopefully her father wouldn't even think to care about it.
"I know." Azula responded simply. She also knew that Ty Lee was practically bursting with questions. Where would the newly turned vampire stay? What about her family? Would she even like her new life?
"They'll all assume she's dying. She will, too. They wouldn't ever guess a vampire has done this to her. Maybe she'd be happy, that she could still survive this .. 'disease'." Azula reasoned with herself aloud.

2021/07/09 7:52:37 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Please," Viego smiled when he received Lilium at the door, "Come in. Make yourself at home." He couldn't express just how pleased he was that Lilium was here with him now, visiting him in his home. It was perhaps a little unheard of, to do something as intimate as a woman coming over to a man's home without any other supervision, so early in a relationship, but Viego couldn't find it in himself to care. He'd waited so long for this moment, and he'd known Lilium for years and years and years - this wasn't fast-paced at all to him; rather, it dragged on almost painfully slow. Lilium didn't seem to mind, either, and neither did her parents. So who cares whether the other townspeople whispered about them behind their backs? Everyone who mattered, was happy with this arrangement. And so he opened his doors to Lilium.

"A gift? My, you shouldn't have. That's very sweet of you. Thank you." Viego said politely (for in truth, he was terribly pleased that Lilium had thought to bring him something!). He took the gift from her, and unveiled it to look upon it - a portrait, of him, so reminiscent of himself from all those years ago. So- she had even remembered him as a King, down to the way he dressed and wore his hair back then. He smiled, genuinely.

"Thank you. It's beautiful... Although I'm afraid you've made me far more handsome than I am." He joked. Really, the way she'd painted him was astonishing, and came together as a beautiful portrait. Her delicate brush strokes seemed to almost present him through her eyes, through a lens of love - if not the one she held for him now, then the one that laid dormant in her heart. He looked happier in the portrait than he'd been in a very long time - albeit his joy had returned the same night Lilium had. He would hang the portrait today, and look upon it fondly as a reminder of Lilium's waking love for him.

"Ah, the music box. Yes, very good, come with me to my office, and I will open it for you. I hope it is everything you'd dreamed of, and that it does not disappoint." He smiled. And with that, he led her through the manor, through the hallways and up the winding stairs, and down another hall, all decorated with paintings...

Lord and Lady Braunhaus were perfectly on time. Soleil, and her mother, and Emily, received them all at the door, and led them into the drawing room, where the maid would soon bring in tea and sandwiches. Soleil's father and second brother were out on a business errand, and her oldest brother - well, he was already married and expecting his second child, and though they lived close, he had his own family matters to attend to, so of course he wasn't here for Mother's guests. Emily was fidgeting quite a bit, with too much energy on her hands to sit as still as their mother would like, but hopefully it would be alright.

They spoke politely and nibbled on the fingerfood. Soleil played the charming part of the daughter, as she usually did, though it was more difficult today than usual. She was still tired after last night's ball, and found it difficult to concentrate... but she focused herself, and smiled and nodded and laughed along with the conversation (speaking only when spoken to, of course), and no one seemed to notice her sluggishness.

At least, not until she was asked to play for the guests. It was really less of a concert, and more background music - the Lord and Lady and her mother continued their conversation as Soleil played a gentle tune, and they only occasionally commented, or requested a song. But although Soleil had taken time to warm up and practice before the guests had arrived, she found that her fingers missed the keys more often than she would have liked. She couldn't get the fast parts of a song right, and she could almost feel her mother's disapproving gaze burn into the back of her head. She didn't scold her in front of the guests, though. So, Soleil continued on to play some slower, easier songs; nowhere near as impressive, but at least she wouldn't mess them up. And Lord and Lady Braunhaus barely seemed to pay attention to her, anyway.

2021/07/10 7:29:52 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium blushed a little at the Count's compliment. "I-You flatter me. Although I must say, it's incredibly hard to put your beauty on canvas.." Part of her actually hoped he wouldn't hear that, as she had blurted it out without thinking but.. she supposed it was too late. In any case, the Viego before her was certainly more handsome than the one she had painted.. After all, he was living, and here before her, which made him all the more wonderful.
The woman nodded when Viego suggested following him up to his office. For some reason, thinking of getting her music box open made her heart hammer against her chest like never before... But why? She couldn't understand...
"You have many beautiful paintings." Lilium commented as she followed the man up the stairs, and down a long hallway. He must really enjoy art.
But one painting in particular caught her eye, and she froze in her tracks to go approach it.
This... this looked exactly like her own art style. In fact, wasn't the setting Camavor-? She recognized it well, but.. she could not remember painting this piece. No, surely this wasn't one of her works? It was impossible. She.. she hadn't painted this-!
And yet, in the corner of the piece, there it was: her very own signature. "This is...." She whispered, eyes widening as she reached out to touch it. How could it be real? She was certain she had not painted this...
She blinked. A flash of a dream - or, no, ... a memory? - appeared before her. This very painting... She painted it, and she handed it to Viego. Somewhere, somehow. Such a long time ago..
Lilium's heart ached, but she pulled herself away from the painting, and continued on. The further they got down the hall, the more paintings she realized were made by her. How-? How was this possible? And yet, she could not question him, for she knew it as well: she had painted these, without a doubt.
The woman followed Viego into his office, and watched carefully as he went to his desk. Lilium took out her music box and placed it carefully on the table. To her utter surprise, Viego pulled out a single small key, and easily unlocked the music box.
Lilium was at a loss for words. How could he have the very key that went to her music box-? Was it some sort of special key..? No, that was impossible. But Viego wound up the music box right after, and soon, it began to play a sweet tune that made tears almost instantly well up in her eyes.
Flashes of memories instantly flooded through her mind, and she cried, openly. "I..I remember..."

The afternoon was pleasant. Lord and Lady Braunhaus were enjoying themselves. The food was nice, and the music which played in the background made everything all the more wonderful. Although, after a while, the sound seemed to disappear into the background, since they were all having conversation, but it really did make the visit more appealing.
"..Indeed. How improper of them. Though I do not care for such gossip either way." Lady Braunhaus spoke up (1), bringing the current topic to a close.
"In any case, how about your daughter? She's a fine young woman at a good age for marriage. Are you looking to have her married?" Lady Braunhaus spoke up again. Soleil's mother gave a slight nod. "Of course. Though we have not found a suitor quite yet.." She had hoped that someone might have taken interest in Soleil during the ball the night before, but after she had become drunk like that-! And, on top of that, to have the Duke's daughter carry her out of the manor-! Thinking of it only brought a fresh wave of annoyance and disappointment over the woman. She kept a straight face, however, and smiled politely nevertheless.
"Ah. We have a nephew - a bright young man he is - also looking for a partner. If you'd like, perhaps we can set up a meeting?" Lord Braunhaus now spoke up. It would be a wonderful union for both sides, really. There would not be any downsides. Lady Soleil would also get a fine husband out of it, one who would care for her and provide for her.
"Oh my.. that's wonderful news. Let us set up a meeting in the near future, in that case." Soleil's mother replied. Perhaps their nephew hadn't been at the ball the night before, and perhaps, if they were lucky, the .. unfortunate doings of her daughter would not be spread any further than this room.
Either way, this was a wonderful opportunity. Lord and Lady Braunhaus were fine individuals indeed, and surely their nephew would be a good match for Soleil. She'd need to speak again to her daughter, in private, about not drinking so much anymore... and Gods, she'd need to tell her to practice the piano again!
"Of course. They will make a fine pair, I'm sure of it. I'll let my nephew know at once." Lord Braunhaus spoke. He would need to set up a meeting, but in time, if things went well.. they'd all have another wedding to attend.

(1) bwahaha i just wanted to add a line about literally anything so this is a reference to lilium visiting viego alone after only meeting a few times xD they're from a different town tho so im guessing its not such a big deal to them here

2021/07/10 9:07:05 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego lingered by the turn in the hallway, when Lilium slowed, looking at the paintings. He could easily guess what was going through her mind. How confused she must be-! He wondered- was she frightened? He hoped not. She must be on the brink of understanding, and just a little bit more and everything would become clear... Maybe all she needed was another little push. Maybe- the music box would be sufficient. He prayed that it was.

He didn't say anything about the paintings, even though he had the answers she was certainly seeking. But neither did she ask him any questions, and so Viego could pretend that he didn't notice her confusion, either. He would keep careful watch over her, and make sure that she did not become distressed, but- as long as she was alright, he would not interfere. This was something she had to remember all on her own.

Viego led her to his bureau, and immediately went to his desk. He'd kept the key safe in a drawer, full of other mementos of Lilium that were too precious to lose, but too heart-breaking to be around on a daily basis. He pulled out the key, and without another word, picked up the music box, and unlocked it. He would not explain why he had the key to it. He would not explain how he knew exactly how to open it, without fiddling with any other tools. He could easily see Lilium's surprise, the questions written clearly on her face, and a part of him wanted to provide her with an answer immediately- but no.

He wound up the music box, and the sweet melody began to play. He set it back down on the table, and turned his gaze onto Lilium completely. Her visage contorted, from surprise and confusion to wonder, and then- tears. The sight of her eyes glistening with tears sent an arrow through Viego's heart, and though a part of him wanted to give her space to process what she was learning - he could not help himself, he could not leave her to deal with this alone. He rushed to her side to comfort her, gently putting an arm around her shoulders and bringing her against his chest, so that she could cry against him.

"You remember?" He whispered, his own voice quivering with emotion. This must be so much for her to take in, and he knew that he should take things slowly, but he'd waited so long for her- he couldn't hold back his feelings for a minute longer. Wasn't it alright, to let it all spill? He pressed a chaste kiss against the top of her head. "I missed you so much, my love. More than you can ever imagine. I love you more than anything. And now- we will never have to be apart again. We can spend our lives together, as we promised. Do you remember?"

[[ahahahah I LOVE the lil lilium reference, that was wonderful!! xD]]

The guests, according to Soleil, very much overstayed their welcome. They should have left much earlier, but it was not in her position to ask them to leave. And Mother was quite pleased about this visit, anyway. Or perhaps they weren't overstaying at all, but it was only that Soleil felt so much more tired than usual, that she wished they would leave earlier? In any case, she was terribly relieved when they finally left. She couldn't remember the last time visitors had tired her out this much.

"My, Soleil, aren't you excited? It was terribly nice of them to offer setting up a meeting with their nephew. That would be a most prosperous match." Mother spoke, pleased, once the guests were gone.

Soleil snorted, "I've heard about him, you know? Apparently he got a maid pregnant - he promised to marry her, but once she told him she was with child, he fired her."

"You can't believe everything you hear." Her mother frowned. "Besides, we all have our faults. You'd be lucky to land a match like that, after what you did yesterday."

"Yester-- I hardly think those two things are comparable!" Soleil protested. "I passed out, I didn't do anything else. And no one here knows!"

"Rumours travel fast. And you don't know what you did or didn't do. God help us, if you- if you- copulated with a man-"


"I've worked so hard to secure your reputation, so that you could marry into a comfortable life. You need to settle down before you manage to tarnish it and it all falls apart! I won't let you waste it! Everything I've ever done was for your own good!"

Soleil clutched her head and groaned. She really didn't have the energy for this quarrel; all the arguing was making her head hurt. The guests had already tired her out, and she was dreaming about going back to bed. She knew her mother only had her best interests at heart, but really, wasn't she being overdramatic? She'd been stupid, passing out at the ball, but it would hardly ruin the life-long reputation her mother claimed to have built. "Please," Soleil sighed, "I'm so tired."

Her mother looked at her for a long moment. "We'll be setting up an introduction for next week, so that you two can meet. I suggest you think about what I said." And with that, she left the room.

Soleil, fatigued, went upstairs to rest. Emily cautiously followed her, clearly wanting to make good on the promise that Sol would tell her all about the ball after the guests had left, but she'd heard the argument between her and Mother, and teetered between wanting to know, and giving her space and time alone. She lingered at her sister's doorway, and finally found the courage to speak. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Soleil gave her a small smile. "I'm just tired. I'm going to go to bed."

"Can I sleep with you? You can tell me about the ball real quick!"

Soleil chuckled. "Fine. Go get changed, and jump in with me."

Emily brightened, and then ran to her room. Soleil washed up and changed as well, and soon enough Emily hopped up into her bed, and the sisters curled up together under the covers, and Soleil whispered a recollection of last night's magical ball, and all the wonderful people she danced with, and the charming Lady Azula, until sleep overcame them both.

2021/07/11 5:47:03 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

The sheer amount of nostalgia alone that came from this music box was enough to bring Lilium to tears. But.. it wasn't just that. So much sadness, so much pain, loneliness... way too many emotions at once. The woman felt overwhelmed, but Viego came to her side, and held her.
The woman could remember it all perfectly now. They had met, long ago, and fallen in love. Viego, the King of Camavor, and she, a painter. She had painted for him back then, too. That certainly explained all the paintings he had hanging on his walls... And oh, the memories they had shared-! They had spent so much time together, and were to marry.. But then .. then...
She.. She had died back then.
Before they had married, right before-! Everything had come crumbling down. And.. and Viego. She didn't know what had happened to him after that, but Camavor no longer existed in her world today, nor was it ever mentioned in books or on the map. Someone who would never age.. he was left alone.
How long has it been, since she died-? How long had Viego been alone? And even now, after all this time, he missed her, and loved her. He kept her paintings, and the key to the music box. This music box.. she remembered it now, too. It had been a gift from him, before their wedding. The fact that she had it now with her, after all this time-! Surely it was fate. It was destiny. They were meant to find each other again, and continue their lives from where it had cruelly ended.
"The feeling .. that something was missing, was always there with me." The woman murmured through muffled cries. She hadn't even realized it until now. Lilium figured it must have been because of her parents keeping her home all the time, but no-! Right now, right now with Viego.. that hole in her chest was filled once more.
Ah.. this was almost too much for her to handle at once, all these memories flooding back into her-! But at least he was here with her. After all this time.. She couldn't imagine how he must have felt.
"I love you.. I love you so much. I've missed you.." She felt the desperate need to stay with him, now and forever. To make up for all their time lost.. "Yes-! Yes, I want to.. as we've promised." She responded. Not like the last time. This time.. they would marry, they wouldn't be torn away from each other.. not again!
"I remember everything.." She whispered, pulling away slightly only to look up into his eyes.

Emily was clearly incredibly excited to sleep with her elder sister. She had tried her best to be patient, to give Soleil a little time for herself-! But her curiosity got the best of her, and she really couldn't help but to ask to know about everything.
She ran off and changed as quickly as possible, and went to her sister's room immediately after, and hopped into the lush bed. After settling in comfortably and snuggling up with her sister, she listened intently to the recollection of the night before.
"Really? You danced with that many people?" Emily whispered excitedly, "You're so popular! Of course they wanted to dance with you." She added with a satisfied grin. Her sister was so pretty and elegant, it wasn't even surprising that she was offered so many dances. She hoped that one day, she'd also grow up to be like Soleil, kind and charming and patient as she was.
"And.. the Duke's daughter too??" Emily couldn't hold her excitement back, but also.. she was proud! Of course her big sister would get everyone's attention! It was only natural. It made Emily a little sad , though, that their mom wanted Soleil to marry that random guy. Surely she met so many other and better people at the ball? What if what her sister said was true..? She didn't want Soleil to marry some awful guy like that, not at all!
Emily so desperately wanted to ask 'Why can't you just marry the Duke's daughter?' but.. she was afraid the topic might only distress her sister, and so she forced herself not to ask.
"Was there any fancy little foods? Or cake?" Emily decided to ask instead, a topic much lighter than marriage, at least.
And the girls spoke and giggled amongst themselves, until they finally fell asleep, not realizing someone was outside watching...
Azula would have asked to be let in. She came all this way to visit the beautiful woman who would soon pass, and turn into something much stronger. But when she glanced in through the window, she noticed a younger girl laying in the bed beside her. Oh.. her sister? It made sense, she supposed... Azula hadn't thought too much about her family, but seeing the siblings interact made her feel - just a little - bad. She would soon die, and her little sister would be upset, surely, along with her parents and family..
She watched the girls as they fell asleep, with a tinge of pity. Her selfishness got the best of her, however, and she ended up pushing aside any sorry feelings she felt. It would be a shame about her family, but the deed was already done, and Azula wanted this woman for herself.

2021/07/11 7:00:23 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"So, how do you feel? It's your last night as Lilium Silverstone (1). From tomorrow on, you will be my wife, and our queen, and most of all... all mine." Viego hummed playfully, reclining against his beloved. They were together in his bedroom, lounging on the plush bed, simply enjoying each other's company, each other's touch. Perhaps it was a bit inappropriate to share a bedroom right before marriage, but Viego couldn't help himself - he didn't want to spend a minute away from his wife-to-be. He loved Lilium with all the love in the world, and tomorrow, finally their love would be immortalised. They would come together under the bindings of marriage, and of immortality itself, for tomorrow night, he would bite her and turn her, and their lives would be joined forever more.

It was only this promise of eternity that gave Viego the strength to sit up from his comfortable position, with his head against her lap, and free Lilium from his grasp. It was just one night, that they had to spend apart. One more night, and then they would be together forever. He could miss her for just a few hours more, knowing that come sunrise, they would again be reunited.

"Are you nervous, about the wedding?" Viego asked softly. He was almost afraid to ask this question at all, in fear of her answer - that she might change her mind - but he needed to know. He needed to hear again that she wanted this just as fiercely as he did. The marriage was one thing - becoming a vampire was another matter entirely, and though he desperately wanted her to join him as soon as possible, he would not force her into it. He would wait, however long she needed. "Are you certain, that you want to go through with it?" He murmured, and despite himself, his worries showed.

"Sol! Sol, wake up! Sol!" Emily was practically jumping on the bed, early the next morning. No- it couldn't have been that early, for when Soleil opened her eyes, the maid was at her side, clearly having a hard time waking her up. She was awoken at the same time as always - it was only that she felt so incredibly tired... But her little sister's shrill voice was enough to get her out of bed, and very quickly, too. Anything, to put a stop to her energetic jumping.

Blearily, she got out of bed, and the maid shooed her little sister out and helped her dress. Soleil went downstairs for breakfast, but quickly found that she had no appetite. She drank the coffee, hoping desperately that it would give her some energy and bring her out of this stupor, but as for the food, she could only manage a few bites. She pushed the food around on her plate a bit, as if to pretend she had eaten more, but even the sight and smell of it before her made her stomach churn.

"Good morning, Mother." Soleil greeted, albeit in a quite monotone manner, when her mother entered the room. She responded with a similarly stilted greeting; clearly, things between them were still tense after yesterday's argument.

Her mother didn't even look at her as she spoke, "You ought to take today to practice playing the piano. You were incredibly sloppy yesterday."

Soleil sucked in a breath, but she wouldn't bite back at her mother. Yesterday had been unpleasant enough, and she didn't want to upset her any further. Besides, she was right. And maybe some piano would help her get back into form. She was glad, at least, to have an excuse to leave the table with her mostly uneaten breakfast, and headed to the drawing room. She sat down before the piano and allowed her fingers to find the keys, and began to play a warm up.

(1) sobs im sorry i just made up a last name bc I wanted this dialogue in particular, but we can totally change it!! plus her last night in the modern time line is probably different anyway. idk what viego's last name is either tho

2021/07/12 6:26:14 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[silverstone is such a pretty last name dlkjdls ITS PERFECT SO ILL USE IT. ALso yeah i should actually find last names for sett and everyone but in league they just dont have last names and i dunno i cant really think of anything suitable bwahah. Especially for sett! You chose windchaser for Yone which was perfect and matched him sooo well! And maybe Viego would be a lil easier too.. BUT YEAH I NEED TO THINK OF SOMETHING SO THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING A BEAUTIFUL ONE FOR LILIUM]]

Lilium laughed gently at her love's question. "I feel wonderful." She said, without hesitation. She was incredibly excited for the next day - the day of their marriage! It seemed like they had been together for so, so long.. Of course it was wonderful that they could finally marry. Moreover, Viego promised to turn her on their wedding night. It was a little scary to think about, but she knew she'd easily be able to get through anything, with him by her side. And... really, she loved him, more than anything. She could not imagine not being turned, to stay with him.
"I do hope you're ready to spend a lot more time with me." Lilium added playfully, reaching down to gently brush his hair out of his face. They already spent quite a bit of time together, of course.
And then her love sat up, reluctantly she knew. They would part ways just for tonight.
"Nervous?" The woman repeated, laughing slightly, "How silly, my love! In fact, quite the opposite-- I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with you." She wasn't leaving anything behind, really. She had no siblings, and her parents had passed already. She had some friends, if she could call them that, but that was it.
"Though I must admit, I might miss having all those delicate pastries you get for me so often. A sacrifice I am most willing to make, for you." She hummed. Since she had been with Viego for quite a while now, she knew probably everything there was to know about Vampires. She was even friendly with some of the others that she had met through Viego.
Lilium could easily hear the worry in Viego's voice, and so she gently reached out and cupped his pale cheeks. "Don't worry about anything. No matter what, we'll be together, forever. I'm sure we're destined to be together.. And I promise, I'm the happiest woman in the world, to be able to stay with you forever."

