Over 100 Truffle Recipes (2024)

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Written ByDorothy Kern

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Truffles are the perfect dessert all year long. Whether you’re making Christmas treats, Valentine sweets, or Easter candy, this list of over 100 Truffle Recipes is the perfect list of truffles to choose from.


Over 100 Truffle Recipes (2)

What’s the perfect gift to give on Valentine’s Day (or any holiday)? Truffles! And not just a chocolate one either – there are so many different versions out there your head might explode a little.

Come find the perfect truffle for your sweetheart (or for your next holiday platter) in this list of over 100 truffle recipes!

Hate dipping truffles? I know, me too. Come check out my video on how to dip truffles without crying.

In the meantime, drool your way through the list below!

Cookie Dough Truffles

Over 100 Truffle Recipes (3)

Taffy Truffles
Cookie Dough Truffles
Butterfingers Cookie Dough Truffles
Cookie Dough Truffles
Red Velvet Cookie Dough Truffles
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
Peppermint Truffles
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
Thin Mint Cookie Dough Truffles
Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Truffles
Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Truffles
Monster Cookie Truffles
Smores Cookie Dough Truffles
Cookie Raspberry Cookie Dough Truffles

Chocolate Truffles

Over 100 Truffle Recipes (4)

Nutella Truffles
Chocolate Malt Truffles
Chocolate Whiskey Truffles
Double Chocolate Truffles
Tiramisu Truffle
Chocolate Avocado Truffles
Chocolate Bourbon Truffles
Smores Truffles
Hot Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate Whiskey Truffles
Chocolate Peppermint Truffles
Ganache Truffles
Mexican Chocolate Truffles
Lavender Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate Coconut Truffles
Baklava Brownie Bombs
Truffle Stuffed Brownie Pops
Mocha Truffles

Truffles with Candy and Cookies

Over 100 Truffle Recipes (5)

Oreo Truffle Strawberries
S’more Oreo Truffles
Low Carb Gluten Free Thin Mint Truffles
Pretzel Oreo Cookie Balls
Truffle Petit Fours
Chocolate Oreo Truffles
Samoas Truffles
Date Fudge Truffles
Red Velvet Oreo Truffles
Ferraro Rocher Truffles
No Bake Golden Oreo Truffles
No Bake Oreo Truffles
Salted Nut Roll Truffles
Brownie Truffles
Mint Oreo Truffles
Chocolate Ice Cream Truffles
Chocolate Oreo Truffles
Peanut Butter Oreo Balls
Shortbread Cookie Truffles
Toffee Crunch Truffles
Sugar Cookie Truffles
Peanut Butter Oreo Truffles
Butterfingers Truffles

Truffles with Peanut Butter or Nuts

Peanut Butter Cup Truffles
Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles
Coconut Almond Butter Truffles
Chocolate Almond Truffles
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Truffles
Pecan Pie Truffles
3 Ingredient Cookie Butter Truffles
Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Truffles
Peanut Butter Crunch Truffles
Maple Nut Truffles
Pecan Butter Truffles
Fluffed Nutter Truffles
White Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffles
Matcha Coconut Butter Truffles

Fruit Truffles

Over 100 Truffle Recipes (7)

Coconut Cream Truffles
Banana Orange Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate Cherry Bombs
Chocolate Cherry Truffles
Apple Cinnamon Truffles
Strawberry Shortcake Truffles
Blueberry Lemon Truffles
Applesauce Truffles
Chocolate Cherry Creams
Raspberry Surprise Truffles
Raspberry Chocolate Truffles

Miscellaneous Truffles

Vanilla Cake Truffles
No Bake Cake Batter Truffles
Circus Animal Cookie Truffles
Red Wine Truffles
Root Beer Truffles
Cheesecake Truffle Pops
Coconut Cream Truffles
Gingerbread Truffles
Cake Batter Truffles
Chocolate Red Wine Truffles
Spiced Cookie Butter Truffles
Cookie Butter Truffles
Pink Velvet Cake Pops
Coconut White Chocolate Truffles
Funfetti Cake Balls
Twinkie Truffles
Bacon Potato Chip Truffles
How to Dip Truffles
Coconut Cake Truffles

Last Updated on February 2, 2023

Over 100 Truffle Recipes (8)

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

Learn More About Me

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  1. Where I get these truffles recpies

  2. you are a good cook!!!!

  3. Thanks so much! Your video tutorial was LIFE CHANGING!!!! I feel like an expert dipper thanks to you!

    1. I’m so glad!! 🙂

    2. Hello! Thanks for sharing so many truffle recipes! I’m planning to get some started for Valentine’s Day. Are Ghirardelli candy making & dipping wafers suitable or stick to the 3 you suggested? Thanks so much!

      1. Yes – Ghiradelli is totally acceptable! They’ll taste better too. And you can also use the baking chocolate bars if you don’t have melts lying around.

