The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

A and! Protessional Cards fastness DR. MOSS, 1: DENTIST 10a E. Main Street, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA HUGH F. SIMMS, of Albemarle Ca, Ivy Depot, la. work dived 96-58.

prompt and attention. Phone All COMPANY CHINESE LAUNDRY Pint Satisfaction Work Guarantees (Gloss or Linen Street, Finish, 114 Main A. V. CONWAY, NOTARY PUBLIC Mala Street, Charlottesville; Va. M.

AL. VAN DOREN, Depaty Surveyor, Albemarie Co All work executed promptly. Surveying Levels, Grades. Phone 964Y Charlottesville, Va. Phone A Night Phone 10 G.

A. Revercomb, Gee at W. A. Irving's Livery Stable! Charlottesville, Va, 0. DOW, PIANO TUNER.

Piano Goaranteed. Your patronrespecttully Liare orders as Payne's Made Store A. H. ROSEN, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver ALL GOODS BOLD ENGRAVED FREE W. Main Charlottesville, 1 If You Have Eye Trouble, will pay you to call on A HUGHES, 0.

P. 1108 E. Market Street. Once Hours 9 a. mn.

to 12 m. wept29.1 Hugh D. Via D.C., Phone 703. 603 W. Main 'St.

Investigate Chiropractic. octs-1m. Insurance FIRE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, PLATE Money to lead on easy terns. E. F.

DINWIDDIE. I Fresh Bulbs. Narcissus, Roman Hyacinths, etc. alas. Ferns, Rubber Plants, AsparaCat Flowers and Designs.

Cad and see them. L. A. KING' Florist, (FOURTEENTH STREET. Clothes Pressed A and ap to look By 1 month or prece Ward, 245 W.

Main Street Albyn Pressed Stone Co. Manufacturers of ancrete Ballding Blocks, Bricks Office: 200 E. Main' de Charlottesville, Va; NIMROD WINGFIELD REA BuILdING. ST. FOR SALE: Near the University." Eight- Room attached, 68,000, Easy with terms.

large let Applyito, Fine L. G. HADEN, Pres't PARK PLACK COMPANY 4. Water Homes Folders 1912. It la suarested that any.

reader of our paper who to entertain boarders for the ensuing WINTER MONTHS faroish Mr. L. 8. General Agent, Boutbera Railway.1 703 Mifteenth Street, N. Wasbington, Immediate Information to name of resort, post office addres Of Dear what nation, If pot Sat station what distance from station, conveyaDce from Btation to bouse, number of guests, terms per day.

week and month. We all would be pleased the country full of hoarders next winter and woald be glad it this police will Induce Increased bomber of persons who will accommodate them the coming winter months. This information aboald. reach Mr. Brown pot later than Aaruss 1911, August as 8rd the and folder any roes requests to press on later than, the Lat I will not be verted.

Real Estate Bargains for No. 1-61-3 acres. Nice sarburban bore just cut of corporation. Large abady Well of Ape water, Good 3 room two story dwelling: la' drat clams condition, Insured for $2500.00. Has commanding view.

of talos and all C. 0. trains. WIll take sold Na. 2-7 building lots with one 4 room dwelling and large barns sunable for stock or livery.

Insared for $1660.00. Kents for per month. Will sell for $8000.00. No, 8-150 acres 9 miles from this Ulty in Albemarie Co, 100 acres clear ed. 80 acres (doe bottom land.

WIll casily grow 1500 bushels of corn this year If seasonable, This la very fine land. Will sell 00 Cary terma for $3500,00. 4 No. 4-210 acres One trait Jand to Albenarie Ca, .1000 bearing frail trees. 6 room' dwelling.

room distant bouse. necessary out build150 acres cleared lapd. Home nice timber 6.0 miles from Ivy. WIn well on easy terms No, 5-46 acres mice level lacd. Has dine crop clover hav cut last room dwelling, 60 bearing fruit trees, on.

Fronts on main road. 61-2 miles from R. R. Price $1800.00 No. 6-206, acres level land all in timber.

6 miles from Scotterille. Fronts on main WIll sell to quick buyer for $1100.00.. room dwelling and lot AD City Insored for $3500 00, Will sell for $500.00 $50.00 cash per month No taxes or interest until paid No. 8-Several land bonds amountlog $2000.00, bearing interust at 6 per coot secured by Trust Deeds would lite to cash at discoant. Any of the above properties can be bought op reasonable terms is we owd same Address J.

R. ELAM, BOX 907,, 2 Charlottesville, Va Building a House. Ask anyone who has gone. through the house building business and they will tell you not to slight the plumbing and beating. Now, in heating and plumbing.

want you to understand that we can do anything in that line. We. have long experience, the most skillful workmen of the craft, and facilities for doing the work at moderate cost. 1 Another important feature is baring the work completed just when, it is wanted. 5 Bring in your.

plans and spectificationa and we won't charge a penny for an estimate of just how much we will do the work fon M. R. SMITH. Just Received a new lot of Fountain Syringes Quality Guaranteed A ROBT. E.