Azula typically stayed inside during the morning and early afternoon hours. In fact, she usually slept at that time, but she had a couple of things to do in preparation for her.. guest that would be joining her soon.
Being turned into a Vampire was no small thing, she supposed. The woman had a room all ready and set up for Soleil's eventual arrival. She tried to make it look a little similar to her current room, too, but Ty Lee said that might just make her feel sad, as it would remind her of a life she could never return to. So, Azula had her maids redo everything entirely.
This room was also just a plan B, in case Soleil didn't particularly wish to share her own room. Azula would have all the time in the world to wait-- and so would Soleil, so she didn't need to rush anything. If she wanted to sleep in a different room, at least at first, then so be it. It would still be close to her own room anyway, since she should probably keep an eye on the newly turned vampire.
"This is a lot of trouble for a human." Mai pointed out, clearly exhausted and wishing she could go to sleep already. "Mai! It's someone Azula is interested in.. come on." Ty Lee grinned cheerfully. It was true that neither of them had ever seen the Duke's daughter so invested in someone, a human no less. It wasn't even that she would be drinking from her, like a pet... no, she had turned her, and she'd be living as a vampire.
It was a little unheard of for vampires to turn a human so easily. Not many vampires actually cared enough about humans to turn them, in fact. They drank from them, used them as pets, sometimes even drained them... but turning them, and letting them in on the key to immortality? It was shocking, to say the least. Some of the older vampires still hated the thought of humans being turned, but by now, most just didn't care enough to bother with it. It would be the gossip of the town for the next week, but other than that? No one would care.
Even Azula's father, she knew, would not give it a second thought. So long as she obeyed him, and aided him when he ordered her, then she could do whatever she wanted.
"I can't believe some people were killed back in the day for this though." Ty Lee frowned, "I heard a King's love was killed long ago, because he wanted to turn her! Times sure have changed."
Azula rolled her eyes, "Should anyone get in my way, I would cut them down. That.. 'king'? He just wasn't strong enough. Not like I am. No one would dare get in my way."
Ty Lee and Mai glanced at each other -- but in the end, they both agreed that Azula was not the vampire anyone would like to cross...
It was afternoon by now, and Soleil's mother had gotten a lot done. It was good, of course, but there was still much to be done. She truly hoped her daughter would get herself in gear, though. She would soon be married, and she could finally secure a grand life for Soleil. She needed everything to be perfect!
...This included Soleil's piano skills.
The woman pursed her lips as she walked by the drawing room. Her daughter was practicing as she had suggested, which was good. She was being obedient, as usual, but... her playing was off. It was far from perfect. It was sloppy. In fact, it sounded sloppier than the afternoon before.
Was she still tired from that ball? After getting drunk like that, she wouldn't be surprised....
And yet, something felt.. off. Perhaps she should give her a little break. It would be for the best, she reasoned to herself. Soleil could rest today, and by tomorrow she'd be well and back to her usual self.
With that in mind, she stepped into the drawing room. "Go rest now. It will do you no good to play like this." She stated, noticing for perhaps the first time how pale her daughter looked. Maybe she really did need the rest?

2021/07/12 8:03:50 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp


Viego's expression softened, his worries melting into a gentle smile. Honestly, hearing Lilium's words was exactly what he needed. Hearing her say again that she was this certain about being with him brought him relief. He trusted her, with all his heart, and he knew she was telling the truth, but worries simply had a way of permeating through all logic despite themselves. But he would trust her, for he loved her, and happiness was so close - it was in reach. Just a little while longer, and it would be theirs forevermore.

He chuckled, and shot her an apologetic look. Those pastries... he knew it was a joke, but Viego did feel a little guilty about that, too. Being a vampire had many perks, of course, but it would be a lie to say they came without drawbacks. Lilium deserved all the most wonderful things in the world, and he was almost loathe to take away her ability to enjoy the sweets she loved so much. But Lilium was alright with it, and Viego was simply so thankful to her, that she was willing to give up such a beloved aspect of her life, to spend it with him.

"I will do everything in my power to make it up to you." Viego promised with a playful smile. Food was a pleasure for humans, but it was not the only pleasure that existed - Viego would be sure to help Lilium find it elsewhere, once she was turned.

He leaned into her hand when she cupped his cheek, and sighed in contentment. Her gentle touch, her comforting words... he could melt into her hands like this. All he knew was that he wanted to be with her forever. These next few hours - the last night before their wedding - would be painful, but he'd manage, so long as he did not have to go a single day without her ever again. That, he was sure, would be pure torture, to be apart from her after their union.

"And I promise," Viego murmured, and turned his head so that he could kiss her palm, "to make you the happiest woman in the world." She promised she would be, but he promised he'd work for it, to make her happy. To make it worth it, giving up the life she had had, to join herself to him forevermore.

Soleil could barely focus. Each finger felt so incredibly heavy, she had a hard time lifting them as she played. Placing them, too. Her mind felt foggy as well, and she had a harder time reading the notes than she usually did - even though at this point, she had most of the notes memorised, she found that she needed them today; that she'd skip measures or even full sections at a time, without her guide.

She didn't know how much time had passed when she heard her mother's voice, and she froze, fully expecting her to scold her again, but no such thing happened. Her voice still had a harsh edge, but it was softer than before, and her words were kind. And- she was absolutely right, Soleil realised. She'd been trying to force herself through these songs, hoping that all she needed was practice, but it was obvious that these past hours hadn't helped at all. It frustrated Soleil, in all honesty, that she was playing so badly, without even knowing why. Maybe she was getting sick? There had been a lot of people at the ball, and she'd been in close contact with many. If even one person brought the flu, Soleil (and all the other guests!) very well could have caught it.

"Perhaps you're right, Mother." Soleil admitted. Maybe what she needed was rest. It wasn't possible to simply forget how to play the piano at this point, so there must be something wrong with her body, but her skills would come back as soon as she was feeling better. Slowly, she stood, and closed the piano lid. She paused and leaned against the instrument for a moment, steadying herself as her head spun from the exertion of getting up, and then, just as slowly, she headed up the stairs and to her room, to bed. She managed to change into a nightgown, and then, as soon as she laid down - she was out like a flame.

2021/07/13 6:36:18 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

"I'm sure of it." Lilium whispered gently in response to Viego's promise. He had already made her happier than she could have ever imagined, after all.
The couple spent a little while longer with each other, before they kissed once more and parted ways for the night. "My darling husband-to-be.. I love you so much." Lilium said lovingly, before retreating to her own room.
Of course, it was incredibly hard to fall asleep. She was far too excited for the morning, but.. she knew she needed her rest, so that she'd look her best for the wedding. After daydreaming of all the things they could do together after their marriage, Lilium managed to fall into a light sleep.
A few hours later, the sound of a gentle click woke the woman up. She quickly opened her eyes, and sat up.
Almost at once, she noticed a figure in her room. "Who are you?" She demanded, desperately trying to make her eyes adjust to the darkness. Someone coming into her room at this time of night.. this was definitely a bad sign. It wasn't Viego either, that much she was certain of..
"Do not move." The voice responded, deep and quiet.
Lilium was frozen in fear anyway, but.. she needed to remain level headed.
"It is a shame, really. I would have let you go, had I known that fool of a King would not chase after you. To give a mere human the key to our secrets.. a king, no less! It is unacceptable. But alas, he would not listen to reason. One day he will thank me for this."
"W-What do you--?"
And before she could even finish her question, the man came over to her, and she saw a glimmer of silver before feeling a burning pain spread throughout her entire body. Lilium felt tears well up in her eyes, and hot blood pool out from her chest.
And as she fell back onto the bed, all she could do was look wordlessly as her killer licked the blood from his blade and leave...

That night, after Azula finished her duties, she decided she would visit Soleil again. She was not sure if she would be alone, for the night before, she had been with her sister. The vampire rather doubted that they usually slept together, however. Their manor was large, and had more than enough rooms to give each child their own. So perhaps tonight the woman would be able to visit Soleil without any problems.
The vampire decided to stay a while longer, however, opting to go when she was certain everyone at Soleil's manor was mostly asleep. It would be such a bother, should the girl cry out in surprise, and alert the maids or servants. Soleil certainly would recognize her, but she was still human, and with her humanity came fear. Of course she'd be surprised to see her on her balcony.
Yes, Azula thought; it would be best to go deep in the night, when everyone would surely be asleep.
And so she waited, passing the time by doing nothing in particular, really. It was irritating to wait so long, and soon enough, couldn't even bother to wait a single moment longer. And so she left, flying out into the night sky.
It did not take long to arrive at Soleil's home, and again, she found herself on the balcony, watching through the glass. Soleil was sound asleep, with no sign of her sister anywhere. Perfect.
For a moment, the vampire simply stayed out there, in the cool night air, admiring her. She looked paler than normal, but other than that, she didn't look too unwell. Her resting face was so precious, too.. Even now, when she was sick and pale, sleeping in the midst of the night, she reminded Azula of the sun. How strange, for a vampire to be so attracted to someone that reminded her of the very thing that could destroy her.
And then, after some time passed, Azula finally knocked on the glass gently, the sound seeming even louder when everything else was so silent..
Soleil stirred in her bed, and Azula stood straight on the balcony, golden eyes glimmering slightly as she watched the girl sit up. "Soleil.. won't you let me in?" She questioned through the glass. She needed to be invited in, of course, but something told Azula that Soleil would not deny her entrance.

2021/07/13 7:40:55 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[[SOBS poor lilium ToT]]

"Rise and shine, my lady! We must get you ready and dressed for the wedding, aren't you exc-- a-ahhh!" A terrible scream tore out from the maid's throat when she opened the door to Lady Lilium's room, and found her lying motionless in a drying puddle of blood. She jumped back in shock, "H-Help! Help! Somebody, help! Lady Lilium is- is- my lady is-" She could not say that terrible word, that seemed so incredibly final. Maybe it wasn't true? If she helped her immediately, maybe everything would be alright--

But Lilium was motionless. Cold. The blood coating her chest and that which stained the sheets was all dry. Her eyes were open and glazed over, her lips parted. The maid had approached her, wanting to apply pressure onto her wound, or comfort her lady, but- it was too late for any of that. No parting words, no nothing. She had passed, without anyone even noticing.

Bile and sobs rose up in the woman's throat and she, hating to leave her poor lady all alone, yet also wishing to be as far away as possible from this terrible scene - ran out of the room, calling for help. It was a terrible deed, but she absolutely had to inform the king.

Viego awoke and sprang up to his feet at the chaos, at the pounding on his door. What was going on? It was unlike the palace to be this unruly, and immediately he knew that something was wrong. Very, very wrong. He'd called out an affirmation, and a maid - Lilium's handmaid, specifically - threw the door open, breathless and teary.

"My King- Lady Lilium is- Lady Lilium is-" Her voice broke off into a sob, and if Viego had had a beating heart, it would have stopped. He knew what she meant. He could smell Lilium's blood on her, though there was no sign of it on her.

But he couldn't believe it. There was no way--- Without wasting a moment longer, and without as much as a word to the crying handmaid, Viego rushed out of the room. He'd never felt such fear in him as he did now, all consuming and painful. The scent of blood only grew stronger and stronger as he approached her room - it was so tantalizingly sweet, but only made his stomach churn. How terrible, to think such things right now-!

He threw open Lilium's bedroom doors. The scent of blood was overwhelming. And she, the one love of his life, lay motionless in bed. Covered in a dry, rusty red. A cry wrenched out of his throat as he rushed to her side, and pulled her cold body into his arms. Her head lolled back limply, her open eyes glazed over and blank, and he cradled her against his chest as his own eyes filled with tears.

"No, no, no, no... Lilium... my Lilium, my love. No. Please don't leave me. Y-you can't. Please- no... No-! No!" Viego's voice shook. He could barely even see Lilium anymore, through the blur of tears. She was gone. She was dead. Long dead. There was absolutely nothing he could do to bring her back, try as he may.

When had this happened? How long had she been lying there, in her own blood, while he slept soundly in his bed and dreamed of their happy future? Their future, that had shattered in this blink of an eye. Who had done this? Who was it, who robbed them of their future? Viego would hunt them down and make them pay tenfold, and yet it would never be enough to make up for his precious Lilium's life. No, nothing would ever be enough. Nothing would bring her back. She was gone, forever, despite all their promises to spend eternity together.

So, helpless and heartbroken and despaired to the very depths of hell, Viego could do nothing but cradle Lilium's corpse. He cried and cried and cried, for what felt like hours, until the hour of their wedding passed and the day turned to night. What was supposed to have been the happiest day of their lives turned out to be the worst - and for Lilium, the last.

Soleil awoke to the sound of a knock. Blearily, she opened her eyes, and realised that it was still the middle of the night. It would not be the maid. Besides, the sound of the knock was not that of wood, but something else- something she could not quite place. She sat up slowly in bed, and looked around, and startled a little when she saw a figure out on her balcony. Azula-? She was looking in at her with a smile, and asked to let her in, and Soleil calmed when she realised it really was the Duke's daughter and not some crook. Somehow, it didn't feel so strange - almost as if a part of her had been expecting her.

She got out of bed and slowly, still fatigued, walked over to the balcony door, in her white nightgown. Her hair, always so carefully pinned into an updo during the day, hung long and loose past her chest. She unlatched the door, and opened it for the unexpected guest. "Of course, come in..." Azula's smile grew wider, and she came inside. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Soleil asked. Her bedroom was on the second floor, and there were no stairs connecting her balcony with the garden. Perhaps she'd used a ladder? But- what was she doing here in the first place, in the middle of the night? Soleil didn't understand at all, but- a part of her didn't care, she was just glad to see Azula. After the scene she'd caused at the ball those nights ago, she was certain the lady would never want to see her again-!

"I wanted to apologise," Soleil said, shyly. She blushed as she thought about their kiss, and what a fool she must have been after that, in her drunken stupor. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what she'd done. "For the trouble I caused you last time. Thomas told me you brought me out to the carriages. Thank you for that. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the ball, after that."

2021/07/15 10:33:41 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[dude.. it was so sad i teared up ;-;]]

"...I remember rushing into your room, and finding your body, covered in dry blood. And then.... and then....." Viego stammered suddenly, seemingly unable to continue.
Lilium looked up at the man, feeling an arrow through her heart. It hurt her, to see him so upset . But oh, she could not even imagine the pain her love had gone through... She couldn't bear to think of it, either.
After her death, Lilium felt no pain, for she was gone. But Viego... He had lived on with that pain, and for how long? Long enough for Camavor to crumble completely, for it to disappear from the very map itself. In fact... she wondered, briefly, if Camavor would still be here, had she been alive.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone." Lilium whispered, reaching up to cup Viego's cheeks. Of course, it hadn't been her fault, but.. the pain he must have gone through-! She couldn't even imagine it.. "But we don't have to be apart again. This time, we will marry, and live happily. Fate binds us.. not even death could keep us away from each other." That was true, wasn't it? Perhaps that was why she was back again, and why she had that music box..
Surely the universe wanted them to be together-!
And this time.. this time, Lilium would be more careful. She would not go anywhere alone.
Her killer... she could not tell who he was, by name, but she had tried her best to describe him to Viego. A vampire, for certain, with pale skin and dark hair.. But that matched so many vampires, so it would not help in their search, she supposed. Lilium could have sworn she had seen that man, though.. but where? Where had she seen him recently? She could not remember...
In any case, they could not change the cruel past no matter how horrid it had been. But the important thing was that they were here together. After all this time, they had found one another, and finally.. finally, they could resume their love where it had tragically ended.
...Lilium had not been alive in this life nearly as long as Viego had been. And yet, her heart ached. So many years of loneliness that she was only now beginning to understand. She was so glad.. to be back with him.
The music box came to a stop, and Lilium gently leaned up to kiss the one she so adored, with all her heart.

Azula watched as Soleil finally awoke, and came out of her bed to approach the balcony. She did not look very worried, or visibly upset about this visit. That was good. At least she was not panicking. Then again, perhaps in her tired state, she thought this was nothing more than a dream? No matter. Azula was simply glad to take this chance to visit her.
The balcony door was opened for her, and the sweet human gave her permission to enter. And so, she did.
Stepping inside, Azula simply looked around for a short moment. Soleil's room was pleasant, and smelled strongly of her. Sweet and warm.. And the bed, along with the room's decorations as a whole, all came together to create something that truly did match this girl's bright personality. Azula had not been in her room before, of course, though she had looked in the night before through the glass of the balcony. Perhaps now she'd have a better idea as to how to decorate her room in her own manor? Or.. perhaps Ty Lee had been right, in saying that it would only make her upset, and remind her of a life long gone. Azula supposed she would have to wait and see for herself, when the time came.
"Oh, you poor girl..." Azula murmured, eyes seeming to shine under some unknown light source. She reached out and touched her cheek, just for a short moment, before pulling away. "You're sick.." Of course, the Vampire already knew that. But she would not speak about it to Soleil.
"Hm? I've come to visit you, of course. A pleasant surprise, don't you think?" Azula hummed pleasantly, smirking somewhat. She would not even bother answering her second question - how did she get here? - for the real answer would only startle her. Or perhaps Soleil would not believe her at all? In any case, she looked so tired now that she was sure she could play this all off as a dream, if necessary.
This sweet girl, clearly sick and weak, wanted to apologize for the 'scene' she'd caused at the ball. Oh.. had someone scolded her for it? Perhaps she had not thought it through, when Azula brought the human out to her footman herself. No matter. She wouldn't bother with the silly mindset of humans.
"You caused no trouble. Don't worry about that." Azula replied, biting back a smirk. It had been her fault, after all, that Soleil had passed out anyway. She didn't really need to know that small little detail, though.
Without hesitation, the vampire slowly held onto Soleil, and led her back over to her bed, so that she could sit down upon it with her. She herself did not need rest, nor did she need to sit, but the poor girl was sick, and she might have fallen over if she stood up for too long.
"It is a shame you had to leave the ball early, though. I had such a nice night with you." Azula did not really come here with any real intention other than wanting to visit her. So she didn't have anything she wished to speak about. She would simply stay here for a while, and keep her company, and perhaps speak of this and that until Soleil was too exhausted to even attempt conversation anymore..

2021/07/15 1:59:02 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Lilium was taking in this news much better than Viego had expected. In truth, he'd been prepared for her to fall into hysterics - that would certainly be understandable, given the sudden influx of memories, and very painful memories at that. But Lilium did not weep; she scarcely looked distraught at all. Rather, understanding seemed to overcome her, and with it, a sense of calm. That yes, her death had been tragic, but that it came into place now, and filled the empty parts of her. Now, at least, she understood who she truly was, and where she'd truly come from. Whom she truly was, to Viego. He was glad that she was taking this so well, though honestly, the same could not be said for him. He'd tried to, desperately, remain collected while he helped her memories along, but talking about her death (a topic he never spoke about, but rather locked up deep within his heart) opened a dam inside of him, and those awful emotions came back at nearly half force and caused his voice to stammer.

"Yes," he murmured, "Yes. You're right. We'll never be apart again. This time, I'll make sure of it." Viego promised. He gave her a smile - yes, it was true that his own memories had upset him, but, awful as it was, the past remained in the past. And Lilium was before him now, happy and healthy and retaining of all the memories she'd had of him. And they would be together forever. It was surely destiny, or God, or any force of the universe that tied them to one another and gave them this second chance. He'd never believed in reincarnation before, but this was no coincidence - his Lilium was returned to him, and Viego would worship whichever deity it was who had performed this miracle.

He only wished that he knew who had killed her in the first place. All these years, and still Viego did not know. Still his desire for revenge had not died out-! He'd hoped, in part, that Lilium could tell him who it was, but she hadn't seen the perpetrator well in the dark of the night, and the description she'd given could have matched any number of vampires. At least now he knew with certainty that it was a vampire who'd killed her... So he was most likely still alive. Still waiting to be punished for this heinous crime.

But he needn't think of this now. Right now, all that mattered in the world was Lilium in his arms, and when she leaned up to press a kiss against his lips, in the same manner as she'd always done, all those years ago, Viego thought his heart would burst. He caught her lips in his own, and eagerly returned the kiss, as if to pour all the love he'd held within himself into her. It had waited for more years than he could count - but finally, they were reunited. Finally, he could love her again, without inhibition. "Thank you, my love," he whispered between a kiss, "For returning to me. I love you..."