      2. Sooo many fabulous truffle recipes!! Thanks so much for including me!

      3. Oh…my…word! So many great recipes! Wow! Thank you so much for including me in the list!! <3

      4. YUMMY! This is such an amazing list, there are so many that I want to try! Thanks for including me Carrie & Dorothy!

      5. Thanks for including me! Although I am not good at dipping truffles, there are some amazing recipes here!

      6. I still need to try those delicious looking maple walnut truffles. Thanks for the post!

      7. Featured In

        Over 100 Truffle Recipes (9)

        Over 100 Truffle Recipes (10)

        Over 100 Truffle Recipes (11)

        Over 100 Truffle Recipes (12)

        Over 100 Truffle Recipes (13)

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Over 100 Truffle Recipes (2024)


What to do with whole truffles? ›

Grate truffles into wine or cream-based sauces, or shave them onto cooked pasta, scrambled eggs, or potato dishes.

How long do homemade truffles last? ›

Homemade truffles can last up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator and for up to 6 months in the freezer. For the best texture and flavor, bring them to room temperature before serving. Even if you're planning on gifting your chocolate truffles, be sure to store them in the fridge or freezer.

What should you do to give truffles a longer shelf life? ›

To extend a shelf life there are several options available. These include reducing the moisture, adding preservatives, reducing the water activity (Aw) and lowering storage temperature.

How do you firm up a truffle mixture? ›

If the mixture is getting too soft, put it in the fridge or freezer and let it firm up before continuing.

Why is truffle so addictive? ›

Truffles are underground fungi that have a mycorrhizal relationship with the host tree where they grow. They flourish slightly beneath the surface of the earth, growing on the roots of different trees. Truffles are irresistible because their aroma is composed of chemicals that mimic mammalian reproductive pheromones.

How much is 2 pounds of truffle? ›

On average, a white truffle, when in season, can cost anywhere from $150 to $1,000 per ounce or $2,400 to $6,000+ per pound.

How to tell if truffles have gone bad? ›

Fresh truffles should be firm, not spongey. Over time, they will gradually soften a little and there is nothing wrong with them at this point. But the carbohydrate within the truffle is breaking down, releasing moisture, and therefore, the precious aroma. If they become squidgy and wet – they have perished.

Can you freeze a truffle? ›

If you want to keep your truffles longer, it's best to freeze them . To freeze truffles and prevent them from becoming soft when consumed, place them unwashed , vacuum-packed in the freezer and grate them frozen into the preparation on the day of consumption.

Should truffles be refrigerated? ›

Remove your truffles from all of the packaging when they arrive with you. Place them in an airtight container (Tupperware box, glass jar, Ziploc bag) wrapped in kitchen towel. Close the lid tightly and put it in the warmest part of the fridge (generally the top-shelf).

What kind of chocolate is best for truffles? ›

Semi-sweet or dark chocolate make a very intense chocolate truffle and milk chocolate yields a sweeter truffle. If using milk chocolate, reduce the cream to 1/2 cup as milk chocolate is much softer than dark chocolate.

How do you get the most out of a truffle? ›

Grating or slicing truffles over a dish at the table looks impressive, but if you're trying to get the most flavour out of your truffle, then the best way is to add all of the truffle to your dish during cooking instead of saving some to garnish on top. This is because heat turbocharges the flavour of truffles.

What enhances truffle flavor? ›

Truffles and Eggs

Truffle and eggs are a classic combination. The mild, creamy flavor of eggs is a blank canvas for the intense aroma of truffles. Whether it's a simple truffle-infused scrambled egg or a sophisticated poached egg topped with thin shavings of black truffle, this pairing is always a winner.

How do you use jarred whole truffles? ›

How should I use it? Slice the truffle straight from the jar to use as a luxury garnish, or finely chop to add texture to your meal. We recommend trying on scrambled eggs, pasta or salads.

What can you make out of truffle? ›

Truffle recipes
  • Truffled parsnip & parmesan bruschetta. A star rating of 4.4 out of 5. ...
  • Truffle macancini. A star rating of 3 out of 5. ...
  • Truffle & parmesan roast potatoes. ...
  • Celeriac, hazelnut & truffle soup. ...
  • Truffle chicken & potato gratin. ...
  • Truffle-stuffed guinea fowl. ...
  • Truffle oil pomme purée. ...
  • Truffled Jerusalem artichoke soup.

Do you cook truffles or eat them raw? ›

Truffles should be eaten at the peak of ripeness (unripe truffles are not so flavourful). Black truffles are peeled and can be used raw or lightly cooked, while white truffles are just carefully wiped and cleaned and should never be cooked.

How long do whole truffles last? ›

For fresh truffles to be enjoyed at their best, they should be consumed within 4 to 5 days. The autumn variety of the black truffle, Tuber uncinatum, can retain its flavour for up to two weeks, but the highest-quality white and black truffles are best enjoyed within a few days of delivery.


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.