CLARK, Druggist, 713 West Main Street. 1 Apple Barrels We are now prepared to furnish advise orbar- rele dering for early apples. to avoid the trouble exand would perienced last Y. season. as you Can prefer.

furnish the Va. or N. size A. Birch Co. Address.

or 10 Charlottes- 22-2mo rile. Actual Starvation. Althougo Indigestion Dyspepale are so prevalout, most people du not uaderstand their cause and I care. There la no reason why most people aboald not eat, they desire they will only chew 18 carefully and thoroughly. Maay so tually starve res into nick through fear of salingevery good lax.

good-smelling, and food, because it does not agree with Tue best thing to do he told: yourwolf to digest any road food. We trelieve we can televe Dyspep. ela, We are so contidect of this fact that we guarantee and promise to the medicine free of all cost 10 every one who wul use it, who le not satisfied with the resalle which it produces. We exact Do proand put no oue under any obligation whalever. Burely, nothing could be fatrer, We are located right here and oct reputation should be sufScient amuraace of the genuineness of our after.

Wet want' every one troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia la any forDs to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Taketbem bone and give them a reasonable trial, according to directions, Then, it nos satiated, come to us and get your ay bact. They are very please take, they ald to sootbe, the Irritable stomach, to strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, and to promote healthy and natural bowel action, thus leading to perfect and digestion and assimilation, A 2c. package of Rexall Dyspe Taslets forniabed 15 days' treatment. In ordinary.

cases, this is sutlicient to produce. care. la, more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is necessary, and depends upon the verity of the trouble. For such cases, we bare two large sizes which sell for 64s. and $1.00.

Remember, you cau obtain Rexall Remedies to this munity oply at our store--The Rexall Biore. 8. Cosocellor Charlotte ville, Va. Often you'll get, in the store ads, your first information about some use. Tul device by which household tedium may be Thus the ads' have I a news 14 Facts About ladigestles and Its Relief That Should Interest you.

James Dahlmas, Mayer of Omaha, "Throws the Lariat" Mayor Jus. C. Dablman started his! career as a cowboy, and la at present Mayer of Omaha, and has the log record. Bberid of Dawes Co, three terms. Mayor of Chadron, two terms.

Democratio Nat'l' wan, eight rears; Savor of 0 cabl reare, and In 1910 Candidate for Governor of Nebraska, Writing to Foley Caicaco, be maya: bave taken Foley Kidney Pills and retter they Dave give me a great deal of cheerfally recommend Yours (signed) James C. DAHLMAN. For sale by all Druggists. Undoabted values are an undoubted attraction. The week in which you advertise- and offer- more of them than does any other store in your line is the week in which you should do more busness than any other store in your lines You are not experimenting on yourwell when you take C'oogb Remedy for a cold as that has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its 'remarkable cures for colde, sad can always be pended apon.

it to equally valuable for adults and ebiidren aud may be given to young children with implicit coati jenca as it contains 09 barmful drax. For sale by all Dealers Nine times out of ten merchan who does not advertise believes that It would pot PAY bimi And if he coaldn't make his HE'S RIGHT IT WOULDN'T PAY HIM TO Foley Kidney. Mits. Supply just Ingredients needed to bulld up, strengiben and restore tbe natural action of the kidneys and bladder, Hpecially prepared for sabe, beadache, per tiam and all kidacy, cladder and nary Irregularities. For sale by all Druggists.

The best store in this town would soon be hopelessly outclassed if, for any length of time, it failed TO MAKE IT PAY YOU TO READ ITS ADS! Albert's Headache Checkers give tostant relief sud permanently cure al beadaches, neuralgia, periodical pains Five doses 10 25 doses, 95 Mall orders 1 led by the Bloodine Corporation, Bostod, Zimmer. A Agenta, Lank Co. W. H. Steppe Special 5 The readers of this newspaper patronize stores that advertise- -for reasons of self-interest.

Don't trifle wild a bold 11 mad advice for prudent ineu and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There Is nothing belter than Champerlain's Cough Resuedy for coughs and colds to children, It la safe and sure. For sale by all Dealers. Shoppers expect, matter of course, chat a store which offers a lot of bargains will do a lot of advertising Woman loves clear, rosy the ica.

blood, Bardoct clears' the said, restores Blood Bitters ruddy, sound health. Hardwood Floors a A Co dally Dat (baie phs A one quart of mason sell sealing Jar. To this tour, ounces of finely cut beeswax. Adjust the lid and set in Shake It orcasionally is until berswax Nasolved and it the consistency thick cream.

Apply with rubbing thoroughly into and polish with: soft cloth after it is Easy to apply and, once used will noter be Fine, sis0, and painted doors. LOOKING. "Watching for your sweetheart!" "No: we're married now, It's the same thing, though. only that I have to watch until about midnight down 3. Raspberry Shortcake One quart four, two and one-balt teaspoons baking powder, two tantespoons butter, 000 two tablespoons sugar, two cups.

milk. Make thiek batter, spread in pan, and bake: when baked cut- making two cakes. Crusb one box: raspberries, spread between and on top of cake, and sprinkle sugar on, then walp pint of cream for top cake and serve. 'Can You Beat This? NONE MAN bare It that collie la most' of dogs, while the other stood up for the setter. once owned setter," declared the latter, "which was very Intelligents I had him on the street one day, and he acted so queerly about certain mad we met that I asked the man his name, that's ad old story!" the collie's adrocate broke in sneeringly.