"O-Oh..." Soleil blushed when Azula reached out to touch her cheek for only a fleeting moment. Or was it the start of a fever, that made her cheeks feel so warm-? It seemed Azula could tell she was sick, and Soleil waved her hand and weakly laughed it off. "I'll be better in no time. I fear I might have caught something at the ball. You're not feeling ill, are you-?" She asked with a hint of concern. What a scandal it would be, if all the guests fell ill after a grand event like that-! But Azula looked to be in perfect health, strong and smiling (and her question hadn't offended her - thank god! Soleil usually knew better than to insinuate such things to the host of the event).

She smiled to herself, pleased with the answer, when Azula said she was here to visit her. So she had wanted to see her again after all-! Maybe it was because they were both women, that Azula turned to such secrecy? To visit her in the dead of night like this? Soleil was certain her parents would gladly welcome her in, if not as a suitor, then as a guest - there was no need to sneak around like this. Soleil wanted to tell her as much, but then again...

It really was a relief to hear that she hadn't caused trouble at the ball (though Soleil rather doubted that was true, but it was kind of Azula to say so, anyway). And as they spoke, Azula gently led her over to the bed, and Soleil let her, and sank back onto the mattress. She hadn't even realised how tired she was, but clearly Azula had, and led her to rest before she stumbled off her feet. And- it was really nice, to sit besides her like this. It felt intimate, somehow.

"Oh- did you, really?" Soleil asked with a hopeful smile when Azula said she'd enjoyed their night together. "So did I. My little sister wanted to know everything about the ball, you know? Details of all the food and outfits and music... I think I described nearly fifty different masks to her! I told her everything - well," Soleil blushed a little and gave the woman besides her a knowing look, "almost everything." Not the kiss. But Emily did know that they'd danced together for a very long time and - obviously, after all the arguments with her mother - that she'd been the one to carry her out to the carriage.

2021/07/15 5:55:21 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

In truth, Lilium had a very difficult time sleeping after regaining her memories. She was terribly paranoid about ... that man coming back, to kill her once more when she was again so close to eternal happiness. She even started sleeping with a small blade hidden beside her bed, though she was not sure it would do very well against a Vampire anyway.
In any case, no one tried to kill her. She spent whatever time she could with Viego, and only a few days after she regained her memories, he spoke to her parents about marriage.
Of course, they eagerly agreed to the arrangement, and so everything was perfect-! Sometimes she felt a strange homesickness whenever she had to sleep apart from Viego, but.. it would be alright. The world must have brought her back so that they could be together at last. How cruel would it be, if she was brought back only to be killed again-?
Tonight, her love would take her to a ball. It would be fun, she knew, and.. perhaps she'd recognize some of the vampires, from her past. But mostly, she was going simply to have a good time with the love of her life.
Viego had informed her before hand, that he wished to personally pick out a dress for her. So, when he arrived to pick her up, she wore one of her more simple dresses, and left after bidding her parents farewell.
"We've went to so many balls together back in Camavor. Ah, but back then, everyone would always eye you specifically, since you were a king. At least now I needn't worry so much about their gazes." Lilium laughed, a bit jokingly, as she entered Viego's home once more. It was true, as King, EVERYONE admired and knew him of course! It was silly to be jealous, when he had chosen her, but it was alright too wasn't it?
The woman wondered, briefly, if Viego missed his kingdom.. It would be impossible to bring it back, at this point, and.. he couldn't just become a King now. But perhaps.. "When I come to live with you, we could make this place feel more like our home. Do you remember it? We'll have all the time in the world to do whatever we wish, and now you needn't worry about your responsibilities as a king either. More time for me~." And when she would be turned, they'd have even more time. Lilium would do everything in her power to bring joy and love back into his life.. Heavens knew how much time they had to make up, for all those years lost...

Even now, Soleil seemed to like Azula enough to wish her to stay. And oh, how adorable she was, with her cheeks burning that light pink hue.. Or was that simply from a fever? Her face was indeed warm, so it would make sense..
"Ill? No, I'm quite well." The vampire responded. No.. it was impossible for her or other vampires to become sick. It was possible that Soleil could have caught something from another human at the ball, but obviously, that wasn't the case. It was Azula who had caused this 'disease', but she wouldn't be admitting that any time soon. The vampire would simply play along with her, though, and answer all of her questions (without really giving her any answers).
"Mm, of course." Azula hummed as they sat together on the bed, "You made the ball such a lively event. The other guests were so dull and boring." She was the host's daughter, and she most certainly was allowed to say such things. It wasn't as if anyone would really care anyway.
"A sister, you say? What's her name? She seems like a little ball of energy." It was difficult to keep the dry tone out of her voice, but she managed. Azula really was not the type to care for children. She supposed they could be cute, from a distance, but they did seem like a lot of trouble.
"Her name is Emily. And yes, she certainly is. She wanted to know absolutely everything." Soleil repeated with a small laugh.
Almost everything, that is.
Azula had to bite back another smirk. "I suppose it would be a little too much on her young heart, if you had truly told her everything." Being kissed by the duke's daughter would certainly be the gossip of the century, at least to someone as young and curious as Emily. Then again, she didn't truly understand humans - much less human children - so she could never be sure.
"Though I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Father likes to throw a ball every once in a while. Perhaps I'll invite you for the next one as well. ...There was one ball he threw where my brother also attended. He really did make a fool out of himself, though, and father was furious." Azula began, telling a random story about her experience with a different ball. She wasn't even sure if Soleil was still listening to everything-- in the end, it didn't even matter anyway. She simply wished to visit her and spend this time with her, until she fell asleep.
..And, sure enough, Soleil slowly fell back onto the bed, probably exhausted. Azula glanced back at her for only a moment, watching the fall and rise of her chest. "..Soleil?" She spoke her name, but with no actual desire to wake her. No, she was simply checking if she was truly asleep.
The vampire stood up silently, and gently picked up the lush covers to put over Soleil. To keep her warm and comfortable, as she slept. She even fluffed up her pillow a bit, as best as she could from this position while she was laying on them, anyway.
And then with a lingering look at the sleeping woman, she leaned down, and pressed her lips against her forehead without even thinking about it.
She pulled away, and left her bedside, gave her a final glance, and then left into the night sky.

2021/07/15 7:18:38 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego spoke pleasantly with Lilium's parents when he went to pick her up, and waited for her to gather her things. It had been even easier than he'd expected, charming her parents. It had scarcely been two weeks since he "met" Lilium once again, at that fateful ball, that he approached her father to ask for permission for his daughter's hand in marriage. The couple had looked at each other with perplexed gazes - a proposal, so quickly? - but clearly it had been too good of an opportunity to turn down, so even though it was unusual - they granted him permission, and gave him their blessing. He'd told Lilium immediately that her parents were on board, but as for a proper, official proposal... he hadn't had one yet. He wondered whether it was at all necessary, since he and Lilium already spoke of their marriage, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. Maybe Lilium would like it, too.

In any case, their engagement had not yet been announced, and while Viego was itching to make it official and let everyone know - a part of him wanted to wait. To get married first, perhaps without anyone knowing. To turn her into a vampire, so that no one could attempt to assassinate her before their marriage like last time. Honestly - it stressed him out. He didn't know what would be the best, what would be the safest. So perhaps for now, it was best to keep the news to themselves, until they made a proper decision... Then again, most of the vampires in attendance at tonight's ball would very well know who Lilium was, and they could very well extrapolate the idea that they were planning to wed, once again.

He helped Lilium into his carriage once she was ready and they left, bidding farewell to her parents. They spoke pleasantly throughout the ride, and soon enough they were at his home. He'd had a dress tailor-made for Lilium, reminiscent of one of her favorite dresses from her previous life, albeit in a style more in-fashion at the moment. He wondered whether she'd remember it - already he was excited to show her.

Viego smiled at Lilium's words, that they could make this place more like home. How sweet she was-! To want to make this home more like theirs... It would be impossible, at this point, to restore Camavor - it had been too long lost, too long forgotten and off the map. He hadn't even been in that area in such a long time, because of all the sad memories it brought back... but perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, with Lilium by his side. They would be together, and their home would be complete, even if there was no kingdom to go along with it. He would have to do some research, and find out if their castle was still standing. It was surely abandoned, but perhaps... they could restore it?

"Come with me," he smiled at Lilium, and brought her along to a guest bedroom - a room that he'd since dedicated to Lilium, even though she had yet to stay there. The dress he'd had made for her was laid out on the bed, and he turned to look at Lilium and see her reaction. "I'd like you to wear this tonight. What do you think, do you like it?"

Soleil could not wake up the next morning, either. She laid, feverish, in bed in a fitful sort of sleep, half-waking when the maid came to rouse her in the morning. She'd seen the poor state in which Soleil was in, and brought over her mother, who laid a hand on her forehead and declared a fever, and, seeing that Soleil really was in no state to get out of bed, told her she could stay. The maid then brought up breakfast for her, but Soleil took one look at the buttered bread and soft-boiled eggs and felt her stomach lurch. She pushed the tray away weakly.

"Please, miss, you must eat!" The maid insisted, but Soleil refused, and promised to do so later, when she was feeling less nauseous, and finally the maid relented and set the food aside.

Dr. Vesalius (1) arrived a few hours later, sometime past noon, though Soleil had barely even noticed the passing of time. The doctor spoke with her family a little, and then came to her room to speak with Soleil, and performed a physical examination. Soleil allowed her, of course, and answered all her questions to the best of her ability. Her mother came in to watch as well, with a worried expression.

"How is she, doctor?"

The woman didn't answer for a moment, and put her instruments away, clearly mulling over how say what she had to say. "It's heart failure." She said. Soleil's mother gasped, even as the doctor continued. "I've never seen a case like this, with such a quick onset in someone so young. It's likely there has always been an underlying congenital heart malformation, that hadn't been noticed before. Perhaps the lady's recent exertion at the ball triggered the symptoms, but I suspect the heart had always been weak. ...Have there really been no previous indications for such a disease?"

"No, never-! She's always been healthy..." Lady Rien lamented. "What can we do, doctor? Will she get better?"

Dr. Vesalius pursed her lips. "Not much, I'm afraid. It is imperative that she get plenty of rest, and not exert herself more than necessary. Eat and drink, as much as possible. Unfortunately, the only treatment I can provide is symptomatic. I'm sorry. But with the right lifestyle, this condition is manageable and can have a very good outcome." She gave her patient a tender look, "I will come back tomorrow, with some medicines. You must rest and eat well, alright?"

"Mm... Yes, doctor." Soleil murmured. Perhaps it was because her mind was so foggy, but really- this diagnosis didn't frighten her, not nearly as much as it did her mother. It felt expected, somehow. At least now she knew she truly had a reason to feel this unwell. She just hoped this extreme fatigue would pass soon.

(1) ayyy andrea cameo!! tho in this she's just a regular human, otherwise she could have recognised the symptoms as vampire-related lol.

2021/07/17 7:32:04 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


Lilium eagerly followed Viego up into one of his guest bedrooms, where a beautiful dress was laid out for her. "Oh... This dress-!" She gasped in slight awe, quickly going to approach it. She gently ran her hand over the material, wondering if the man really had this made just for her. How sweet, how wonderful... How kind of him! But it wasn't only a beautiful dress. It was.. one of her favorite dresses, from her life long ago. "You remember this.. I love it, so much." She was absolutely touched. Viego was a vampire, but it was still so impressive that he remembered every detail of her dress from that long ago. It must have cost a small fortune, too..
Actually, this dress had been a gift from him all those years ago as well. It had been her favorite, and she wore it more often than any other dress she had. Ah.. it really was absolutely gorgeous... And really, seeing this now made her feel nostalgic all over again. All those sweet memories they had together-! It was a little bittersweet to think about now, since their marriage had been cruelly shattered, but.. it was also nice, to keep these memories. Surely no one else but them would remember, and that in itself made each one a treasure.
"Thank you. I love it." Lilium said again, now turning to Viego with a bright smile and slight blush. "Of course I'll wear it." She added.
Her love left the room for a moment so she could change into the dress, although it wasn't very necessary after everything they'd been through together. Still, perhaps saving herself a little longer would just make everything sweeter.
She changed out of her clothes and slipped into the dress at once, admiring herself in the mirror afterwards. It fit her perfectly, and.. it was stunning. She loved it, so very much, even after all this time. "Viego." She called out to him, and he came in the room once again. With a sheepish smile, she turned around to give her back to him, hoping he'd be able to lace the back of the dress up for her.
"Does it look nice on me?" She hummed, although she really was sort of just fishing for compliments here. Lilium already knew what his answer would be, but she so loved hearing him say these things aloud.. And wasn't that okay?
As he laced up her dress, she smiled in contentment. How long has it been, since she had felt this completely and utterly happy..? Just small things like this.. it was so wonderful. More wonderful than anything else-!

Lady Rien was distressed. No wonder why her daughter hadn't been doing well over the past few days. Surely Soleil would not simply play the piano so sloppily for no reason, right? She should have known better. But what was the cause? Did she catch something from that ball... ? No, if it was heart failure, then something must have triggered it, as the doctor informed her. If only Lady Rien had not sent her daughter to that ball. At least, not alone. Then perhaps she wouldn't have been overexerted. She should have sent someone to keep an eye on her.
Things would be different in this household, now. Soleil would need to take extra care not to do anything that involved too much effort. Surely... a change in lifestyle may help? Doctor Vesalius did say that a good lifestyle could make the condition manageable with a very good outcome.
"I will personally keep an eye on her, and make sure she eats and rests." Lady Rien stated, looking down at her daughter dolefully. She looked so weak, so unwell... This was nothing like her daughter. She was well behaved, and never had anything like this happen to her before. She had always been healthy and strong. It was something that happened at that ball...
She knew now that she would not be able to do anything about the past. Lady Rien needed to stay strong and keep her daughter in check, so that she ate properly and did not overexert herself. That was really all she could do now anyway, according to the doctor. She'd need to hope for the best..
The doctor left soon after that, giving her farewell and reminding Soleil once again to rest.
And now the mother was left alone with her daughter. She allowed herself to sit down on a chair by the bed, and simply sat there in silence. "...Soleil. I'm sorry for being so harsh on you lately. You're unwell, and I do not want you to fret over things that happened in the past. I just want you to get better. I need you to rest, and try to eat. Alright?" She finally spoke, gently. It was unlike her to apologize-- in all honesty, she never had reason to be too harsh with her daughter anyway. Soleil had always been such a bright young woman.. But now perhaps, this was for the best. Lady Rien felt bad, having been so harsh on Soleil when there was clearly something making her feel weak.
In any case, her daughter really did need to try to eat. "I need you to try to eat your breakfast. Can you do that for me?" And then she stood up. She had things she needed to do, as worried as she was for Soleil.. "I will come check up on you soon, but please do try to eat. After that, rest. Your sister is quite worried about you, and asked to come see you. Would you like me to send her in for a little, as you eat? If not, I will let her know to stay away from your room so that you can rest."

2021/07/17 9:18:57 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego smiled; Lilium's reaction was even sweeter than he had hoped. It was adorable how her eyes lit up when she saw the dress, and he knew immediately that he'd been right, that he still knew her as well as he did all those years ago. he knew exactly what she liked and how to make her happy - and that in turn made him happy. He left the room to allow her to change, and once she was done, he came back.

"Gorgeous. You look absolutely breathtaking." He admired her when she presented herself. The dress fit her perfectly; they would have to have no alterations. Although both she and the dress were different now, as products of their modern time, this scene so reminded him of what had happened back home. She had smiled just as joyfully then, and she looked just as beautiful now as she did all those years ago.

He approached her when she turned her back to him; he knew her every gesture perfectly, and began to lace up her dress for her without even a single word. He tied it tightly, to make sure it held well, but of course not too tightly. Just enough to make it comfortable. "You're beautiful." Viego said softly as he worked on the bindings. His fingers brushed against the smooth skin of her back as he worked, and the innocent touch sent a shiver through his entire body. What a joy it was, to be able to touch her again-! Even these small gestures meant the world to him...

They were up so close like this. Viego moved Lilium's hair over one of her shoulders, to keep it out of the way as he finished up the dress bindings. Like this, her scent was nearly overwhelming, and quite impossible to ignore. He could almost hear her heart pump blood through her, and the sweet scent wafted off of her like the most inviting flower. He couldn't help it; he inhaled, deeply.

"You smell so sweet, my love." He murmured, with a light blush coating his cheeks. Viego did not want to move things too fast, for surely Lilium was still getting used to- well, everything, although she was adapting to all this new information very well so far. But a bite - would that be too much? He did not want to frighten her off; he would never drink from her again, if she did not want it. All that mattered was that they were together...

"Oh... it's alright, Mother. Don't worry. I know you're just looking out for me." Soleil gave her mother a tired smile. It was unlike her, to be so apologetic, and this change in attitude made Soleil feel guilty for being sick in the first place. Surely she would get better soon, and then they would go back to their little conflicts as always. And it was the truth - she knew her mother just wanted the best for her, even if she sometimes had a strange way of showing it.

"But I'm really just so... so tired, after the doctor's visit." Soleil admitted. "I just need to take a nap, I think. I'll eat later... alright?"

Her mother pursed her lips and held her gaze for a long moment. It was important to eat, but her daughter really looked like she would fall asleep at any moment. Certainly the doctor's visit tired her out. Maybe it would be best for her to sleep a little bit, and then she would feel up in her strengths to eat properly. "Alright." She relented. "But take your medicine first. Dr. Vesalius gave me an antipyretic to bring your fever down (1). Here, take one, wash it down with some water... there you go, good girl. I'll come check up on you in an hour or so."

Soleil nodded, having dutifully swallowed the medicine, and settled more comfortably in her bed. Her mother watched her for a moment as she closed her eyes, and quickly felt sleep overtake her... and then she left her, again, to rest.

(1) a common enough medication that andrea could have been carrying on her! but as for the other meds she'll bring them tomorrow, bc theyre not so common, so she needs to bring them first mhm. i'm just clarifying bc in my previous reply i had andrea say the meds will be tomorrow lol

2021/07/18 5:32:26 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium felt a slight shiver travel down her spine as Viego laced up her dress. Even this slight touch, the gentle brush of his fingers against her skin.. it was so pleasant. It was familiar too; surely, long ago, they had been in this same position dozens of times.
Honestly, the woman could not remember the last time she felt so content and.. well, warm. Loved. They hadn't done much now, of course, but even this was enough to make her feel incredibly happy.. She was so grateful, that they had found each other again.
Her cheeks hurt a little, too, from smiling so much. Viego's compliments really did make her day. "And you are the most handsome man in the world~." She hummed in response. She would always think that way, but it was always nice to remind him of it as well. She hoped that he could feel how much she loved him. That, even after all this time, even after her death and not remembering him at first.. her love had never faded away.
"Oh?" Lilium blushed a little as well, hearing the man's comment on her scent. While he had not bitten her yet in this life, it was true that she had offered herself to him in this way plenty of times in the past. He was a vampire after all, and really, it was pleasant for the both of them, so Lilium most certainly didn't mind. Besides.. once she was turned, he would not be able to drink from her anymore, right?
And so, with a racing heart, she spoke up, "Would you like to drink from me, my love?" She offered, like all those times before. Of course, it probably wasn't a good idea to drink too much from her right before a ball, but she trusted him with all her heart, and she knew he wouldn't do so. In any case, even if they ended up missing the ball, Lilium wouldn't be too upset anyway. All she wanted was to spend her time with the one she loved.. they had so, so much time to make up after all. Time they could have been together..
The man finished lacing up her dress, and so Lilium turned around and gently took his hand, leading him to the bed so that they could sit down upon it. She looked up at him, giving a shy smile, and then gently brushed her hair to the side, and tilted her head a little, to reveal her neck to him.

Soleil was now asleep, after having taken the medicine given to her. Lady Rein wanted to try to encourage her daughter to eat something, and so went to one of the maids and informed her to let the cook know to make a special meal for lunch. "It is her favorite. Perhaps she will have an appetite then. Make sure it is perfect." And with that, the maid nodded obediently, and quickly went to inform the cook.
"Lady Rein wants to make the young lady her favorite dish for lunch." The maid stated, to which the cook nodded. Everyone in the household was quite fond of the Lady Soleil-- she was kind and sweet to everyone, so of course they'd do their best for her. The cook already also knew the young Lady's favorite dish, so she would have no problem cooking it up for her.
The maid left the kitchen afterwards, and went to take care of some other duties before making her way into the servant's quarters. There stood poor Thomas the footman, who was surely worried out of his mind. The maid already knew well that he was fond of Lady Soleil, though she kept this to herself, seeing as how Thomas was pleasant company and a kind man. "Thomas, and how are you today?" The maid asked carefully. He looked quite fretful, in all honesty..
"The young lady.. how is she feeling?" He asked, albeit a little nervously. It was not really his place to go see her, but he knew that a doctor had come over for her today.. "I'm afraid not too well.. She has not eaten today, and the doctor says there is not much she can do..." The maid let her sentence trail off, but then added quickly, realizing how grim that must have sounded, "But of course, she will be okay. There needs to be a slight change in lifestyle, but the doctor said that could very well make Soleil's condition manageable. She could continue her life rather normally, as long as she does not tire herself out."
Thomas let out a small sigh of relief. "That is good news. Though I do hope she feels better soon." He stated. It was very unfortunate that the girl was feeling so unwell.. He wondered if this had anything to do with the ball, and wished he could have been there for her, to help her if need be. Thomas supposed he couldn't really change the past now anyway. Lady Soleil was a strong young woman, however, and he was certain she would be better within the next couple of days. He would simply pray for her quick recovery.
With that, the footman bid the maid farewell and left the quarters.
The maid, too, went to go do some more of her work. There was always so much work to be done! But time seemed to move quickly, and soon it was lunch time. The maid went to go fetch Soleil's favorite meal, alongside some other things the cook knew she enjoyed, and then carefully went to bring the tray upstairs.

2021/07/18 6:59:41 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Lilium's heart rate increased so deliciously. He could smell it on her, how her blood began to pump faster, how she smelled even sweeter when her cheeks turned red, when she offered that he could drink from her. He smiled to himself, and looked at her with a tender expression. It was so sweet of her to offer... but what was most important was that she wanted it, too. In truth, Viego wanted desperately to drink from her - he'd missed her too much, over these past years, and the thirst for her blood seemed almost impossible to bear. But he would shoulder it, if he had to, without complaint.

"Are you sure-?" He asked softly, and Lilium nodded. He did not need to tell her what a bite entailed; surely she remembered still, from their past lives. She certainly looked as though she knew what she were getting into, and Viego wanted to desperately to taste her...

He finished lacing up her dress, and then Lilium led him to the bed and turned to him on her own accord, moving her hair to the side and revealing to him her neck. Viego could see the pulse in her slender neck, so delicate and inviting. He felt his fangs grow, in anticipation of a drink, and suddenly, this was all he could think about. He hoped Lilium wouldn't change her mind now, because he wasn't sure he'd be able to calm himself after this... Of course, there was still the ball that they would go to; he had to be careful not to go too far, as not to miss the ball, or to tire out Lilium too much...

Gently, Viego raised his hands to her face. He cupped her cheek, and ran his thumb over her plump lips. It still felt like a dream, to behold her here before him, after all those years apart. More than anything, Viego was afraid that he'd wake up and realise none of this had been real. Or worse - to lose Lilium, once again.

He tilted her head to the side, and came in closer, his breath brushing against the skin of her neck for the lingering moment before he bared his fangs and bit down into her. Immediately all his senses were filled with her, filled with Lilium, filled with his beloved, and Viego thought that he could die happy tonight. To be reunited with her once again... He drank greedily from her, but remained level-headed enough to know he ought to pull away; and so he did, albeit reluctantly. It would not do to drink too much from her. Already this was more than he'd ever dreamed of...

"Thank you," he murmured, and pressed a kiss against her neck, to the spot where he'd bitten her. She'd enjoyed it too, of course, but surely no where near as much as Viego had. He wiped a smudge of blood off of the corner of his lips. "Delicious... You are the only chalice I'd ever wish to drink from."

"Are you feeling alright? Light-headed? I didn't drink too much, did I?" He asked tenderly. "I'd spend eternity with you right here, if I could, but we still have the ball to go to. We ought to continue getting ready. Allow me to do your hair, darling."

He looked at her for a moment longer, with a gentle smile, and then pressed a kiss to her forehead before he got up to get the hairbrush by the mirror. He returned to her side at the bed, standing behind her, and gently began to brush through her beautiful silver hair. There were so many things they could talk about, and yet at this moment, all Viego wanted was to share in her company. And so, he began to hum their song, the one that was contained in Lilium's music box. The one that promised them to each other. The one that had brought all of Lilium's memories back. It was surely the most magical melody in the universe. One stroke after the next after the next after the next... he kept brushing her hair until it shone like liquid silver.

"There we go." Viego smiled and set the brush down. "Would you like me to style it?" He wasn't as skillful with hairstyles as a maid, but he had some experience, too. Mostly with Lilium - he'd liked to style her hair, in her past life. He hadn't done so in such a long time... but surely the skills remained.

"My lady, look what Cook made! Doesn't it look delicious?" The maid sang when she came to Soleil's room around lunchtime, carrying a tray of still-steaming food. Soleil, who had been flitting in and out of sleep, woke up at the intrusion, and slowly sat up in bed, looking over at what Ruth (1) brought. Leek and potato soup, and a slice of quiche, fresh sheep milk cheese, and a bowl of strawberries and cream for dessert. It looked wonderful, really, and the inviting scent made Soleil homesick, somehow, even lying in her own bed.

"It looks delicious." Soleil smiled at Ruth when she placed the little tray table on her bed, above her lap. "Thank you."

The sleep had done her good, though she was still terribly fatigued. But now that she was less tired, she realised just how hungry she was. It was strange - this hunger, but at the same time, nausea. She didn't know whether she wanted to eat, or not. But she would try, just like Dr. Vesalius suggested. And for Cook, who must have worked all afternoon to make her her favourite dishes out of the blue. Slowly, she picked up her spoon, and brought a spoonful of soup up to her mouth. She grimaced - it tasted burnt; like ash. Awful. Cook was always so skilled, and everything she made was delicious - it was not like her to mess up this badly. She tried another spoonful, but it tasted just as bad, and she, upset, pushed the bowl away.

The quiche would surely be better. She tried a little piece on her fork, and lifted it to her mouth, but it had that same awful, ash-like taste. Soleil forced herself to swallow it, but did not try a second piece; she set her fork down.

"Wh-what did Cook put in this? It's- awful!" Soleil grimaced. She wasn't one to complain about food, but this was downright inedible! It was inexcusable, for the cook to serve her something like this-!

"What? Really? I- may I?" Ruth asked, and Soleil waved her her permission. The maid picked up Soleil's spoon, and tried some of the soup. She furrowed her brows, "It tastes just fine, my lady. I don't know what you mean... Won't you try and eat some more?"

Soleil shook her head decidedly. "No. No, I can't stomach that. If I eat anymore, I will- I will throw up, or- or die-!"

"Now, miss, don't say that, you're exaggerating." Ruth hushed her, just a little amused at her hyperbole. "It must be caused by your sickness, your lack of appetite. Try the dessert; maybe your sweet tooth will be helpful after all."

Soleil nodded, and picked up the little bowl. She did always like sweets; maybe she could stomach this after all. It wasn't the best diet, but surely it would be alright if she ate sweets for a couple days, until the rest of her appetite returned... She spooned a strawberry and some sweet cream into her mouth - and grimaced, again greeted by that awful taste so much like death. Soleil wanted to cry. Why? Why was this so difficult? She wanted to throw the bowl and shatter it on the wall across from her, but Ruth, having noticed her obvious upset, was immediately at her side and soothed her.

"No good, either? Oh, my poor lady... Shh, it's alright, we'll find something for you. Is there anything you think you could eat-?" Ruth asked gently.

Soleil sniffled, and tried to control her shaky breathing. She was so hungry, but nothing at all seemed appropriate. Except, maybe... "Meat. Maybe a... a steak, done rare."

Ruth nodded, slowly. Soleil had never been a big fan of meat, at least not in comparison to her brothers, but if she could keep that down - that would be good for her, surely. "I'll ask Cook. Okay? Don't worry about a thing, miss Soleil. I'll be right back. I'll take this tray back then, hm?"

(1) gonna finally give her a name hahaha. i LOVE the name ruth so much...maybe i'll make an OC one day uwu for now it can be the maid yay

2021/07/19 4:28:04 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

"Of course, my love." Lilium giggled softly. She would even enjoy this as well, she knew. Long ago, Viego had showed her - for the first time - how pleasant a vampire's bite could be. So really, it would be wonderful for the both of them. And.. they were engaged now, so eventually she'd be turned, and he'd never be able to drink from her again. A shame, really, so.. he should get his fill of her blood while he can!
And then Viego gently cupped her cheek, and ran his thumb over her lips. Lilium almost at once felt her cheeks warm a little.. how could she not blush, when she was so close to the one she so adored? Even now, with his face so close to hers, it felt so intimate... Her heart was racing, just as it always had whenever they were together like this.
He leaned down, and for a short moment, lingered at her neck. His warm breath across her skin made her shudder, and she recalled once again how Viego would always wait a moment before biting into her. Anticipation before the bite.. she had always enjoyed this little pause too, and perhaps after expressing that, he continued to do it.
Lilium winced when he sunk his fangs into her, but it was alright-- she recognized this short pain first. In all honesty, even that pain brought her a sense of nostalgia and love, and so she could almost ignore it.
Then came the pleasure that filled her entirely, almost at once. It was such a nice feeling, one she was never really able to explain, but it felt so.. warm. So pleasant, so intimate-! She let out a small shaky breath involuntarily, and felt her blush darken.
Perhaps most importantly was the fact that this only further proved she was not living in a dream. It.. it was sometimes too amazing to Lilium, how happy she was, how she was brought back to find her beloved... and sometimes she wondered if any of it was actually real. How broken she would be, if it was only a dream-! But no; this was her reality now. A very happy and joyous one at that.
Viego pulled away, and kissed the area in which he bit her. She let out another small breath of air, and tried to calm herself down. "No.. thank you." She hummed, trying to force her blush down. He could certainly drink from her whenever he so wished.
"I feel fine, don't worry." Lilium added at his question, "You didn't drink much, not at all." She would surely have enough energy to go to the ball.
When the man suggested he brush her hair, she smiled eagerly. How sweet-! She always loved it so much, when he did her hair. He brushed it so carefully, as if he wished to pour all of his love for her into each stroke. Even something as small as this.. it was so warm, so loving.. Lilium sighed in content once again, closing her eyes to enjoy it better.
He hummed for her too, that song from her music box. She sat in silence, enjoying it, perhaps too much. She thought she might break out into joyful tears, but she managed to hold back. How she had missed him... "I love you, so much." She whispered.
After a short while, he stopped, but offered to style her hair. "Yes, I'd love it." She felt spoiled as she had back when she was with him as King.

Ruth really did feel bad for her poor young lady. It really was such a shame that she could not taste the food she so loved... Perhaps it had something to do with her condition? She was a mere maid and far from a doctor, but didn't some sicknesses and conditions cause a lack of appetite? Well.. she certainly had never heard of anything that caused food to taste awful , as her lady had put it, but.. maybe it was possible after all. She really wouldn't know.
All Ruth knew was that there was nothing wrong with the food Cook had made. She had tried it after all, and it tasted as fine as it always had. Ah.. her poor lady couldn't even enjoy her favorite foods while she was feeling so unwell... She really hoped that this steak would help her. That Lady Soleil would be able to eat it, so that at least she had some food inside of her. She really needed to eat properly...
It was a little strange to her, that Lady Soleil wanted a steak done rare. She did not usually eat meat, and she had never asked for it before, but.. Perhaps again, it had to do with her condition. In any case, Ruth would not think too much of it. If her lady could eat it, then so be it. So long as she ate something.
With her lady's permission, she took the tray of barely-touched food and quickly left the room to inform Cook.
Along the way, she was greeted by young Emily, who walked by her side for a short while. "Miss Emily, please, I must get this back to Cook and get some more food for your sister.." She tried to shoo her away - not that she was trying to be rude! She just was in a hurry.. - but the girl did not leave.
"Is Sol okay?" Emily asked with a frown, "Mother said not to disturb her, so I tried my best to stay away from her room.. But since it's lunch time, I thought I could visit her.." She let her sentence trail off, and Ruth frowned slightly. The poor dear, she was just worried for her sister..
"The rest has done her well. But she has no appetite. She requested something else to eat, so--"
"What did she ask for?" Emily asked curiously. Ah, children always had a thousand questions-!
"She wants to eat steak for lunch. Now please.."
Emily made a face at this bit of information. Her sister asking for steak? That was a little weird, but whatever would make her feel better! "Okay. I hope she feels better.." She said, before finally going off to do something else.
Ruth finally made it down to the kitchen. Cook looked at her with a slightly puzzled expression. "Did she dislike the food..?" It was strange, considering how she had done her best, and put everything into making Lady Soleil her favorite dishes.
"She said it was 'awful', though I did try it myself, and I'm sure this condition of hers is simply messing with her taste buds.." Cook nodded slightly.. well, that was bad. Lady Soleil really needed to eat..
"She did ask for a steak though, done rare. She said she could probably eat that. So please.." Cook did not even hesitate before getting right to work on that steak. It was a little strange to her as well, but she'd make anything for Lady Soleil, as long as she could eat it.
Ruth placed the tray of food from earlier down, and opted to wait in the kitchen as Cook worked. Hopefully it would not take too long, for she was worried Lady Soleil might fall asleep again before having eaten anything.
After a while, at last, a new tray was made, and Ruth quickly brought it back upstairs to Lady Soleil.
"My lady, here you go.. Cook made this rare steak just for you. I do hope you enjoy it. Here." She gently set the tray-table down again, this time with the fresh meal.
"Your sister is quite worried about you as well.. Everyone hopes you'll get better soon, my lady."

2021/07/19 6:23:38 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

It was these peaceful, domestic moments that really made life worth living. Viego had had his fill of excitement in his life already; he'd be happy to lay it all aside, and simply enjoy life these moments that really mattered. Ever since Lilium had come back into his life, he had felt a contentness unlike any other - or, comparable only to the one they had shared in her previous life. He continued humming the song from the music box as he styled her hair, pinning it up carefully into an elegant updo. He'd gotten a little clumsy, after so many years of disuse, but he found that he could still remember, and that it came almost naturally to him, to style her hair.

"There. You look beautiful." Viego smiled, and took a step back once he was done. He placed the hairbrush and leftover pins back on the desk, by the mirror, where Lilium could admire her reflection. "I must go and get ready as well. I shan't take long; will you be alright, on your own, for a little bit?"

Surely she could manage that much, but Viego really did loathe to leave her. A part of him was still afraid, he supposed, that she would be torn away from him once again, like she was all those years ago... He knew almost nothing about her killer, but he knew one thing: he was a vampire. And so, this person could still very well be alive, and there was no telling whether or not he'd attempt to harm his beloved once again. Viego would absolutely never allow that to happen. He couldn't lose Lilium, not again. Never again.

He changed quickly, eager to get back to Lilium, and then he gave her his arm and together, they took the carriage all the way over to the host's ball venue. They had arrived fashionably late, as some people put it. Not outside of the acceptable norm, but certainly late enough to make an entrance, and that most of the other guests had already arrived by this point. He supposed they had taken a little time extra, with that bite...~ But it had been worth it. Viego never liked being one of the first ones to arrive, either - so this was perfectly fine. They greeted some of the other guests, but had yet to find and approach the hosts for a conversation. That could surely come later.

The music had already begun at this point, and Viego turned to Lilium with a perfectly gentlemanly smile. He offered her his hand, "My Lady, may I have this dance?" He asked her, fully well knowing her answer. He tugged her against him, and swept her into the waltz that was playing...

Soleil had flitted back into a shallow sort of sleep between Ruth's departure and arrival back in her room. She woke up when she came back, greeted by the scent of freshly grilled meat. It was beautifully prepared, with garlic butter and fresh thyme, and Soleil picked up the utensils and began to cut the steak into smaller pieces.

"Is that so? Mother mentioned the same thing, earlier. You can tell her, later, that she can come in if she can keep quiet. We could play a game of cards, perhaps." Soleil mused as she struggled with sawing through the steak. She absolutely did not have the energy to deal with a child's energetic antics; sometimes Emily liked to bounce on her bed, or start tickle fights, or shriek with laughter. It would be even nice to spend some time with her, if they could sit and talk quietly, calmly, or read, or something like that.

"I'll tell her." Ruth smiled, and then, seeing how Soleil struggled with cutting the steak, reached over to take her utensils, "Here, allow me."

"Mm. Thank you." Soleil watched as she cut the first bite-sized piece, and then even held it up for her to eat.

"How is it?"

"It's - alright." Soleil said after she'd swallowed. She almost felt like crying in relief. The meat still tasted vaguely of ash, of something wrong, but it was nowhere as bad as with the other foods. This- she could stomach.

Ruth, too, looked relieved, and continued cutting the steak until it was all in smaller pieces, and then she took a step back to allow Soleil to eat. The young lady managed to eat nearly half of it before the nausea came back, and she set her utensils down and pushed the rest of the food away. At least her hunger was sated. "I'm full. I'll eat the rest later, maybe."

2021/07/20 5:28:59 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium smiled at her own reflection once Viego was done with her hair. "You used to give me this hairstyle all the time. And still, I adore it." She hummed. Perhaps a maid would have more experience with this sort of thing, but she wouldn't change her hairstyle now for the world.
And then her love left briefly, to get ready, and then returned to her side. Together, they made their way to the ball.
Of course, they arrived a little later than intended. Lilium didn't mind-- and no one else seemed to mind anyway. With the beautiful music already playing, her darling quickly swept her into dance..
And, just as every ball they had attended together before, they danced the night away. Dance after dance, until they decided to take a small break, and drink something while also mingling with the other guests.
"Lady Lilium. It seems the rumors of your return are true after all." One vampire - one she remembered slightly from her past, Crowley - commented with a slight smirk. "Some of us were beginning to think that your death has caused our old king madness, even after so long.." Although it sounded rude, he was also just joking.. somewhat anyway. Lilium could only smile politely in response.
Crowley bowed, and bid her farewell for now. A couple of other vampires who recognized her greeted her, some somewhat surprised, while others didn't really seem too fazed by her. In any case, the evening was pleasant, and she had Viego by her side the entire time.
"...Oh! I do remember that, vaguely." Lilium giggled as someone else brought up a memory from her past life. She turned to Viego now, smiling brightly, "Do you--" She began, but let her question trail off when she noticed someone glancing in her direction from the corner of her eye.
Lilium looked over at that person, not really expecting to see anything specific, but... then she laid eyes on him.
It.. it was him, in the distance. She knew it for certain... and she remembered where she had seen him recently, too: at the first ball she had attended with Viego in her new life..
Her blood ran cold, and she froze in her spot. The man - her killer - did not seem to care for her. Perhaps he figured she had not retained her memories. Either way... Lilium felt sick to her stomach. There he was. The man that had stolen her future.
"V-Viego.." She whispered shakily, gently reaching up to get his attention. "It's him.. it's him, the one who.. the one..." She couldn't even finish her sentence. In all honesty, she had the intense desire to leave this place all of a sudden... "The one by the drinks.. wearing all black.. I'm sure of it." She stammered, keeping her gaze on the floor, as if she were too afraid to even look in that man's direction.

Ruth was glad, at least, that her young lady managed to eat half of the steak. That was good.. very good. It was progress, at least. "Of course. I'll bring it back down to the kitchen." She said, gently, picking up the tray.
Before she could leave, Lady Rien came into the room, with Emily trailing slowly behind her. "How is she doing..? Has she eaten?" Her mother asked, looking over towards Ruth. At the sight of the steak, the woman raised a brow - this wasn't her daughter's favorite food - but seeing that it was half eaten, she let it go.
"She was able to eat, my Lady. I will bring the rest of this down, and bring up fresh water." Ruth said quickly. Surely Lady Soleil needed to stay hydrated as well... and, if anything, she would have the water with her whenever she wanted it, if she were to wake up thirsty.
Lady Rein nodded slightly, giving Ruth permission to leave. Once the maid left the room, the mother turned to her sickly daughter. "And how do you feel, now that you've eaten and rested? Any better?" She asked gently.
Emily too, walked up to her sister's bed, as quietly as possible. Her mother had warned her not to make any loud noises, and she'd do her best to keep quiet-! "Yeah, Sol, are you okay? I hope you feel better soon." She said with a frown. She'd never seen her sister so sick before-! "You'll get better soon, right? Then we can play games together!" Emily nodded, as if that would encourage her elder sister to get better quickly.
"Emily." Her mother said sternly, "I told you not to be so loud. If you raise your voice again, you will need to leave. Soleil is not well enough right now."
"Yes mother.." Emily sighed. She hadn't meant to yell, she was just excited at the thought of her sister being happy and strong again..
At that point, Ruth returned to the room with a fresh pitcher of water and a cup. She gently set it by Soleil's bedside and filled the cup with water, just in case she would want some any time soon. But then, seeing as how Lady Rein probably wished to spend some time with her daughter, the maid left again. She'd be just outside anyway, in case she was needed for anything.
In all honesty.. Lady Rien did not know what to say. What else could she do, to help her sick daughter-? She sighed, "Do you need anything? Anything at all?" She sat down on the chair beside Soleil's bed, and Emily took a seat on the very edge of the windowsill, swinging her feet back and forth in silence.