"The man's name was Partridge, of course, and because of that the dor came to sot. Ho! Hol Come "You're mistaken," replied the other, suavely. "The dos didn't come quite to a set, though almost. As matter of fact, the man's name. was Quayle, and the dog hesitated on of the spelling." DIFFERENT LINE.

Mfr. De Wealth- I am leaving tow: for my MA Seeker--Do You always take your doctor's advice? Mr. De Wealth -This was my law. yer's advice. Broiled Flounders Clean and prepare flounders and leave in 'cold water at' bout before broiling.

slowly, about twenty, minutes. ATTaRKO on ban sauco: platter surrounded bye following Carp Sauce- Three tablespoonfall melted butter, three tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce, one third ta blaspoonful English, mustard and three. tablespoonfuls -hot water, Te melted butter add one-balf teaspoonful four, then gradually. add other ingredients. Add salt and pepper te taste.

Fried Mushrooms Soak pound of salt water two boure. Draio oneball bour. After they hare. bees drained the aball odes are to be left whole, the larger variety cut in balt Beat In two eggar place mushrooms into. the beaten then dredge with dour.

Fry deep, butter or frying a golden brown, ORANGE CHEESE CAKES the yellow rind from two orauges and boll in a saucepan of water until. der. Drain; and cold, to a paste with one -quarter of a pound each of powdered sugar and butter. When smooth add gradually the beaten yolks of eight eggs and one table spoonful each of brandy and sherry. Line some patty pans with paste.

mi with the mixture, and bake In quick. oren: PEACH 'AND SAGO PUDDING Soak one quarter of pound of sago over aigbt. In cold water. Pare one quart of peaches, put them to a buttered pudding-dish and pour over the sago. Add three tablespoonfuls of 00- gar and.

one. cupful of water, and take for an. hour 10 moderate oven. Serve hot with cream. YOU ARE GROWING YOUNGER MOTHER, BANISH THOSE GRAY HAIRS! Kill the Dandruff Germs- Stop Hair Falling Thousands of mothers are looking younger.

Their hairs gone. The natural color has come back, and with it a new growth of colt. glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should you look old before your time. when you can look years younger by using 5 Deadruft Cured: os applications WYETH'S and all tha tel SAGE SULPHUR scalp nad cloan, smooth.

HAIR Rochester, Croat, N. Y. REMEDY Win. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color can other Restorers have failed, don't eve up hope. but give WYETH'9 SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY a trial.

You run no riak. If it is not exactly 63 resented, your money will be refunded. PROFIT BY OTHERS' EXPERIENCE Gray Hals Rostered Grew two three my heir fallas out rapidly and troubled falling terrible Itebing at the the of head was full of dandruit. which fell About my clothes kept menthe ago I. brushing and and Rochester beard phur for bottle it used few saad four itching, my hair feller color.

fairie gradually He natural coming brown shall and Several friende what a while notice to use I want to knew for bottles of. M. STEPHEN Rosa. Mercer Co, Sec. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS I Your Wul Does Send Not Large Send the Express In Prepaid, Stamps, and We 74 CORTLANDT STREET Wyeth Chemical Company, NEW YORK CITY.

A Writhe this advertisem*nt with 10c la Soap Free to anyone FREE whe will wrapping and mailing the stamps to sever Recommended by Johnson Price, Special BARRELS! BARRELS! At the ACTUAL COST of making. Everybody in need, write me. Headliners, Corrugated Paper Caps, Barrel Shop at Barboursville. Address BOOTON HERNDON, DAWSONVILLE, VA. Look Here 3 salary and position through the help What the 1.

C. 8. done for them it will do for you. It will give you the right start, train you 10 advance in your present line, you to change to. an occupation chat suits your inclination, stark the coupon as directed and mail it The I.

C. 8. will advise you triely how to qualify for so adrance. This advice win cost- you nothing batt a stamp, and put you under, no obligation. If you are open to conviction, if you are ready to grasp the hand held out to you, do not be deterred by fear that you cannot succeed.

Really Wand Quick of the I. C. S. STUDY This Coupon 4 Son 4 Your father had it pretty hard in his day. There was no way for him, to the special: training essential to promotion.

With the opportunity offered young men of to day by the INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON. DENCE SCHOOLS, It's sary for pout It you don't get a high position and a good salary it's your i Today I. stadents are holding the mort bighly raid positions all. orer the country, as foremen, ad experts, Every month several hundred students voluntarily report increases in salary and position through the help of the I. C.

S. Now Is The Time! 1' 1. V. 4 Tr Bor Mining A..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.