2021/07/20 9:45:23 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

This was by far the most pleasant ball Viego had been at lately. Of course, the previous one - the one where he had reunited with Lilium -had been wonderful as well, and had changed his life for the better. It had been wonderful - but it was nothing compared to this one, where he was once again with Lilium. Her memories had returned, and she loved him as openly as he loved her. They were engaged, too, although that fact had not yet been made public. But, it was more than enough for Viego, who treasured this private confession of love more than any public declaration. They danced for a long while, and mingled with the others. He introduced Lilium to some people - and others yet remembered her, and saw her with their own eyes as having returned to their world. It was just as Crowley had said - not all of them had believed Viego at first, and had written off that information as a lonely man's delusions.

It was then, mid-conversation, mid-sentence, that Lilium froze, and turned to Viego with wide eyes. She'd gone positively pale, and was shaking like a leaf. Her voice, a soft and delicate whisper, shook with the burden of her unsaid words, and Viego, who'd loved her for more lifetimes than he could count - immediately knew what she meant.

His eyes narrowed and he looked in that direction.The one by the drinks. Wearing all black. There was only one man over there, one that he immediately recognised to be Alexander - a prominent and powerful member of their community. They'd known each other for centuries, though not very well; they'd never been that close. But it did not matter who it was - Viego had promised himself, long ago, that he would spare no mercy, when he found out who it was.

"Stay behind me." Viego whispered harshly to Lilium , even as he already strode forward towards the bastard.. In one swift motion, he pulled out the sword at his hip, and pointed it towards Alexander. Nostrils flared and absolutely seething with rage, he snarled, "You stole her from me-!"

The music stopped. Viego could feel all eyes on him, but he didn't care, he didn't care in the slightest. All that mattered was the burning rage in his chest, and the chance he'd been waiting for for all these years - revenge. He would make him pay. Even so, Viego knew that there was absolutely nothing he could do to the man that would make up for what he'd done to him and his Lilium. Even if he should torture him for a thousand years, keeping him on the brink of life and death, it would never compare to the pain Viego had had to live with - that Lilium was dead because of him. He'd known it all along, that not everyone approved of their relationship, and thus it had been his fault for endangering her. The guilt had been eating away at him for centuries, but now, finally... he could put that guilt to rest. Only Alexander's death would sate his lust for justice.

"Much better." Soleil admitted. Well, perhaps much was a bit of an overstatement, but really, she was feeling a lot better after eating food she could stomach, and the short naps from earlier. She gave Emily a tired smile, especially after their mother had scolded her, so that she knew Sol wasn't upset with her. Still, she was glad Mother had reminded her to be quiet; Emily's rising excitement had made her head hurt. "You can bring a pack of cards around later. We can play a few rounds of something." She offered. It wasn't a very exciting game, but it was still something - hopefully Emily would appreciate it. And Soleil could probably manage a few rounds.

She hummed at her mother's question about her needs. "Not really." Soleil shrugged. There really wasn't anything she could think of that would help her. Already she'd had the doctor's visit; Dr Vesalius would be back tomorrow with some medicines, so all that was left to do was wait. They were clearly forcing her to eat, which, while unpleasant for Soleil, was imperative to her well-being, she knew. "I just need to rest some more. The nap really did me good." All that she could ask of them at this moment was to allow her this rest - no entertaining guests, no practicing piano, no lessons. Just rest.

"I didn't get much sleep last night." She explained slowly, why she'd been so tired earlier today, her words almost slurring together. "Lady Azula came to visit me. So we stayed up and talked for a while. But I'm feeling a lot better now, after getting some sleep." She hoped Mother wouldn't be upset with her for admitting such a thing - it was surely irresponsible of her to have done that, to have sacrificed sleep for company, and it was even selfish of her to do so.

But Mother didn't seem upset in the slightest. Rather, she shot her a worried look, and sat down on the edge of her bed besides her. Gently, she placed a hand on her forehead. "Did she, really-?" She murmured. "And how did she get here-?"

"Through the balcony. I opened the door for her. It was nice." Soleil closed her eyes for a moment, thinking back to last night. It did seem rather strange, now that she thought of it, and so improbable, too. But it had felt so real in the moment-!

2021/07/22 4:19:56 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium wasn't sure what she expected to happen. But.. she couldn't just keep this a secret, could she? And in all honesty, she really was afraid of... of dying again. The woman hadn't even understood why she was killed that first time... Something about her being human. Did this man still disapprove of her-? Would he try to kill her again, if he knew they were to marry?
"O-Oh.. Viego-" The woman spoke up without thinking, but it was too late. Her love was already rushing ahead, sword at the ready. Lilium stayed behind as instructed, and watched the scene unfold before her....
Everyone else seemed to stop what they were doing, too. The music came to a pause and the dancing to a halt, and nearly everyone turned to look at the commotion. Most of the people here were vampires, though, and surely heard of the.. tragic love story between King Viego and his human lover. Most of them didn't even look too surprised; perhaps they expected this? They were only curious as to how this would play out.
Alexander raised a brow at the sword pointed towards him. "My, this is no way to treat an old acquaintance." He stated, rather flatly, setting his glass aside. His eyes flickered for a second towards that girl, the one that had somehow come back after all those years... How? He had killed her, and she was no vampire! And even if she had come back, somehow, had she really regained her memories? He knew he should have taken her out again after hearing the rumors..
"And you truly believe the words of a human who just so happens to look somewhat of your previous.. partner?" The vampire asked, coldly. He himself already knew it: that this girl was, indeed, Lilium. But surely it sounded so farfetched, that perhaps he could get himself out of this mess? "Have you succumbed to madness already, old friend? All of that loneliness is forcing you to believe that a woman long gone has returned to you? Pah!"
Based on the look on Viego's face, he was not getting out of this. The vampire took a step back, and looked around the room at all the other onlookers, "Well? Tell him! Tell him of the madness he's spewing!" He ordered sharply, but no one spoke up for him.
Well.. this certainly wasn't working out in Alexander's favor.
"You were the one.. it was you. You told me you'd have let me go, but you knew Viego would never allow it, and you knew I'd never leave him. So you killed me." Lilium finally spoke up, albeit a little shakily. She did find some bravery in the fact that everyone seemed to be supporting her and her love.. Or, well, at least, they didn't care enough to try to stop them.
And Alexander laughed. A cruel, sick laughter. "King Viego... Such a fool, to let some human girl in on our secrets. I have done you a favor." He sneered, knowing that he couldn't really lie himself out of this one anymore...

Lady Rien was relieved at least, that her daughter was feeling better. In that case, all they could do now is make sure she was well-rested and fed. "Very good." Her mother sighed slightly, feeling a little better. At this rate, Soleil would be back to her normal self in no time. Well.. they'd need to make some lifestyle changes, but other than that, it should be alright..
"Cards? Okay." Emily said as quietly as possible, with a bright smile. She'd love to play a card game with her sister! That way, they could spend more time together too.. and she really did care about Soleil. So she wanted to keep her company when she wasn't feeling well.
Ruth excused herself to enter the room so that she could take some of the laundry and clean them. She also brought in a couple of fresh blankets, should Soleil feel cold at night. It was then that her lady brought up.. a visitor ? She paused as she collected the laundry, frowning slightly to herself. Her poor young lady-! She must've had a fever dream, or something of the sort...
Lady Rien, meanwhile, frowned. Lady Azula came to visit...? Through the balcony? Of course, the woman knew it was nothing more than a fever dream, but her daughter seemed so convinced of it. She wasn't really sure if she should simply tell her, or play along with her.
"Well, then. Just be sure she doesn't stay too late, should she visit again." Lady Rein finally decided. There was nothing wrong with this, right? Surely having such a strange dream would not happen more than once... and, if she had another fever dream, surely it would be different anyway. So there was certainly no harm in this.
"Lady Azula came to visit?" Emily asked in an excited whisper, "And what did you speak of?" Lady Rein sighed at this; perhaps she shouldn't have said anything. Now her youngest would ask all sorts of questions.
Then again, it was alright, wasn't it? Soleil said it had been nice, so maybe speaking of happy dreams would do her good? "What was she wearing?" Emily added, "Can I see her next time? She must really like you, if she visited that late! I wish I could've met her." She pouted.
Emily didn't really think too much, about how weird the nighttime visit was. All she could think about was how cool it was-! The Duke's daughter... She was very popular, wasn't she? And powerful too. Of course there had to be some way of her getting onto the balcony, right? Surely she had people that could help her with that! It seemed like a lot of trouble, but.. this was to meet her sister! And her sister was really nice and sweet, so really, Emily wasn't even surprised that Lady Azula would go through all that trouble to visit her.
Ruth also giggled to herself. This was nice, hearing the young lady's sweet dreams! Though she knew it was not her place no to speak up, so she took the laundry and left the room once again.

2021/07/22 5:53:21 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego could not believe the indifference on Alexander's face. It made him all the more upset - he was seething with anger, and the perpetrator hardly seemed fazed at all. Did this mean nothing to him-? Would he not show some humility, some regret for his wrongdoings? Would he not beg for his life-? He'd destroyed Viego's life, and yet it hadn't meant anything to him at all?

"Acquaintance?" He snarled. "You've been my enemy from the very beginning, even if I hadn't known it. And by god, I will make you pay-!"

Viego could not care less for Alexander's pathetic attempt of a pie. He was not worth arguing with, not in the slightest. Viego knew that Lilium was his Lilium, and Alexander was not worth the breath that an explanation would cost. He had no need to explain himself - and it seemed that no one else fell for his words, either. The other vampires looked on in worry, or excitement... but no one even attempted to speak up. If Alexander had any allies here - they did not make themselves known.

Lilium's shaky voice brought Viego down from his elevated anger, if only a smidge. It grounded him, too. A reminder of just how terrifying his actions had been. Viego had had to live with the consequences, the aftermath of her death - but it was Lilium who had been killed. Who had to look into this man's eyes during her last moments, and hear his terrible words, and if she'd screamed - no one had heard. The thought made Viego boil with anger anew - and Alexander's cruel words only added onto it, until he nearly lost control of his patience, and, with quite strides towards him, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. The drinks that had been laid out neatly behind him came crashing down, glass shattering and blood spilling at their feet.

"A favor? A favor?!" He hissed. "It is I whom am doing you a favor, by not killing you this very moment. Though I may yet change my mind, so I suggest you do not anger me any further."

Soleil couldn't quite tell whether her family was taking her seriously or not. Mother spoke kindly, but rather dismissively, and probably didn't really believe Soleil's words - she knew that tone quite well already. Emily seemed interested, though, and Soleil smiled a little her way.

"Oh, this and that." In all honesty, Soleil couldn't very well remember what they spoke about. The ball, and Emily, and the rest of her family, and so many other things... But Soleil was sick, and she'd been tired, and those memories were already a little bit foggy. Or- perhaps it had been a dream, after all? Really, Soleil couldn't tell anymore... "Maybe you can meet her one day." Soleil nodded towards her little sister. She doubted that would ever come to be, because Emily would already be sleeping. And- if it was a dream, after all, then certainly her sister would not be able to meet her. Not to mention, Soleil rather doubted that Azula could come visit her again. One night was impressive enough as it was, but to visit again? To come from the next town over, and come in through the balcony at night? No, surely Azula had more important things to do with her time.

"She was wearing men's clothes. She looked very handsome." Soleil added tiredly. She'd looked wonderful at the ball as well, with her intricate gown, but there was something even nicer about her every-day clothes. The trousers and cravat looked so good on her, though Soleil also had to admit that she hadn't paid much attention to her clothes last night. It had been dark, after all, and she'd been tired, and she'd been much more focused on Azula in general, than in what she was wearing.

Her words grew quieter as she spoke, feeling the tiredness come upon her once again. Even though she said she'd felt much better, and though she did not want to sleep right now, Soleil still felt exhausted, and wouldn't put it past herself to fall asleep soon. She looked up at her mother, still sitting on the bed besides her, "Would you read to me, Mother?"

2021/07/23 7:23:20 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium had never seen Viego so furious before. Of course.. he had a right to be-! But he .. he really was strong, wasn't he? No wonder so many people admired and feared him, especially when he had been king.
The scene before her really was something. She was a little nervous, but.. surely everything would be alright-? No one else really seemed to care enough to stop them. They looked indifferent at most, or interested even. Perhaps something like this was not so strange in the vampire world? Or.. perhaps they just knew that this would happen eventually, especially since her return.
Alexander's words were cruel, too, and she frowned, trying not to think too much of that awful night all those years ago... It had been terrifying, and awful, and.. and sometimes she still had nightmares of it. But still, now it was nothing more than a memory from long ago.. Nothing she did now would ever change the past.
The woman involuntarily flinched when Viego slammed Alexander against the wall, causing many of the glasses to shatter on the floor. He.. he really was strong.
"Even if you kill me here, Viego, she will only die again and again. Someone like her is not worthy of our secrets." Alexander spat, in some sort of twisted desperation to anger the man more. He already knew this was the end for him. He had made a grave mistake in leaving Lilium alive in this world.. after hearing of the rumors of her return, he should have gotten rid of her again. But it was already too late, and he knew that there was no escape. Even now, he would have tried to get to Lilium , in one final attempt to leave in one piece, but now that he was pinned up against the wall like this.. well, he knew his strengths and his weaknesses, and he knew Viego could best him in any fight.

"Very handsome, I'm sure of it!" Emily said with a giggle. She was just happy to speak of anything with her sister, and really, hearing all of this was pretty fun. She had never met Lady Azula, so she wasn't even sure what she looked like... but she was sure she looked wonderful, in a dress or in men's clothing. The girl just wished she could've seen her, too... Her sister did say that maybe she could meet her, so maybe there was a chance after all? Still, this was all just a dream, wasn't it? ..But oh! Maybe Soleil would get invited to another ball, and she could tag along-?
Lady Rien did not say anything as she listened to her daughter retelling the dream she must have had last night. "I'm sure she was." She agreed with her daughters finally, though said nothing more on the topic.
She noticed how tired Soleil looked again, and she frowned slightly. Did she want to rest again? She needed it, to keep up her strength after all. "Oh.. of course." Her frown morphed into a slight smile. She had not read to her children in.. a very long time, but for Soleil now, she could not possibly refuse.
Lady Rien stood up and picked out a book from one of the shelves - a fairy tale, one she was certain her daughter enjoyed (at least, she did at some point) - and then sat back down on the edge of the bed.
"Once upon a time, in a land far away..."
It was a few days later that Azula went to visit Soleil again. She thought to wait longer, but decided she couldn't. So, in the midst of the night, she made her way to Soleil's home and came to her balcony once more. She did not need permission to enter this time, and, when she tried the door, it seemed like it was already unlocked.
Without a word, the vampire slipped inside of the room.
"Soleil...~" She hummed gently, causing the girl to stir in her sleep. Oh, poor dear.. she looked so pale... But soon enough, she'd be stronger than ever before. Not that she'd say anything about that now..
"Are you.. really here?" The girl asked, to which Azula smiled, and approached her. "Well..you can see me here, can't you?" She murmured, sitting down on the edge of her bed. She stayed there for a short moment, before leaning in to press her lips against hers in a short but sweet kiss. A teasing peck, really.
She pulled away and sat up straight again, smirking as she looked down at the woman. "Didn't that feel real to you..?"

2021/07/23 8:46:26 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"She's more worthy than you ever were." Viego snarled. He did not care for Alexander's cheap threats, not in the slightest, though admittedly they did strike a sense of fear into his chest. With Alexander gone, surely the biggest threat to Lilium's life would also be gone... but they would never be completely free of it. There could be others, who would wish to continue Alexander's work, and to steal her life from her once again. They would not be safe until she was turned, until the secrets of near-immortality embraced her as well. And even then, there would still be the chance that someone might kill her, for there were ways in which a vampire could die. It frightened Viego more than he could ever express, that Lilium would never be safe. But she would certainly be more safe now, with Alexander gone, and when she was finally a vampire. Viego did not think he could wait much longer...

He threw the bastard against another table, sending more glasses shattering and guests exclaiming. Viego picked up a chair, and with one easy motion, snapped off one of its wooden legs. This would do nicely - it would have to. Excitement bubbled up in the crowd of guests, some of them eager to watch this scene unfold, and others nervous and upset. They grew loud, murmuring and hushing and exclaiming all sorts of things - but no one stepped forward to intervene. This fight had been a long time coming, and everyone - even the newer vampires, who had not been around to witness Lilium's first death - knew it. There was no sense of stopping something that had for so long been in motion, but maybe, finally, tonight it would be over.

Viego turned back to Alexander, who was scrambling away from his unfortunate fall, splintered wood in his hand. He strode up easily to him, and grabbed him again by the collar, pulling him up by his own weight. Thrust him against the wall once again, and readied himself.

"May you rot in hell." Viego hissed and pierced the stake through his heart.

Alexander cried out, and twitched, futilely, around the weapon. He gasped his last breath, his eyes wide and unseeing, and then grew limp. Viego released him, and the body slumped to the ground (1). There. It was done. The evil gone from this world, the sinner most foul erased. His Lilium would be safe now. Mostly.

He turned back to her. Approached her. All eyes were on them, but Viego could see no one but her. He could think of no one but her. And as he came close, he swept her into his arms, and swooped in to kiss her, deeply, passionately. It was over. She was safe. They could love one another again, with no fear of tragedy. Let the entire world know-! Let everyone look upon them and know how much they loved each other, how much they would sacrifice just to be together-! That no one could stand in their way, may it be a person or time and death itself, for they would always be reunited. Such was the power of their love.

Two days passed by sluggishly. Soleil rested plenty, and forced herself to eat what little food she could stomach, and took the medicine that Dr Vesalius had brought the following day, but - she did not get any better. In fact, she seemed to be getting more ill with every passing day. She was constantly tired, and had less and less energy to even get out of bed. She stopped getting dressed in the morning, and spent the entire days in her nightgown, and mostly lying in bed, though sometimes she did get up, if only to stretch her legs and walk around a little. The fever only subsided with the medicine she'd been prescribed; otherwise, it remained constant and unbroken. Her family was beginning to walk on eggshells around her, with gentle words and worried looks. Even her older brother came to visit her, with his family, to see how she was doing and to spend some time together.

"I'll be better in no time." Soleil would reassure everyone with a weak smile. It was just her poor weak heart, like the good doctor had said. And perhaps she'd caught something at the ball, too? But she would simply have to get through a few days of suffering, and then surely she would be back on her feet again.

That night, she'd fallen into a shallow sleep. She stirred at the sound of a soft click - the lock of her balcony door opening, though she did not recognise it at that point. It was only when she felt her bed shift beneath her, with the weight of another person taking a seat, and the soft sound of her name, that she found the strength to open her eyes.

It was Azula, sitting besides her, bathed in the pale moonlight coming in through the window. She was looking at her with such a tender expression...

"Are you- really here-?" Soleil whispered. "I thought I might have dreamed you."

Azula had not visited her the night before, and Soleil, somewhat disappointed, and growing less and less certain about what she'd seen that night, came to the conclusion that it must have been a fever dream. Perhaps this was all a dream, too. She could not tell. Her mind was constantly foggy nowadays, and she slept so much that she also dreamt plenty - it was difficult, sometimes, to tell what was real and what wasn't.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Azula responded in a soft tone. That was all well and true, but not at all the straight-forward answer Soleil was looking for... And then the woman leaned down, and slowly, gently, kissed her. It was so much more delicate than the kiss they'd shared that night at the ball, as if Azula, too, was treating her delicately in her illness. And yet, it filled Soleil with such warmth, that she never wanted her to pull away. "Did that feel real to you...?"

Soleil's heart raced and she, for some reason, thought of how bad this would be for her condition, to work her heart so much. But she couldn't help it - the kiss was worth whatever consequences may come as a result. She wet her lips. "I don't know." She confessed. It had felt real enough, but she'd dreamt of kissing Azula again more than once. Who was to say that this wasn't a dream as well? And, admittedly, she had a cheekier reason in mind... "Perhaps you ought to do it again, so I can be certain..."

(1) and turned into ash? That's a verrry common vampire death trope, but I'm not sure if you want to use it so I didn't specify!

2021/07/24 6:34:39 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium's stomach churned at the sight before her. Things were only getting more chaotic, but she didn't dare step forward. Its.. it's not like she felt bad for Alexander, really. He deserved this, didn't he? If he had apologized, or begged for forgiveness.. or anything, to show that he was at least a little regretful for what he had done.. then maybe, just maybe, Lilium would have suggested he be imprisoned somewhere instead. But no. Instead, the vampire spewed out poison even after knowing he would soon die. He did not regret anything, even after all this time. Even after all the pain Viego had surely gone through, for years upon years...
The onlooking crowd grew louder, and the woman glanced around to see other's reactions. She could not really read them, and her heart was pounding too quickly for her to focus on them anyway..
And Viego, as strong as ever, picked up a chair and broke off one of it's legs. And then...
And then he was killed, the one who had stolen her future away.
Part of her wanted to look away, to feel sick at the sight of blood before her. But the other part of her could only watch him, with a dull expression, as he slowly passed. She had done the same, such a long time ago... looking into the eyes of her own killer, before he left.
No one seemed too upset about what had occurred. The ball was quite the mess now, but no one was leaving in a panic, or calling Viego out for what he'd done. And.. Lilium did not really know how to feel. Relieved? Perhaps now she did not have to be so afraid of dying all over again.
And then, before she could really think much more about what had gone on, Viego turned to her. He approached her in quick strides, and swooped her into his arms. She let out an involuntary noise of surprise, and felt her face heat up. She knew that someone had just been killed right in front of her, but she couldn't find it in herself to feel too fazed by it. And, with Viego right here before her, kissing her ever so passionately, she could almost forget about it completely.
Lilium kissed him back, until she desperately needed air, and they pulled away, if only slightly. She gave him a shy smile while also trying to catch her breath at the same time. Well.. now they didn't have to worry too much anymore, right? Surely if no one tried to help Alexander tonight, then no one would really care enough to kill Lilium right--? She felt relieved, but she'd still be cautious. The night before their wedding.. she would most certainly stay with Viego. Just in case.
But oh, how joyous-! Now they needn't even hide their love anymore, nor their intention to marry.. how wonderful. It was almost like a dream, but this time she knew, it was her sweet reality.

The poor girl was dying. Azula already knew that, of course. She'd known it for a while. But oh, it almost made her feel bad at this point, to see the woman so weak and sickly... It almost made her regret turning her. ..Almost, but not quite.
After she passed, things would be so much better anyway. The vampire did feel a little bad about tearing her away from her family, and making them go through with all this, but really, she never thought too much about what other's thought anyway. Azula simply did whatever it was that she wanted, and.. she wanted Soleil. It wasn't normal for the vampire to feel bad about things she decided to do, either, but she managed.
Even as they shared a sweet kiss, Azula was gentle. She knew exactly what was wrong with her, and she knew that being gentle wouldn't change anything, and yet she couldn't help it. How strange. This human made her feel so odd, but she supposed it was a breath of fresh air. Something she hadn't felt in quite a long time...
And then Soleil mentioned that she'd need to kiss her again, to be certain if she was real or not.
How bold of her. It was quite adorable, really.
The vampire smirked, eyes glimmering in the dim moonlight that reached in from the balcony. "If it'll help you, I suppose there's no way I can deny you..." She hummed. She reached out and gently cupped the woman's cheek, noting, briefly, how warm her skin felt. She must have a fever, poor dear..
Azula gently brushed a stray strand of her hair off her cheek, putting it behind her ear. And then, for a moment, she simply looked into her eyes, studying her. What beautiful eyes she had.. eyes that would soon enough glimmer with the familiar glow of a vampire's eyes.
Without another word, the vampire leaned in completely, closing the small gap between them. She kissed her again, this time for a little longer, a little more passionately. She loved her sweet taste, the taste of her lips.. It was almost as delicious as her blood~. She was tempted to bite her, but knew she could do no such thing. Not now.
Azula pulled away before too long, not wanting to give her a hard time breathing on top of everything else. "Don't worry about a thing." She whispered against her lips, before pulling away.
"You're shivering." The woman pointed out afterwards, standing up and striding over towards the balcony. "You ought to stay warm while you're sick." She added, and then closed the balcony firmly. She'd leave after Soleil fell asleep anyway, and she could close it either way.
Once that was done, the vampire went and sat down beside Soleil once more, this time, getting into the bed to share body heat. Although, perhaps it wouldn't help much... It was alright to want to be a little selfish, wasn't it?
"How do you feel now? Hm?" Azula asked gently, pulling the blankets up against them both. Like this, they were so close.. The vampire could smell her blood so easily now, and though it was tempting, she knew she'd have to keep herself at bay.

2021/07/24 8:03:05 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

The days since that fateful ball were more peaceful than any Viego could remember. It was an immense relief, to know that Lilium's killer was dead, and no longer posed a threat to either of them. Of course, he wouldn't have any full relief until Lilium, too, was turned into a vampire, but they would wait until after they were married. They'd decided upon that long ago, in Camavor, and they'd adhere to that decision even now - it was for the best. But whereas previously, Viego couldn't wait to marry Lilium for the safety that it would bring her, as no one would be able to take her away from him then, now - he couldn't wait to marry her simply because it would make her his. A true showcase of their love for one another, and the next step in sharing their life together. He couldn't wait to call her his wife, and to fall asleep by her side every night, and to see her face first thing every morning when they woke to brave the day together.

The ring weighed heavy in his pocket. He'd been dying to propose to her, for so long now, but ultimately reined in his impatience for the right moment. He would do this right. He'd proposed to Lilium once, so long ago, and though he knew they would marry again in this life - didn't she deserve a proposal in this lifetime, too? He wanted to make her feel like a princess, like a queen. The ring was the very same one with which he'd proposed to her back then. Perhaps she would remember it? He had, crying, slipped it off her finger when he found her murdered in her bed, and he had kept it all these years, and finally - it would return to its rightful owner, the very woman it had been made for.

"What do you think, darling?" Viego smiled, as he and Lilium walked down the garden path arm-in-arm. "Isn't it a beautiful venue?"

They were throwing a garden party, simple as that. Well, that's what it was, officially, on the surface, but in reality it was an engagement party - Lilium simply didn't know about that part, yet. But Viego had confessed his true intentions to a few individuals, namely Lilium's parents who were, of course, also invited and in attendance, and a few close friends. Her parents were ecstatic, though they hid their excitement and knowledge well enough. Or so Viego hoped - perhaps Lilium sensed that there was something unspoken about this party?

They spoke with the guests, welcoming them all. Some of them had excitement in their eyes - clearly, the few people whom Viego had told about his proposal engagements had told a few others, and the rumors had spread. But not everyone knew, and hopefully - neither did Lilium. He wanted this to be the perfect surprise. It was no surprise that he wished to marry her, but the time and place... he wished to make it truly special.

There was a string quartet in attendance as well, playing beautifully all the while as people chatted and mingled, until finally they started up a waltz. Viego turned to Lilium with a smile, and held out his hand, "Would you grant me this dance, my love?" And as they danced along to the music, other couples came in to join them, if only for these few songs until everyone would return to mingling.

"Oh... that's true." Soleil murmured. She hadn't even realised she'd been shivering, though now that Azula pointed it out, Soleil only felt the cold so much more violently. The shivers seemed to overcome her entire body, and in that moment she could think of nothing but how cold she was. But Azula closed the balcony door, and climbed into bed with her, and pulled the blankets up all the way, and Soleil knew she would warm up in no time.

But Azula was oh-so-cold. Not freezing, certainly, but cold. It must simply be Soleil's perception of her. She knew, even in her mind's foggy state, that she was feverish, and her own hot skin would make anything else feel cold in comparison. She would warm up quickly under the covers, Soleil reminded herself. Already she felt better, though she still shivered, and now against her companion.

"Better." Soleil admitted weakly. Even though Azula felt cold to her, just being besides her was enough to make her heart hammer, and Soleil knew that she would not trade this for the world. The kisses had been so sweet, but simply being here with her - lying with her in bed - was a sweetness unlike any she'd ever known.

And as the shivering subsided, she felt sleep overcome her instead. She tried to fight it, for a moment, not wanting to fall asleep and leave Azula. For whether this was a dream or whether she was here right now, Soleil knew she would not be here in the morning. "Don't leave..." She murmured.

And though she couldn't quite tell what it was, as she felt sleep take over her, she thought she heard her say, "We'll be together soon."

2021/07/25 5:30:51 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium was absolutely thrilled! Of course, she had found her happiness once again after remembering her life with Viego, but now after Alexander was gone, and after everything that had happened.. they could finally have peace, and share in their love together.
"It is absolutely beautiful... I feel like we're in some sort of Fairy Tale." The woman replied to her love, absolutely awed by how stunning everything was. The lights, the flowers that seemed to glow.. The cool breeze, the music-! All of it was so beautiful. After this event, she'd surely try to paint this very scene-!
"Everyone seems so excited, too. I'm sure they're thrilled with how lovely this venue is." Lilium commented. Such a wonderful scene was sure to spread happiness and joy, wasn't it? It really did seem like everyone was happier here, even vampires that usually looked rather irritated. (Perhaps that was just their resting face?)
In all honesty, everyone's happiness, the beautiful venue, and her lovely Viego were all making her giddy with excitement as well. She could feel it bubbling inside of her, and honestly she wasn't even sure how to show it. Perhaps the large smile on her face was enough? Her cheeks were beginning to feel sore as well...
"It's absolutely magical!" Lilium cooed out in delight after another short moment. The more she saw of this place, the more she wanted to exclaim how beautiful it was-!
And then the music began to play, and Viego asked her for a dance. The woman looked up at him with a shy smile, "Of course.." She would never refuse him a dance, never in her life, for she loved him, and loved dancing with him.
So together, they danced along to the music. Viego led her through dance, as usual, and Lilium danced alongside him in an elegance she knew came from experience with all their previous dancing. They had danced so often, too, in their past life together...
"I'm really glad.." The woman murmured lovingly. Like this, it really did feel as if they were the only two people in the entire world.

"We'll be together soon."
Azula allowed herself to say that much, at least. It wasn't as if the poor dear would remember any of this when she woke up, and even if she did, surely no one would believe her. Would she even believe herself-? No doubt that she'd pass this off as a fever dream, or something similar.
Soleil fell asleep almost at once. She still looked quite unwell even while resting, but the rise and fall of her chest was still peaceful to look at. It was alright.. all this pain would be over soon, and then she'd never have to suffer illness again. She'd be stronger, faster... and most importantly, she'd be with her, forever.
For a while, all the vampire could do was lay in the bed beside her. If she suddenly got up, perhaps the girl would wake up again, and ask her not to leave. Although the vampire would love to stay, she knew she couldn't, for the head lady would not appreciate it. Or.. well, Azula didn't particularly care for people or what they thought of her, especially humans, but she'd stay out of the picture just as to not cause any trouble. It would be such a bother..
Although it was dark, the vampire could see perfectly fine. She glanced around the large room in slight curiosity, wondering what secrets it held. There was nothing out of the ordinary, or particularly interesting in all honesty. But the small decorations in the room really brought everything together. This wasn't just some random noble girl's room: It was Soleil's room. Azula could tell that now, by the little doilies and the intricately designed perfume bottles. Even her jewelry box seemed so perfectly suited for her..
It was almost strange. The vampire never really took care to decorate her own room, she simply didn't care enough. Perhaps when Soleil was with her, she could fill her room with dainty little things like this as well.
And then, finally, after enough time passed, Azula carefully climbed out of bed. Silently, she stood over the woman for a moment, watching her a she slept. "Soon." She repeated in a whisper, reaching down to gently caress her cheek. With that, she turned away and opened the balcony door once more, and slid out into the cool night after locking it securely behind her.
Another day or so passed. Soleil was not getting any better. In fact, she seemed to be getting worse in condition. It worried Lady Rien endlessly, as well as the entire household. But what could she do-? The doctor today, too, was silent. There was nothing more she could do to help her condition. All they could do now.. was hope for the best.
But even that did not help.
As minutes passed into hours, Soleil seemed to grow even more ill, to the point where her mother was deathly terrified of her... of her-!
Oh, she could not even bear to think the word, for it sounded too final.
"Lady Soleil..." Ruth spoke gently, trying her best not to look too afraid or upset. She needed to stay strong for her lady... she needed to. And she'd pray to every god she knew of, to return Soleil back to health-! "Ah.. Thomas wishes to speak with you. I told him it is not appropriate for him to come up here, but with your consent.. perhaps you'd allow him to visit? He is terribly worried. Only for a short while, and I shall be here with you as well."
Of course, it was all up to Lady Soleil whether or not Thomas could come visit, but the poor man was losing sleep, and he could hardly do anything without breaking something. His hands were so shaky lately, from his fear.. He was desperate now, to let his feelings known, before it was too late.
But Ruth had tried to reassure him, to say that Lady Soleil was far stronger than that. Perhaps it was simply a stage of grief, but... but Ruth would keep hoping and praying no matter what!

2021/07/25 6:48:40 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego was absolutely thrilled that Lilium liked the venue. He'd decorated it (or rather, he'd instructed the servants on how to decorate it) according to what he knew she liked. It was a bit of an extravagant ball, he had to admit, especially for an outdoor one, but it was nothing unusual, nothing that wouldn't be expected of a Count. But even he had to admit that it looked wonderful, and he was all the more pleased that Lilium also thought so. Or- perhaps the venue looked so beautiful because she looked at it with such sparkles in her eyes? It was impossible not to find the world beautiful, when Lilium was by his side.

They danced and danced, until they had no want for it anymore, and returned to mingling with the guests and taking in refreshments. The glasses of blood were cleverly disguised amongst the rest of the human food, with a servant always on the look out to keep any unassuming humans from trying it. Not that there were many in attendance - but a few, certainly.

Finally, they managed to slip away for a little moment. Not that they were abandoning their guests, but- at this point, the ball had been set in motion, and would continue splendidly with or without their supervision. And yes, Viego cared for all the people he'd invited here tonight, but it was no secret, no secret at all, that the person he loved most and cared about most was Lilium. He'd offered her his arm, to take as they walked, and led her through the gardens, a little ways away from the lively event. They could still hear the string quartet, for the music had a beautiful way of carrying through the setting, but here, amongst the rose bushes, they had their privacy. Away from the crowd, and away from the prying eyes... though, Viego had to admit, he had plenty of use for them yet. But he'd take this sweet moment to respite for just a little while, and to prove his love first and foremost to Lilium.

He leaned in and kissed her. Hidden behind the rose bushes, there was no one around to see this display of affection. Nothing sinful, of course, but even a kiss like this was rather inappropriate in a public setting, and especially with an unmarried couple! Viego would rectify that soon enough, of course... "You're beautiful." Viego gave her a soft, adoring smile. "I don't know how you do it, my love, but every day I seem to love you even more."

Soleil was dying. No one around her dared say the word, or speak of it at all, but Soleil knew it to be the truth. She saw it in her mother's worried eyes, and the doctor's tight-lipped frown, and Emily's tears. No one ever spoke of it, as if they were afraid it would come to fruition if they uttered it into existence. Soleil did not speak of it, either. She did not want to upset her family any further. Perhaps they could pretend everything would be alright... There was no saying when it would happen, after all, but Soleil was certain of the outcome one way or another.

"Very well." It was an effort to even say that much, but she nodded to Ruth, letting her know to bring Thomas in. Soleil hardly got out of bed at this point anymore. She was too weak to do so, and kept flitting in and out of sleep all day. She'd grown entirely avoidant of food; even the steak that she'd managed to keep down before was no longer viable. She tried to eat, she really did, but more often than not, the attempts ended in tears.

Ruth did not show her her reflection anymore. She'd stopped handing her her hand-mirror in the morning, after brushing her hair, and she'd covered the vanity in the corner of the room with a sheet. Did she really look so terrible, that her own reflection should upset her-? Soleil wasn't sure she wanted to know, but the morbid curiosity ate at her, anyway. She'd taken a careful look one day in the reflection of one of the silver breakfast trays, and she balked at her appearance. She was pale, and her cheekbones had grown sharp and her eyes hollow with all the weight she'd lost. Her hair, though carefully brushed every day, hung limp and damp from the constant fever she was battling. The tray had fallen from her lap in her upset, spilling the untouched porridge and tea and fruits to the floor as she cried at the frightful thing she'd become. And the next meal - Ruth had brought to her on a wooden tray, with ceramic plates.

2021/07/26 6:12:36 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[sobs sol's reply made me so sad ; - ; ]]

Lilium was absolutely beaming the entire time, even as they danced and danced. She couldn't help it, really.. It was a magical evening.
A while later, they stopped, and instead opted to mingle and have some refreshments. She watched Viego too, as he drank from his glass. One day soon, she'd be drinking the same as him, wouldn't she-? She wondered if it would taste good to her then, but.. she'd already come to terms with all the changes she'd be going through long ago. Back in Camavor, when Viego was to change her on their wedding night.. It wouldn't be scary, not at all. Not when Viego was right there with her throughout it all.
Though she did wonder if her parents would notice any differences in her. They'd probably still visit them sometimes.
None of that mattered now though, and really, she was still the happiest in the world. So long as she could spend her life with Viego.. she was happy. She would be content, always, by his side.
The two of them snuck away a little while later, hidden behind the gorgeous rose bushes. No one would miss them for now, and despite how much she'd been enjoying herself, it was so much nicer with this little bit of privacy...
They kissed, and she blushed. No matter how many times they kissed, her heart would always race against her chest every single time. "And I do feel the same.." Lilium murmured in response afterwards, giving a shy smile. It was true.. every day that passed, her heart only yearned to be with Viego even more than the last.

With Lady Soleil's permission, Thomas was allowed upstairs and into her room. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but he already knew what was going on each day. He pestered Ruth often enough about her condition, and so the maid kept him updated since he was not allowed to visit her on his own. Despite all of the details he had been given, nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him...
Lady Soleil, so bright and lively usually, was abnormally pale, and thin. She.. she was nothing like the Lady he knew so well-! To see her in such a broken state nearly made his eyes well up with tears on the spot, but he forced them back. For her, at least, he'd be brave.. he'd be strong, if only for her sake. How would she feel, should she see him crying-? She.. she probably knew about her state, and his tears would only make her realize it even more.. No, Thomas wouldn't allow that.
"I apologize for being so bold, but you are beautiful, my Lady." He said softly, trying a smile. He needed her to hear that, since he'd heard about.. the incident with her reflection. She looked sickly and so, so unwell, but she was still beautiful, inside and out. He absolutely needed to tell her that, to let her hear it. Even if it meant nothing to her, even if she didn't even believe in his words.. he needed to say them.
Ruth stood close by as well, but did not speak up. She knew what would be going on here now anyway, and... perhaps this was for the best anyway.
"I.. I wish to say something to you, my Lady, but please don't feel obliged to reply. You needn't even say anything. I just.." Thomas let his sentence trail off for a moment. What was he supposed to say? He.. he knew she was dying, as much as he prayed and wished for otherwise. He knew it. And even knowing that, he was being so, so selfish... But he couldn't help it. He needed to let her know, no matter what, before she passed. Either way, nothing would come out of a confession, and that was alright. He could bear that. He knew long ago that nothing in this world would allow them to be together, but.. at the very least, he wanted to let her know.
"Over the years, I've come to grow fond of you. I couldn't help it, even from afar. Your smile is the brightest thing I've ever seen, and it makes me want to work harder. It gives me strength to do my best. And.. my Lady, I know it is wrong and inappropriate, but I love you. I really do. And I already know how selfish this is of me, but I wanted to tell you. I.. I had to." Thomas finally finished. He looked at her, but didn't know what else to say. He.. he had so much he could tell her! So, so much. About how he loved everything about her, the way she laughed, the way she spoke to him.. how, whenever she played the piano, he could hear her from outside the window, and it always brought him such peace...
But he knew he should not say more.
He wondered if she would feel bad, or angry. He desperately hoped not, but.. he really needed to let her know...

2021/07/26 7:15:22 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego smiled into the kiss, and even as they pulled away. He loved Lilium more than anything in the world - he couldn't wait to make her his, truly. Though he could kiss her well into eternity, content with nothing but her lips upon his for all of time, there were other things to attend to, and they couldn't hide behind the rose bushes forever. He lent her his arm again, and they walked through the gardens, until they came back to the crowd of guests. The music had changed from music to dance to, to simple background noise; a pleasant melody to almost ignore. The guests were speaking with one another, or sitting and taking a break, or any number of other things.

Viego led Lilium towards the quaint stone gazebo in the garden. It was set up almost to be the center of the party, with the tables and chairs and refreshments set up in a concentric pattern around it. It, too, was lit up beautifully with oil lamps and candles, giving it a golden sort of glow. Lilium looked all the more ethereal under that light; the most perfect painting of silver and gold, in one. (1) He turned to her, in the gazebo, and took both her hands in his, upon which he placed a devoted kiss. He did not want to ever pull away, and for a short moment, he spoke with his lips still against her knuckles.

"Lilium, my Lilium..."

He knelt down before her, now, their hands still linked together. He could hear the guests sigh oh! and ah! as understanding overcame them, and he felt all eyes on them. It only took a moment for the hush to overfall the crowd, and now everyone listened with such wonder, that Viego thought he'd never heard a crowd so silent.

"My darling... My life was never whole without you in it. Your very existence brought me back to life, from that desolate world I'd been living in. I love you more than any words could ever express, and having known life without you, I never want to face that again. I want for nothing else than to spend all my years with you." Viego spoke and poured out his heart. He lowered one of his hands, while still holding her hand with the other, and took something out of his pocket. He held it up to show to her - the very ring he'd given her, all those years ago.

"Lilium, my love. Will you marry me?"

Soleil propped herself up into a half sort of sitting position, as much as she was able to, when Thomas entered the room. She regarded him for a moment, and gave him a weak smile, but she did not miss the way his eyes widened when he laid them upon her, and then quickly let his gaze drop to the floor. And, just as quickly, having realised how rude he must have been, he raised his gaze to look at her, unwavering. As if nothing at all had changed.

Her face contorted at his words. Beautiful-? "Don't- say such cruel things." Soleil looked away. She didn't want to see him seeing her. She knew she wasn't beautiful, not anymore. She was sickly, skin and bones, and a ghost of her past self. She probably looked even worse now, than she did last time she'd seen herself those few days ago, though Soleil could scarce imagine looking worse than that ghoul in her reflection. And though she doubted Thomas' words had any malice in them, she couldn't help but find it in them anyway, and shrink away from those words that stung. She was not beautiful anymore, and it felt as though he were mocking her now to say it. It honestly brought tears to her eyes, though she did not let them fall.

She listened, though, as he spoke to her, without interruption. She scarcely had the strength to interject with anything of her own, anyway, so she simply listened, and grew softer at his words. He... loved her-? Not as a servant, or as a friend, or as a brother, but- as a man? She'd never known...

"Oh, Thomas..." She sighed, and gave him a weary smile. "I don't know what to say... You're a good man. Thank you, for always being my friend. For loving me." They could never be together, even if Soleil could return his feelings. She would be disowned if she ever wanted to love someone below her social status. And, of course- she would never marry now, with this illness. But she loved Thomas in her own way, and hoped he knew that much, at least. Still, she hoped this conversation never made itself known to her mother. "I hope you find your happiness. Meet a nice girl, and fall in love, and settle down. You are a good man, and will make someone very happy one day."

(1) Not really an accurate image of the setting, since its night and the gazebo is also lit up with candles, but.. this is the vibe I was going for :3 with a gazebo proposal i mean!! here

2021/07/27 6:12:18 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lilium knew that they would marry.
She knew it, of course, since they had spoken together about it, and spoken to her parents as well. And yet, even now, she was not expecting any of this.
Viego took her to the center of the venue, in a beautiful gazebo, where he kissed her hands ever so gently. She blushed, brightly, feeling dozens of people turn to them as well. And yet, she barely noticed anyone as her love suddenly knelt down on the ground.
It was only then that she realized what was happening.
Even after everything, he still did all this for her.. a public proposal, so beautifully thought out, so perfect in every which way. Lilium had known of their intent to marry, so why.. why did she feel so surprised? Perhaps she was only surprised at the amount of joy she felt..
"Viego..." She whispered. His words were so beautiful, and sad, and touched her heart. How she longed to hold him forever and never ever let go.. She felt her eyes water a little bit, from her joy, perhaps, but smiled nevertheless. "Of course.."
The ring he held out to her was the same ring he'd given to her all those years ago. "This is..." She didn't even know how to complete her sentence. Surely if she brought up the fact that the ring was from such a long time ago, people would think her mad. There were a couple of humans in attendance of course - namely, her parents - so she didn't say anything more.
"...The most beautiful ring I've ever seen." She hummed. It was. Despite it clearly being older, and perhaps a little out of style, it was absolutely gorgeous to her. This ring.. the promise of their happy future from her times in Camavor.. Despite what had happened back then, the ring still made it's way back to her even now, and that in itself was so, so beautiful.

Had it been cruel, to call Lady Soleil beautiful-? Thomas had been selfish in that as well, but he had hoped it would have been something nice to hear. He certainly had not thought his words through, and regret having hurt her... He really did mean it, though. No matter what, she would always be beautiful, at least in his eyes. Surely even Ruth agreed, for the maid certainly loved the young Lady in her own way as well.
In any case, he wish he had worded his statement differently. He hated how upset she looked afterwards, and her words stung - rightfully so of course, how could he say such an insensitive thing? - but.. it was too late now, to change what he had said.
Soleil's reaction to his confession was a very kind one, one he had not been expecting. Or, well.. perhaps he should have expected it, considering how kind she was to everyone. But he had initially thought that she'd be angry, or upset, and tell him to leave at once.
Really, this was the best possible outcome after doing something so.. bold.
Of course.. he'd already known that, no matter what, he could not be with the one he so loved. He was just so glad he was able to say it, and that she reacted so kindly..."My Lady... thank you. Thank you, for your kindness." He said gently, voice cracking just a little with emotion. He.. he would soon never see her again.. right? He could hope for a miracle, but things were not looking well, not at all... He would miss her so much. Even if they could never be together, he'd been happy simply seeing her from afar, hearing her music, and serving her...
The manor would be so lonely, so dark without the young Lady in it. He didn't even know how he'd manage to continue after she passed. But oh, what else could he do except hope and pray? Maybe.. maybe there could be some miracle. Maybe, if everyone wished for it hard enough... That was all anyone could do after all.
Although Lady Soleil's words were sweet, Thomas was not sure if he wanted to meet a 'nice girl'. How could he-? Perhaps in time things would change, but now..
He felt himself choke up a little, but he desperately did not want to show this to Soleil. "Thank you." He said again gently, giving a small bow. He quickly turned and left afterwards, to hide any show of emotion.
At least.. at least he had told her. It felt like a weight off his chest, despite how much it hurt anyway. He couldn't stop those feelings, but...
Ruth, too, felt the sudden urge to cry. But she could not leave her Lady alone in here, not even for a second, so she pushed them back and approached her. "My Lady.. You are loved, dearly. Tell me, do you want anything? Anything at all?" She asked gently. She barely ate anything at all anymore, but if she wanted something - anything - she'd do her best for her sake...

2021/07/27 7:28:53 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego knew what Lilium's answer would be, for how could he not, when their future together was so certain? But a part of him had still wondered, still worried, whether she would be pleased with this proposal. He'd planned the ball to her tastes, and he saw in her eyes how she loved it. But a ball and a proposal were still two different things...

But he saw the way Lilium's eyes lit up, and the love with which she looked at him. She was so beautiful now, in this tender moment, where they would forever seal their destinies together. He loved her for it all. For loving him so much, that she'd come back to him even through the fabric of time. There was no other explanation - they were simply made for one another.

Viego slipped the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly, of course. He looked up at her with love in his eyes, beaming, "Thank you... You've made me the happiest man in the world." He pressed a kiss to her knuckles, and then stood, and the guests erupted into cheers, but Viego barely paid them any mind. The only person he could think of, he would ever want to think of, was before him.

He pulled her into an embrace, and kissed her again, although this time, on the lips. It was perhaps a little scandalous, to do in front of so many people, to do in front of her parents, but Viego absolutely could not help himself. So overcome was he with love, that he needed to kiss her. He did keep it short, though, for propriety's sake, but promised himself that they could continue this later, in private. The guests were all smiling as well, happy to share in their joy and their love, and all clearly very excited to attend their upcoming wedding. It would be an impressive event, surely, and they would all be invited.

Soleil watched as Thomas left, with a strange heaviness in her heart. He really was a wonderful man, but she no idea what to make of everything he'd just told her. Really, Soleil hated how everyone walked on eggshells around her. Even this bold confession of Thomas' would surely not have taken place had she not been dying. Ruth was gentle with her. These past few days, Mother had cancelled all visits with the other nobles, to spend as much time as possible with Soleil, sitting at her bedside sometimes for hours at a time. She hadn't seen her mother be so tender towards her in years. Her siblings visited her often, with Emily just barely understanding the true depth of what was going on. Even her father had cut his business trip short, and had returned yesterday, to be with her.

To say their goodbyes, Soleil knew, but even knowing so, she could not get herself to do something so final. A part of her clung onto life dearly, while another wished it all to be over already. She knew her family didn't want her dead, but- perhaps there would be some sort of relief, when it happened, that at least this terrible waiting was over. She did not know. She did not dare ask them. They did not speak of it, though everyone knew what terrible thing waited for Soleil.

"I'm tired." Soleil mumbled, when Ruth asked her if she wanted anything. She turned over in bed. "I just want to sleep. But I have such strange dreams when I do. I can't- tell them apart from reality anymore, I think." Scenes from her childhood, and from her future. Dreams of ballet and circus animals and her family. Dreams of Azula, visiting her at night. "They tire me out even further."

2021/07/28 3:55:08 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

The day finally arrived: the day of Viego and Lilium's wedding. It seemed like so, so long.... and really, it had been. How many years ago had they planned on marrying-? Even the woman did not know, and she was too afraid to ask. Too afraid to hear just how long Viego had been alone, waiting hopelessly...
But finally, at long last, they married.
The ceremony was absolutely beautiful and magical in every single way, and everything that came after was wonderful as well. It was certainly the happiest day of Lilium's life, to finally have reached this day.. And now,.. now nothing would come between them ever again.
Despite the wedding be absolutely perfect, Lilium was so happy when she was finally allowed to go back with.. her husband~. They were officially husband and wife now, and the woman couldn't be happier.
As they went back to their home, Lilium's heart hammered against her chest. After so, so long... they would be alone, as a married couple. And.. and she'd be turned tonight too, wouldn't she ? That had been the plan anyway...
"My sweet husband.." Lilium cooed with a giggle once they were finally all alone. She couldn't stop smiling, and the blush on her features would never leave her, at least not tonight.

Ruth did not know what to say, in order to comfort her young Lady. What COULD she say-? "I'm so sorry, my lady.. " She was going to offer her some tea, perhaps to help her sleep, but remembered that she did not enjoy eating or drinking anything anymore. More often than not, she broke out into frustrated tears and claimed the food tasted like ash in her mouth. If only she could do something, anything, to at least ease the pain she was going through...
The maid knew she could not do anything to help with her dreams or nightmares. No one could, really.. "My lady.." She piped up, trying a smile, "Shall I sing for you?" Maybe a lullaby? It wouldn't help much, she knew, but perhaps it would offer at least a little comfort? Just maybe...?
Azula decided she'd visit Soleil again, and so she did. As per usual, she unlocked the balcony door with a gentle click and then entered, making sure to close the door behind her.
Almost at once, the vampire noticed a couple of things that looked different. The mirror was covered in her room with a thin sheet, and there was no sign of the little hand mirror on the vanity either. Perhaps this was because of her slow changes -? Though she was not yet a vampire, she would be soon enough.. after she died.
Which would be soon, by the looks of things.
"Soleil." Azula called out in a whisper. The girl stirred in her sleep, and woke up, and the vampire frowned.
She looked terrible, really, as if she was not eating at all. She clearly lost a lot of weight, and could see how hollow her eyes looked... If she looked close enough, she could see the bones sticking out of her nearly. Her hair was thinner too, and.. really, it was a sad state. This was not at all like the Soleil she knew. Of course, this was to be expected; she was dying after all... It still made the vampire feel a little bad, though.
"Poor dear..." She tsked, quickly coming over to the bed and sitting down upon on. She reached out and placed a cold hand upon her cheek. It felt warm, as if she were burning up, and up this close, she could see how thin she had gotten. How sunken her eyes looked, how hollow her cheeks now were. No wonder why the mirror in the corner of the room was now covered. Perhaps her own appearance scared her.
"But don't worry. You'll become so much stronger." Azula cooed. It was alright to say this now, to admit it aloud, for she knew her end would come soon. "Don't worry. You will return to your normal self, and you will be able to do so much more than before."

2021/07/28 5:54:37 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Their wedding day was absolutely wonderful, and never before had Viego felt such happiness. And a wedding was supposed to be all about happiness, but in truth, there was an even greater emotion present on this day: relief. He'd had nightmares, leading up to their wedding day, that he would again find Lilium cold and bloody in her bed, that they would be doomed to repeat this cycle of having happiness taken from them just when it felt to be in reach.

But nothing bad happened, at all. Alexander was gone, and there were no other enemies who would wish to harm them. Lilium was bright and smiling all day, and she looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress. Viego had shed a tear, as she walked down the aisle, and they'd exchanged vows with the love of two lifetimes, and they'd kissed as if they were each other's air.

The ceremony and wedding party were wonderful, and passed by as if in a blur. He took her back to his home then - their home now - and sighed in happiness at Lilium's sweet words. Finally, they were husband and wife... and soon, she would be a vampire, too, and then nothing would ever come between them again.

He pulled her in close, by the waist, and kissed her, first lightly, just gentle nips and soft kisses, and gradually they grew more and more passionate. His hands trailed down the soft curves of her waist, even more beautiful than ever in her wedding dress. Skilled fingers came up to the buttons on her back and slowly began to undo them, one by one, exposing the beautiful skin on her neck and lower and lower and lower on her back. He'd waited so long for this moment... he could show her all his love now, in touch, in service, and indulge in her. He wanted her desperately, a want like nothing he'd ever known before, but-

"Are you certain?" He murmured. It was expected, of course, for a wife and husband to make love on their wedding night, but if Lilium didn't want it, then Viego would not force her. All he wanted, all he needed, was to share his life with her. Only her happiness mattered - anything else, he, too, could do without.

Soleil stirred and opened her eyes when she heard her name like a whisper in the night. Oh... It was Azula, again. Despite her weakness, her heart beat faster still, at the sight of her. These dreams were the most pleasant, and she came to look forward to them over the days of her illness. And she knew they were dreams, for why would the lady be here, at all? Sometimes Soleil thought she must have fabricated this love, so much that she dreamt of it every night, but surely Azula had forgotten her already. Not to mention, her town was far away, and it was far too strange for such an important person to travel so many hours, just to sit in her room for a couple hours at night. Azula never came to call on her during the day, after all.

But these dreams were pleasant, and brought Soleil a strange sense of comfort. Azula's touch - and of course, her kisses - always sent her heart racing. She was gentle, and sweet, and had a mysterious twinkle in her eye, and a smile that teased she knew more than she was letting on. And somehow, when she said things like this - that she would get better soon, that she would still be stronger, that they would one day dance together again - Soleil believed her. She did not believe her family when they said the same, but somehow, Azula spoke with such confidence, that it made Soleil hopeful again.

"You really think so?" Soleil murmured. She wanted to hear her say it, again and again, to quell the fear in her heart. For even though she believed Azula, she also knew she was going to die. It was strange like that - that she believed these two opposing ideas, oncoming death and also recovery - and she couldn't explain it at all, but it just felt so certain. Maybe, this was God speaking to her through a dream, and promising her eternal life after this one.

2021/07/30 12:31:36 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

It felt like Lilium had been waiting for this moment forever... She did not hesitate in kissing Viego back when he leaning into her, pressing his lips against hers.
His kisses went to sweet and gentle to more passionate and long, and the woman was more than happy with it. They were married, and this was acceptable even from societies point of view now. Not that the couple cared about that, really... their love far surpassed time itself even.
Lilium could feel her husband's hands undoing the buttons on her back, and she did not stop him. Still, as wonderful and kind as Viego was, he paused, and asked for her permission.
"Of course I'm certain." The woman whispered back lovingly, and gave a playful smile, "I've been waiting so very long for this.." They loved each other dearly, in every which way, so why shouldn't they make love on this beautiful night-?
This.. this should have been what happened all those years ago as well. In Camavor.. They would have married, and then they'd live together in their castle and make love in the midst of the night..
It was still so sad to think about , but the past could not be changed. What mattered was right before her, holding her and giving her all the love in the world...

"Think so? Oh, I know so. Don't worry about a thing... Soon, we shall dance again." Soleil would be back in full health.. well, that was one way to put it anyway. There would be a lot of things that the woman would need to get used to, things so different from her normal life, but.. she'd be stronger than ever before.
The vampire wondered, briefly, how she'd react to coming back as someone without a heart beat. It would be strange, but would she be angry? Perhaps she'd realize at some point, that it was actually Azula who killed her and took her normal life away. It was a possibility for certain, but after her funeral, what could she do about it anyway? She would not be able to return to her family, not after being put away in a coffin..
Even if Soleil was angry or upset with her, Azula could hardly care. It might be a little upsetting, but they'd have all the time in the world, so surely the new vampire would get over it at some point. So, wouldn't it be alright? Together, they'd spend the rest of eternity...
"You just need to overcome this difficult part. But I assure you, things will get better soon enough." Whether or not Soleil trusted her words now didn't make any difference. In the end, she'd turn into a vampire, and spend forever with her.
"And when you get better, you will live a life of happiness and luxury." Perhaps her human life had been a happy one. Luxurious for certain, perhaps not so much as it would be in the future. Either way..
"Tell me, what is it that you desire? Things that you could not have under your parent's rule." The vampire pressed, smirking playfully. Surely Soleil would enjoy the freedoms that came with becoming a vampire.
As she waited for an answer, she leaned forward and took in her appearance more clearly. Ah, the poor dear really did look as if she'd pass any moment now... Perhaps one or two more days. Then, eternity.
She kissed her, gently, on the lips, but only for a brief moment before pulling away. Once she was fully turned, they could kiss more openly, and more passionately as well, without worrying about anything whatsoever.

2021/08/01 3:08:57 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"I love you, so much..." Viego murmured. His heart filled with the most wonderful warmth as he kissed her, and when she told him that yes, she was certain, that she wanted this. He knew she would say so - and yet it filled him with relief, too, to hear her say it. To know it to be true. His life had been filled with sadness ever since Lilum's death, and he'd been tortured by fear ever since she came back to him. But now they would be together, forever, united by their love. It felt as though finally, Viego could live.

He kissed her again and again as he undressed her, peeling the beautiful wedding dress off of her like the most wonderful present. He delighted in unwrapping her and taking in the sight of her skin, of her curves, of her breasts. He'd be gentle with her, always. Or at least this first night, and until she wanted something else from him. But until then, he would kiss her with the love that had lain dormant in him for hundreds of years, worshiping her like his own goddess of love. For nothing else mattered in the world, apart from her. Apart from them.

He helped her undress him, too. Her shy hands tugging on his clothes. He slid his shirt off of himself, and let it fall, forgotten, to the floor. He was already hard, and wanted her so badly, but he would take his time. He'd waited for so long - he could wait for a few minutes more. He kissed her, deeply, and once she was bare before him, he gently pushed her down onto their marital bed, hovering close above her.

His hands trailed down her waist, and he played with her most intimate warmth to prepare her for him. She was already wet and aching, and still Viego pleased her, until she was quaking. Only then did he enter her, whispering words of love that only she would ever hear. And they made love for the first time, and it filled them both as true love always does. And when she was ready, he leaned down and bit her, and her blood was the sweetest thing in the universe - second only to the knowledge that soon they would be together forever.

"Mm..." Soleil nodded a little as she listened to Azula's words. She really did believe her, when she said all these things. That she would get better and stronger still. She just hoped it would come soon, for at this point, death was beginning to feel like a welcome option, if only to get away from this pain and suffering.

As for what she desired- was there anything? She had everything she'd ever want. Apart from freedom, that is. Her parents loved her, and provided for her, and Soleil had want of nothing. And though she had no interest in marrying, or having children, or anything like that, she'd known all her life that it was inevitable, so she'd never even dreamt to fight it. But now... if Azula was asking... well, she supposed there was something that she desired. Something she'd never dared to put into words, to confide in another person. No one apart from Azula, that is.

"I want to be myself." Soleil whispered. "To love who I love, and be loved in return..."

She kissed her, then. And the kiss sent Soleil's heart racing, and she knew that if there was anything she could ask for, it would be this. She was dying, and yet she was happy, in this lovely fantasy of hers. She no longer knew whether this was real or not - but it did not matter. It was real enough to her, in any case. The feeling of Azula's lips against hers, and the effect it had on her... those were both real enough, and offered her comfort in what were surely her final days.

Soleil fought it for as long as she could, for she wanted to stay with Azula, but ultimately she gave in to sleep. She could barely keep her eyes open anymore, and she slept through most of the day as well. It was a shame, but she really could not help it... But her last thought, and the last thing she saw, as she fell asleep, was Azula, and it filled her with comfort.

2021/08/05 5:04:57 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

It felt as if Lilium had been waiting for this moment forever. But oh, how wonderful it felt, to finally be together like this-! To finally be husband and wife, to finally make love for the very first time, and.. to finally become a vampire, so that she may stay by her love's side forevermore.

The woman was not afraid of turning. It was her destiny, really, and any pain was soothed by the fact that after this, she'd be with Viego forever. She'd go through this a hundred times again, if only she knew that-!

And finally, she awoke.

The woman slowly sat up in bed, and stared around the room in awe for a slight moment. It was as if she was seeing for the very first time.. how clear everything was-! How bright, how colorful! Every little detail in everything, she could see. And.. oh, she could hear so well too.. Birds chirping in the distance, a maid down the hall...

Lilium slowly turned to look down at her husband, and gazed at him fondly. How beautiful he was-! "Is this how you've always seen me..?" She murmured gently, and leaned down to stroke his cheek gently. They were both still bare, but she did not feel cold nor uncomfortable. In fact, she felt absolutely wonderful, and so very strong! A little hungry, perhaps, but that was all.. Drinking blood might be a little strange for her at first too, but surely she'd get used to it..

"My love, good morning." She hummed, giving him the brightest smile. "Everything is so clear now, and I can hear so well.. Say my name, darling, I wish to hear everything from your lips.."

She was dreaming, now.

Or, that was probably what Soleil thought. It was cute in a way, but also a little sad, seeing the horrid state she was in. No matter. She could not achieve immortality without this phase first, so she'd need to put up with this a little longer. "You're doing so well. What a strong girl you are.." The vampire cooed.

Her desire was amusing, and interesting to say the least. "Is that so..?" Perhaps Azula could not help with the first part - that is, letting her love who she loved, since she certainly wouldn't be leaving the vampire any time soon - but she'd be loved. Love. Such a silly, and fragile thing.. one that she hadn't thought she'd experience before, not even in this long life of hers...

"And you will have it." She finally responded, her lips curling into a slight smile.

The poor woman could no longer keep her eyes open, and soon enough, fell into sleep once more.

"Next time, you will wake up by my side." And with that, the vampire left.


Soleil was dying.

Every single day, Lady Rien went to her daughter's room hopeful that she was feeling at least marginally better. But, alas, her sickness only continued to get worse and worse... until the woman was absolutely sure of it. One of these days, Soleil would pass.

And so she stopped everything she usually did during her days, and spent every waking moment with her daughter. Sometimes she could not even find the words to speak to her, how saddened she was every time she saw her poor state, but.. she did try her best, to give her small happiness in these last remaining days of hers.

She never stopped praying, of course. But it seemed as if the Gods were not listening, and the woman fell into despair. She tried to appear strong for her daughter, and still hoped, dearly, for some miracle.

Emily burst out into tears often, whenever she saw her sister. She could not help it, but always tried to give a watery smile in hopes it would make things a little better. Lady Rien could not keep Emily away, either, of course; how could she? Who knew how much longer they'd have Soleil in this world..? And so, even if she cried often, Emily was allowed to stay with her sister.

The maid, too, could not hold her tears back sometimes. But at least she tried to cry when her back was turned , so that Lady Soleil would not see.

"Would you like to hear another story, my darling?" Lady Rien whispered gently to her daughter, who was in bed, weak as ever. She had lost so, so much weight.. she looked skeletal. Her hair was limp , and she barely moved anymore. She.. her beautiful daughter.. If only she could help her feel better, some how.

If only...

But all she could do was pray, and try to do everything her daughter asked for. The least she could do was that..

2021/08/05 6:45:59 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego watched his wife as she slept, peacefully, by his side. Last night's passions and love still flowed through his veins, and he admired her in this beautiful and gentle morning. Surely Lilium was exhausted after last night. The excitement of their wedding day, the novelty of their physical love, but most of all, surely the turning had tired her out. But that was alright - he would let her sleep, for as long as she wanted. They had all the time in the world.

But Lilium stirred besides him, and opened her eyes with a new sparkle to them. She'd always been beautiful, but now she glowed with that ethereal beauty all vampires had. It had seemed impossible, but here she was - even lovelier than she'd ever been before.

"Good morning, my heart. My Lilium. My darling." Viego smiled as he watched her take in the world for seemingly the first time. "How do you feel...? Are you- hungry?"

She was surely hungry. Viego worried, a little, about how she would adjust to having to drink blood. They'd talked about it at length before, about all their love and all the changes Lilium would go through, once she was a vampire. And she'd seen him drink blood plenty of times, after all, so hopefully it would not be frightening in the slightest. Only- different. That it might take some getting used to. Viego sat up, and leaned in close to his darling wife to steal a kiss from her.

"I'll be right back. Wait for me, my love?" Viego murmured. He did not want her to get out of bed yet. They could spend all day in here together, if only she wanted it, too. He lingered, and, unable to resist, stole another kiss from her, before he finally got up and out of bed. He retrieved the carafe of blood he'd prepared the night before (1) and brought it back to their bedside.

He poured the thick red liquid into a wine glass, and sat down on the bed besides her. Slowly, he lifted the glass up to her lips. "Here," he whispered, coaxed. "Drink."

If she felt stronger now than she did before, it would still be nothing in comparison to how she'd feel after her first drink. Even if she hesitated now, before the first sip, she would soon grow to love the taste, and drink eagerly.

Soleil felt weaker and weaker with each passing day. She stopped eating, almost entirely. She didn't leave the bed anymore, and relied on Ruth, or her mother, or anyone else to help her with the most basic actions. She slept a lot - nearly all day. Even in her waking state, she was at best half-conscious. She was too tired, usually, to reply to questions. Or sometimes, she barely understood what was being said to her. Mother stayed with her nearly all the time, now. She even slept in the armchair in her room. Emily and her brothers came often, too. Her father and Ruth, and even Thomas. But it was Mother who stayed with her for days on end. Soleil had never known she loved her this much...

"Mother..." She murmured. She didn't even know what she had asked of her. She didn't even know what she would say. But her mother's voice comforted her. She liked it when she read to her, if only to hear that familiar sound, the first voice she'd ever known. To come into this world, and to leave it, both by her Mother's side... She knew it was cruel, for a parent to watch their child die, but Soleil, frightened, wanted nothing more than to be with her Mother as she passed.

And she listened to the gentle, melodious voice as she read her another story. That quiet, shaking voice, that would soon be accompanied by sobs. And the words all seemed to slur together in Soleil's head, and she closed her eyes and listened, listened without understanding, for what felt like hours, or seconds, or half an eternity. She listened, and thought of her mother, and family, and Azula, and of all the love she'd experienced in her short lifetime. And with the sadness came peace, neither that she could express, until finally, Soleil took her last breath, and her soul quietly slipped away.

(1) sooo it could literally be on the bedside table? i think that would be convenient! BUT on the other hand blood needs to be refrigerated or else it will clot. so maybe its kept somewhere cooler? like in the basem*nt or something? but we dont need to be scientifically accurate so IDK what you want so i kept it vague lol. you can decide if you want viego to have left the room or not!

2021/08/06 12:09:34 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[ Ohh wait thats a good point, I love that you mentioned it!! So yeah it could be somewhere cooler like in the basem*nt, that's perfect! ... also sol's post made me so sad :( ]]

Ah, how she loved her husband. It was amazing, how she could love someone this much, and how her love for him only grew with each passing day. Somehow, he sounded even sweeter than usual.. It was heavenly. Even if she had to drink blood, even if she could no longer enjoy human food, even if she burned very easily in the sun.. she didn't care. It was worth everything, to be here with her love forevermore.

Viego asked if she was hungry, and she slowly nodded. She did feel hungry, but.. part of her was hoping to avoid this topic for as long as possible. Oh well, she supposed if she got this over with now, she could get used to it more quickly...

She eagerly kissed him back, when he leaned in to kiss her. "Of course, I'm waiting for you, my love." Lilium hummed, watching the man as he got up and dressed quickly. It was okay to admire him so openly, wasn't it? After all.. they belonged to each other.

Lilium continued to lounge in their bed, ever so happily. How wonderful this new life of hers was-! Even the soft silk sheets felt even softer against her pale skin now..

Her husband returned, and brought a glass of blood to the bed, and held it up to her lips. She pouted a bit, looking over at her love for a moment. The thought of drinking blood made her feel so strange.. she didn't like the thought at all, but.. it smelled so, so good...

If she closed her eyes, she could pretend it was something else.

So, she did just that, and slowly drank the blood given to her. It was thick, and... and absolutely delicious. Lilium licked her lips afterwards, and opened her eyes, but again was overcome with that strange feeling.

"Let's call it cranberry juice for now." Lilium suggested afterwards, giving her husband a sheepish smile.

"...And so the fair maiden went into the castle.." Lady Rien spoke, reading to her sickly daughter. But she noticed now, that Soleil was not responding at all, or even making any slight movements. The woman almost at once fell into intense panic, her heart breaking. Something felt terribly, terribly wrong.. "..S-Soleil..?" She whispered out. She stood up at once, the book she had been reading falling to the floor, forgotten.

"Soleil. Say something.." She murmured, going to touch her daughter's cheek. She was still warm, her eyes shut, but.. she was not breathing.

Her daughter had passed, right before her eyes.

"N-No.. no, this can't be. Soleil, my darling daughter.. Please, open your eyes. Just for a moment.." She stammered, voice quivering with despair. She leaned down and placed her head on Soleil's chest, listening.. listening..

There was no heartbeat.

She was gone, forever, and there was no way to bring her back.

"N-No-!" She cried out, standing up in her despair. She felt tears well up in her eyes like never before, and her heart completely shattered. "Soleil.. Soleil... I'm so sorry.." Sorry she could not save her, sorry she had not been the perfect mother to her. If only she could go back in time, if only she could.. if she could do something. If only she hadn't made her work so hard everyday. If only, if only-!

But it was too late.

No amount of 'if onlys' would ever bring her daughter back.

Lady Rien fell to her knees by her daughter's bed and sobbed, openly, for perhaps the first time in her life.

"M-My Lady-! Is everything-?" Ruth rushed into the room, alongside Emily. They stood in the doorway, frozen in place, as they took in the scene before them. Ruth almost immediately started to cry, and Emily, still young, rushed to her sister's side. "Sol... Mother, Soleil.. she's...?"

No words could be said now, in this moment.

The commotion brought even more people into the room, including Thomas, and Lady Soleil's brothers and father. They all looked on at Soleil, now perfectly still in her bed.

No one knew what to say, no one knew what to do. They were all frozen in place, crying, wondering if they could have changed this horrid fate somehow. The world would surely be a dimmer place, without their Soleil to brighten it up each day..

Someone tried to take Lady Rien out of the room, for it was surely heartbreaking for her to stay here longer, right next to her daughter's body. But she pushed them away, and cried out in anguish, "Leave me! Leave me with my daughter! I just want her to come back to me..." And so she stayed there, by her daughter's side, and no one tried to take her away again.

2021/08/06 11:25:42 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[[sobs it made me super sad too Dx POOR SOL AND HER FAM]]

Viego could see the hesitation in Lilium's visage, but that was alright. Drinking blood would take some getting used to, but she would surely manage, and feel better about it soon. She'd come to love the taste of it, and would know just how important it was to her to feel better. Even if it took a while to get used to, it would be alright. He'd support her on this journey for however long she needed.

She drank, and Viego thought maybe she already enjoyed the taste. He smiled at her little quip, amused and impressed, as always, by her humor and her bright outlook on the world. "Yes," he agreed, "Cranberry juice. You needn't fret about anything at all - I will provide for you."

She did not need to drink from living victims, if she did not want to. Not now, not ever. They had a system in their vampire society about how to acquire sustenance with ease. Viego would take care of everything. All Lilium had to do was let him take care of her. He set the glass down on the bedside table - if she wanted more, he would give it to her, gladly, but he thought that perhaps this was enough for her first taste. Perhaps she was sated enough for now, and there was no need to rush with how much she drank in this moment.

Viego peeked out at her from the side at her, smiling. "And how do you feel? There's something I want to show you, my love. A wedding gift, for you. But it's a little ways away, and I am not sure if you feel up for traveling so far today. What do you think?" Viego was practically bursting with excitement to show her - to tell her. He wasn't sure he could keep the secret inside of him for much longer, and though he wanted it to be a surprise - he also wanted Lilium to know right now, and thought he wouldn't mind telling her after all.

Although Camavor had long since fallen, the castle in which they'd lived still stood, albeit in ruins. He'd looked into it a long time ago, and made claims to the ruins, as the descendant of the king who had once lived there. It had been easy, with his status, and now he again owned his castle - their castle. He'd hired some people to start renovating, and last he'd visited, the castle was already in much better shape than before. It stood rather empty now, but at least it was whole. It was nice enough, now, for them to work on it, to fill it with furniture and paintings and to hire servants to help them live there, if only they wanted. He wasn't sure whether Lilium would want to move there, so far away from her family, but he thought she would like the idea. She'd have to see it with her own eyes first, though, before they made any final decisions.

"What do you say? Will you allow me to steal you away for our honeymoon?"


At Tochter, on Aug. 7th, after a short illness, Soleil, beloved daughter to Lord and Lady Rien, aged 22 - R.I.P.

The funeral took place three days after the obituary had appeared in the paper. It still felt like a dream, that she was gone. For the illness had appeared as suddenly as it had taken her life, and there had scarce been time to let it all soak in. She'd been alive and well just three weeks ago, after all. It had taken her life far too quickly, and the shock of it all still felt unreal.

The Rien family and all the funeral guests were dressed in black mourning clothes. Lady Rien still wept, and dabbed her eyes constantly with a handkerchief. Her husband stood stony-faced and lost besides her. Emily stood with her brothers, who had taken her in while their mother grieved, clinging desperately to what was left of their siblinghood, with their eldest sister gone.

Soleil was dressed in white, like a bride for the wedding she'd never had. The delicate lace dress was beautiful, and she looked beautiful in it, pale and solemn and still. More beautiful than she'd been in her last days of life, feverish and lost and covered in sweat. She was still as thin as she'd been then, but the peace that came with death returned to her her dignity, and she almost looked herself again. Almost as if she were only asleep. Almost.

The priest spoke softly, sweetly, about life and its uncertainty. Of how God called all His children to him eventually, and of how only the pure die young. Of how, tragic as it was, she was surely in a better place now, with no illness, and no sadness, and that she would look down upon her loved ones here on earth, and keep watch over them like a guardian angel. And that they would never need miss her, for she would always be with them, in their hearts.

And the service came to an end, and they said good-bye to their daughter for the last time, and closed the casket. And they carried it out to the family catacomb in the graveyard, and put her away in a stone grave.

2021/08/07 5:39:47 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Viego was as sweet and kind as always. Really, Lilium was as happy as can be..

"Thank you." She said with a smile, always appreciating how sweet he was. She would drink from him, then. She didn't need to worry about, uh.. acquiring this cranberry juice on her own. She need only trust her husband.

"Oh! A wedding gift, you say? ..Now I'm excited." The woman said, looking at her love curiously. He said they'd need to travel.. so , they would be going somewhere together? The newly turned vampire really couldn't guess where they'd be going, though.. Whatever it was, wherever in the world they went, it would be wonderful, she knew.

"Of course, darling. I have all the strength in the world now, too." She grinned, proudly. She had to admit, she was pretty happy with how she was dealing with everything. She was now a vampire, and she had initially thought that the change would be difficult.. but so far, everything seemed wonderful. Apart from the strangeness of drinking blood, but she'd surely get used to that in time.

In any case, now that Viego mentioned it, there was no way she could stay in bed and continue wondering about this gift of his! Oh, but.. if only she had a gift for him in return. She thought to paint him something, but in her fear of dying once again before their wedding, she stayed close to him whenever possible..

Perhaps she'd paint him something soon anyway, even if it was a bit late.

"Steal me away, my sweet love.." She hummed, laughing in her joy.

Azula had heard about the funeral. She was not surprised, of course, and instead smiled to herself at the realization that soon enough, Soleil would be by her side.

She did not think she would attend the funeral, but found herself hidden in the shadows during it anyway. Watching from afar, listening to all of the sweet, mournful words being spoken... It was almost laughable, how the priest's words were so different from reality, at least in this case. Soleil would not be in any heaven.. no, she'd be by Azula's side, forevermore, as a vampire. ...She supposed it could be a 'heaven', if Soleil was truly that happy with her, though.

And when the funeral came to end, the vampire stood only a moment longer, watching as the poor family cried amongst themselves. A shame, really, but Azula could not find it within herself to be too upset about that. She was selfish, and she always made sure to get what she wanted... No matter what. No matter who was hurt in the process...


It was during the very late hours of the evening in which Azula decided to go and fetch Soleil. She had spent most of her time after the funeral preparing for her arrival, getting blood ready, and making sure her room was in perfect condition.

The cool night air brushed against her pale skin as she walked through the graveyard, eyes glimmering slightly in her excitement under the light of the moon.

Here she was, in this cold stone catacomb.

Azula made her way inside, heels clicking against the flooring.

She stopped in front of Soleil's stone grave, and removed the top with ease.

If she still had a heart beat, it would surely hammer against her chest now, as she looked down upon Soleil's casket. How lovely... After all of this time, she'd finally stay by her side.

Without hesitation, the vampire slowly uncovered the casket, and looked down upon the woman with a small smirk. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful in her white dress... Perhaps she was decorated so beautifully , for her?~ How fitting! She knew that was not truly the case, but it was lovely, how she seemed dressed as if she were to be wed... She looked gorgeous, but still thin, still unwell. She would need to drink some blood, and afterwards, she'd surely become strong again.. stronger than she'd ever felt before.

"Soleil...~ Wake up." She hummed gently, voice hardly above a whisper.

The vampire had blood prepared for her, and as she waited, she took it out of the small bag she had brought with her, and poured it into a goblet she brought along. Of course, she'd bring something like this along with her. It was Soleil's awakening, the start of her new life, the beginning of eternity. She would drink out of the finest cup she had.

Setting the goblet now filled with blood aside, she looked back into the casket, and held her hand out. "Come, Soleil."

2021/08/07 7:04:58 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Viego beamed at his wife's adorable reaction. Lilium really was the sweetest, lighting up like that at his mention of a wedding gift. Or was it the traveling together, that made her so happy? They had all the time in the world now, and as a married couple they could spend all of it together. It had been painful, being apart from her while they courted, but now that they were united in holy matrimony, they need never be apart again...

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her once again. He couldn't help it - Lilium was the sweetest thing in the universe, and he'd spend the rest of eternity kissing her if he only could! But alas, the excitement of showing her their castle was too great, and was just what he needed to get him out of bed. They'd have to pack, just a little bit, for their trip, and honestly, Viego really wanted to leave today, to show her as soon as possible.

"Why don't we go wash up?" Viego suggested, playfully pulling Lilium up and out of bed. They were both still bare, and covered in the remnants of their love from the night before. They could help each other wash, as another show of their love for one another, this time gentler, more innocent... And then they could pack, and be on their way, to see the home that had been and again would be their home.

They had a whole eternity to spend together, to show their love for one another in the sweetest of ways. They were already off to a wonderful start, on this lovely morning, the day after their forever union... And for the first time in centuries, Viego found that he couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring. He'd look forward to every day with a smile, because he knew he would have Lilium by his side. And come sun or rain, they would face it together, and love one another through it all.

Soleil's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her name. "Azula-?" She murmured, as she gazed up at the familiar, smiling face.

Where was she? She felt- strange. As though she'd just woken up from a deep, deep sleep. As though she'd never truly ever been awake until this moment; as though her entire life had been nothing but a dream up until this very point. She felt more alive now than she ever had before. Stronger, though she still felt weak. It must have been the middle of the night, and she was encompassed by darkness, but still, she could see so clearly with these eyes of hers...

Soleil reached out her hand to grab hold of Azula's outstretched one. She pulled her up to her feet, and helped her climb out of the- the casket, Soleil realised, but for some reason it didn't strike any fear into her heart. She hardly thought of it at all, so focused was she on Azula, and the touch of her hand against hers. Now, the two women stood side by side, so close that, if Soleil leaned in just a breadth closer, they could kiss...

"Drink this." Azula murmured as she brought a chalice up to Soleil's lips.

She took the goblet obediently into her hands with barely a second thought. The wine - no, the blood, Soleil knew instinctively - tasted so wonderful, so much better than anything she'd ever tried. The last memories she had of food were of that taste like ash; but this blood tasted like spring, and happiness, and love, and life. She drank greedily, down to the very last drop, and only then did she give the chalice back. Already she felt stronger, her mind more clear.

And she looked at Azula and smiled.

2021/08/08 5:55:46 PM EDT

Till Death do us Part (Viego Ball RP) (Vampire Azula x Noble Sol) - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.